Forestry/ Natural Resources Advisor
Central Sierra Cooperative Extension1061 3rd Street
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150

I've been an extension forester for the Central Sierra since 2006 focusing on forest resilience from wildfire, drought and increasing disturbances. My work includes applied research, outreach and education on forest stewardship. In the last few years, I've developed a statewide forest stewardship education program, a post-fire education program, and started two new prescribed burn associations. I am a California Registered Professional Forester.
MS Forestry, University of Washington. 1993
BA Anthropology (honors), University of Iowa. 1986
- Outstanding Comprehensive Educational Program to Improve Management of Family Owned Forests
Presented by National Woodland Owners Association, 2022
- Outstanding Educational Materials Award - Newsletter or Series of Articles, Bronze Award
Presented by Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, 2022
- Outstanding Educational Materials Award - TV or Video, Bronze Award
Presented by Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, 2022
Forestry, wildfire, prescribed fire, post-fire recovery, adult education, facilitation, public participationAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Forest Trees and Products
- Program and Project Support, Administration, and Communication
- Program and Project Design, and Statistics
- Communication, Education, and Information Delivery
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Watershed Protection and Management
- Management and Control of Forest and Range Fires
- Management and Sustainability of Forest Resources
- Families, Youth, and Communities
- Youth Development
- Domestic Policy Analysis
Peer Reviewed
- Koundinya, Vikram; Chiarella, Cristina, et al. (2025). Building Resilience to Public Safety Power Shutoffs Through Public Education. Journal of Extension. 63:1, 17.
- Wilkin, Kate M.; Stasiewicz, Amanda M, et al. (2024). Private landowner interest in prescribed fire in California: findings from workshops in the Sierra Nevada. Fire Ecology. 20:1, 16.
- Wilkin, K.M.; Staciewicz, A.M., et al. (2023). Findings from private lands prescribed fire workshops in the Sierra Nevada, California. In review. 26 p. October.
- Kocher, Susan D.; Wade, Daylin (2022). Effects of post-fire timber harvest and mastication on shrub regrowth in the Sierra Nevada mountains: A Lake Tahoe case study. Northwest Science. 95:3, 260-275.
- Koundinya, Vikram; Chiarella, Cristine, et al. (2020). Disasters Happen: Identifying Disaster Management Needs of Cooperative Extension System Personnel. Journal of Extension. 58:5. October.
- McMahon, Devin; Axelson, Jodi, et al. (2020). Mass Tree Mortality, Fuels, and Fire: A Guide for Sierra Nevada Forest Owners. UCANR Publication. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 8683, 20.
- Restaino, Christina; Kocher, Susan, et al. (2020). Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. SP-20-11, 20.
- Waks, Lulu; Kocher, Susan D., et al. (2019). Landowner Perspectives on Reforestation following a High-Severity Wildfire in California. Journal of Forestry. 117:1, 30-37.
- Marshall, Adrienne; Kocher, Susan, et al. (2017). Adapting Forests to Climate Change. Forest Stewardship Series #25. UCANR Publication 8574, 14.
- Kocher, Susan D.; Butsic, Van (2017). "Governance of Land Use Planning to Reduce Fire Risk to Homes Mediterranean France and California." Land 6(2): 24.
- Safford, Hugh D.; Sawyer, Sarah C., et al. (2017). Linking knowledge to action: the role of boundary spanners in translating ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and The Environment.S. Jackson, C. Enquist and G. Garfin. 15:10, 560–568. December.
- Shive, Kristen; Kocher, Susan (2017). Recovering from Wildfire, A Guide for California's Forest Landowners. UCANR Publication. Davis, CA, University of California Division Agriculture and Natural Resources. 8386, 18.
- Ingram, Kim C; Kocher, Susan (2015) Natural History of the Sierra Nevada. California Naturalist Series 19
- Sulak, Adriana; Kocher, Susie, et al. (2015). PARTICIPATION TEAM FINAL REPORT. Appendix F in Learning how to apply adaptive management in Sierra Nevada forests: An integrated assessment.P. Hopkinson and J. Battles. Berkeley, CA, Center for Forestry, UC Berkeley. 203. August.
- Sulak, Adriana; Huntsinger, Lynn, et al. (2015). "UC plays a crucial facilitating role in the Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project." California Agriculture 69(1): 43-49.
- Kocher, Susan; Lombardo, Anne, et al. (2013). "Using Social Media to Involve the Public in Wildlife Research – the SNAMP Fisher Sock Collection Drive." Journal of Extension 51((1))
- Kocher, S.D.; Toman, E., et al. (2012). "How can we span the boundaries between wildland fire science and management in the United States?" Journal of Forestry 110(8): 421-428.
- Kocher, Susan.D.; Thompson, Lisa C.; Harris, Richard R. (2008). "Living among the Fish, A Guide to Conservation of Fish Habitat in the Developed Landscape." UCANR Publication 8279. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Davis, CA: 26 pages.
- Harris, R.R.; Kocher, S.D. (2007). Fish and Fish Habitat. Forest Stewardship Series 12. Davis, CA, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. UCANR Publication 8242, 8. 2007.
- Harris, R.R.; Kocher, S.D. (2007). Forest Streams. Forest Stewardship Series 9. Davis, CA, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. UCANR Publication 8239, 10. 2007.
- Harris, R.R.; Kocher, S.D. (2007). Forest Water Quality. Forest Stewardship Series 11. Davis, CA, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. UCANR Publication 8241, 10. 2007.
- Kocher, Susan D.; Cobourn, John (2007). "Natural Resource Issues in the Lake Tahoe Basin: An Extension Needs Assessment." Special Publication SP-07-20. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Reno, NV: 18 pages.
- Harris, R.R.; Kocher, S.D. (2007). Riparian Vegetation. Forest Stewardship Series 10. Davis, CA, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. UCANR Publication 8240, 7. 2007.
- Kocher, Susan D.; Gerstein, Jared M., et al. (2007). "Rural Roads: A Construction and Maintenance Guide for California Landowners." UCANR Publication 8262: 23 pages.
- Harris, R.R.; Kocher, S.D. (2007). The Role and Effectiveness of Local Agency Policies and Procedures in Protecting Anadromous Fish Habitat. Proceedings of the American Institute of Hydrology Annual Meeting and International Conference Integrated Watershed Management: Partnerships in Science, Technology and Planning, Reno, NV, Hydrological Science and Technology.
- Harris, R.R.; Kocher, S.D. (2007). Tree Growth and Competition. Forest Stewardship Series 5. Davis, CA, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. UCANR Publication 8235, 10. 2007.
- Kocher, S.D.; De Lasaux, M.J. (2006). Fuel Reduction Guide for Sierra Nevada Forest Landowners. Davis, CA, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 26.
- Harris, Richard R.; Kocher, Susan D. (2002). "Oak Management by County Jurisdictions in the Central Sierra Nevada, California." Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodlands: Oaks in California's Changing Landscape. Standiford, Richard B.; McCreary, Doug; Purcell,L.K. technical coordinators General Technical Report PSW-GTR-184: 463-472.
- Kusel, Jonathan; Kocher, Susan D., et al. (2000). "Effects of Displacement and Outsourcing on Woods Workers and Their Families." Society and Natural Resources 13: 115-134.
- De Lasaux, M.J.; Harris, R.R., et al. (2000). "Process and Reality: Working with a Local Watershed Organization to Develop a Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring Program." Journal of Extension 38(2)
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Fire - Chair
- Forest Ecosystems and Communities - Chair
- California Naturalist - Member
- Disaster Preparedness and Response - Member
- Environmental Education - Member