- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
A 30-minute webinar on “UC ANR's Programmatic Footprint Maps: Using the maps with new secondary data to inform position proposals” will be presented Nov. 9 from noon to 12:30 p.m.
UCCE Programmatic Footprint Maps illustrate current positions for UCCE advisors, UCCE specialists, other UCCE academics and community educators, as well as the UCCE advisor and specialist positions under recruitment.
Newly available secondary data layers provide county-level data with relevant information which, when coupled with local knowledge, can help illuminate gaps and needs to inform UCCE position-proposal development and future hiring.
Join Katherine Webb-Martinez, director of Program Planning and Evaluation; Han Pham financial analyst and reporting manager; Nathan Ritchie, financial analyst; Christopher Hanson, system administrator for ANR computer-based reporting systems; and Shane Feirer and Robert Johnson of IGIS on Zoom to discuss how to use the maps.
Zoom https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/751701428?pwd=Q1ZrbUtoQVJwMXJVRkQydUlwNytJQT09
Password: 4Learning
For people who can't join the live session, the webinar will be recorded and posted on the 2023-24 Call for CE Positions web page.
- Author: Katherine Webb-Martinez
The new UC ANR Programmatic Footprint Maps illustrate the locations of UC Cooperative Extension advisors, UCCE specialists, other UCCE academics, and community educators by program areas. They also show UCCE advisor and specialist positions that are under recruitment.
This tool was formally released during the UC ANR Town Hall on Sept. 15. This tool had a soft launch in the fall of 2021 to serve as a resource during the 2021 UCCE position call process. It now has its own webpage, improved instructions and several other enhancements thanks to feedback from UCCE academic users, Program Council, Government Relations, Strategic Communications and Development Services.
UC ANR Programmatic Footprint Maps
Where are the maps?
The link to this map tool and the informational web page can be found at https://ucanr.edu/sites/ANR_Footprint and under the UC ANR website's “People” tab.
Who works on what?
This tool was designed primarily for members of the UC ANR network to find out who we have working in key program areas and where they are across the state. You can find colleagues working on similar projects who you might not already know. With our great fortune to be hiring so many new people, we imagine this tool will be particularly helpful for new colleagues.
The information also can illuminate gaps and needs to inform UCCE position proposal development and future hiring.
Updating display data
UCCE academics can quickly change which program maps and counties they appear on in Project Board. The updates will appear on the maps the following day. More how-to information is on the “Help” web page.
Community educators can make adjustments to their selections, and thus how they display on the maps, through the condition-change full-time equivalent survey sent annually in June or July.
Please take moment to update or improve your ANR Directory information, some of which displays on these maps. Specifically, make sure your title is descriptive and that you have added a primary discipline and specialty information (e.g. organic/regenerative agriculture, small farms, wildfire, etc.) See the “Update Your Profile” web page.