I am thrilled to announce that Daniel Obrist will be joining UC ANR on Aug. 15, 2022, as the Vice Provost – Academic Personnel. Daniel will initially hold a 50% appointment through the end of 2022 before assuming the role full time on Jan. 1, 2023.
Currently, Obrist is a professor and the chairperson of the Department of Environmental, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. His academic and educational background includes ecology and ecosystem science, hydrogeology, atmospheric and environmental sciences, and soil science. He has published over 85 peer-reviewed publications including in high-impact scientific journals such as Nature, Nature Geoscience, Nature Reviews, and PNAS, and has a...

We are now just one week from of the end of the current review period for UC ANR academics. I know many of you have confirmed your intended salary advancement action for the review period. Whether you intend to seek a salary advancement action or prepare an annual evaluation, you have likely noticed that a few of our trainings on those topics have been postponed.
The postponement is due to efforts underway to make document preparation for all actions less time consuming, regardless of your planned action. At the request of AVP Powers, the Academic Assembly Council Personnel Committee and the 2019 Peer Review Committee are working together to develop recommendations to greatly streamline and improve those processes. Following AVP...
The University invites comments on a proposed new Academic Personnel Manual Section 011 (APM - 011), Academic Freedom, Protection of Professional Standards, and Responsibilities of Non-faculty Academic Appointees.
Currently, APM - 010 (Academic Freedom) defines academic freedom as it pertains to faculty and defines the freedom of scholarly inquiry for students, as it derives from the faculty's academic freedom. APM - 015 (The Faculty Code of Conduct) defines the corresponding responsibilities as it pertains to faculty only. Although APM - 010 states that it is not intended to “diminish the rights and responsibilities enjoyed by other academic appointees,” APM - 010 and APM - 015 do not address how these concepts...
A revised version of UC policy APM – 015 (The Faculty Code of Conduct) and APM - 016 (University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline) will become effective on July 1, 2017. Changes in policy include improving prevention of and response to sexual violence and sexual harassment. Academics should read the revised policy sections posted at http://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/academic-personnel-policy/policy-issuances-and-guidelines/revised-apm-015-and-016.html.
View or leave comments for ANR Leadership at
The University of California is inviting comments on proposed revisions to the Academic Personnel Manual sections listed below. Note that APM 740 applies to Agriculture and Natural Resources:
- 740, Leaves of Absence/Sabbatical Leaves (APM - 740);
- 285, Lecturer with Security of Employment Series (APM - 285);
- 210-3, Instructions to Review Committees that Advise on Actions Concerning the Lecturer with Security of Employment Series (APM - 210-3); and
- 133-0-B, Limitation on Total Period of Service with Certain Academic Titles
- (APM - 133).
Proposed revisions modify language intended to make the title more accurately reflect the requirements for advancement in the series and...