- Media contact: Natalie Olivero
- Posted by: Gale Perez
From the EurekAlert! website :: Cambridge University Press :: Aug. 1, 2022
Researchers from the University of Missouri recently conducted two field studies to explore the effectiveness of electricity in weed control. They used a tractor attachment called The Weed Zapper™ to electrocute eight types of weeds common in soybean crops, including herbicide-resistant waterhemp.
The first study showed that control was more effective in the later stages of weed growth and was most closely related to plant height and the moisture in the plant at the time of electrocution. Once the weeds had set seed, the treatments reduced viability...
- Author: Marcelo Moretti
- Posted by: Gale Perez
From the Weeders of the West (WoW) blog ∴ March 11, 2021
Marcelo Moretti is a Professor in the Dept. of Horticulture at Oregon State University and an alumnus of UC Davis and California State University, Fresno.
- Posted by: Gale Perez
** From the Western IPM Center October 2020 newsletter **
An potential option for xeriscaped yards
Low-Dose Electricity Shows Promise as a Non-Chemical Option for Weed Control
Start with a heaping helping of weeds in an orchard owned by an electrical engineer, then add in a weed...
/h3>- Posted by: Gale Perez
Some that Martin Guerena shared with us...
From Ag Web :: January 14, 2019