- Posted by: Gale Perez
Anil Shrestha (Weed Science Professor, with the Department of Plant Science at CA State University, Fresno) will be speaking at the Association of Applied IPM Ecologist (AAIE) Annual Conference in Visalia, CA. His talk on "Managing weeds in an IPM program. Ecology plays a big part." is scheduled for Nov. 7, 2023.
Visit the AAIE website for information on the conference: https://www.aaie.net/events2.
AAIE conference agenda attached.
- Author: Mackenzie Patton
- Posted by: Gale Perez
The Invasive Pest Spotlight focuses on relevant or emerging invasive species in California. In this issue we are covering brooms, a group of invasive shrubs.
Invasive Broom facts
Brooms are upright shrubs in the legume family that typically produce small, yellow, pea-shaped flowers. Shrubs range from 3 to 10 feet tall. They produce flowers from mid spring to summer and produce seed pods in late summer. All brooms are prolific seed producers, with a single shrub producing as many as 2,000 to 3,500 pods containing up to 20,000 seeds.
While brooms are attractive plants, they grow in dense stands that outcompete many native plants....
- Posted by: Gale Perez
The August edition of the IPM Hour features Kristen Bowers from New Mexico State University discussing her research into using climate-adapted insect biocontrol agents to control puncturevine in the West.
Bowers, with funding from the Western Integrated Pest Management Center, is measuring the cold-hardiness of puncturevine-eating weevils from New Mexico to see if they can tolerate cool northern climes and potentially boost biocontrol efforts throughout the region.
- Posted by: Gale Perez
TUNE IN LIVE to The IPM Hour on Wed., February 9, 2022 at noon Pacific.
Speaker: Doug Johnson from the California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC)
Topic: Managing Invasive Plants in Wildlands Requires an IPM Approach on Several Fronts
One is prevention, which can be aided by evaluating which species pose a high risk of becoming harmful in the future. Another is selecting the best control techniques for a given management situation. Cal-IPC has projects addressing both of these needs: one project teams with...
- Author: Travis Bean
- Author: Josh S. Davy
- Author: Guy B Kyser
- Author: Elise Gornish
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From the California Agriculture 75(2):83-89. https://doi.org/10.3733/ca.2021a0011
The invasive annual grasses barb goatgrass (Aegilops triuncialis L.) and medusahead (Elymus caput-medusae L.) are widespread in western states and present management challenges on grasslands. To develop an integrated management strategy for these species, we treated sites in five pastures in Mendocino County, comparing combinations of intensive sheep...