- Author: Lee Allen
- Posted by: Gale Perez

From the Western Farm Press • March 17, 2021
By Lee Allen
Recurring, multiple-resistance species are among the biggest challenges.
Brad Hanson gets down...
/h3>- Author: Steve Orloff
- Posted by: Gale Perez
From the Alfalfa & Forage News blog :: Feb. 18, 2013
Dodder is a troublesome annual parasitic weed that infests alfalfa fields. Initial infestations are usually caused by sowing dodder infested seed (a good reason to purchase Certified seed) and by “sheeping off” fields with sheep that came from an infested field. Perhaps no weed problem is worse than an alfalfa field heavily infested with dodder. As a parasite, it lives at the expense of the alfalfa plant and literally sucks the vigor and life out of the plant. If left uncontrolled it can actually kill the alfalfa plant. It emerges as a rootless shoot and must...
- Author: Douglas J Munier

Glyphosate resistant ryegrass has been a persistent problem since appearing in almond orchards in the Sacramento Valley in the late 1990’s. It is a winter annual weed, but under irrigation it can germinate any time of the year. This year round germination pattern wasn’t noticeable in the Sacramento Valley when it was effectively controlled by glyphosate. Summer and early fall germinating ryegrass plants are particularly difficult to control at the typical November to December herbicide timings because they are larger established plants at the time of application.
Pre-emergence herbicides are a good way to deal with this extended germination period. June/July pre-emergence herbicide treatments...