- Author: Rachael Freeman Long
- Author: Morgan P. Doran
- Author: Robert Poppenga
- Author: Daniel H. Putnam
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From the Alfalfa & Forage News blog (April 29, 2022)
Vetch (Vicia spp.) is growing like a weed everywhere this year, carpeting our hills with great swaths of purple flowers.
What is vetch? There are several species that are commonly grown as crops, cover crops or weeds (see list at the bottom). Vetch is a winter-hardy legume that's favored by early fall rains, which we had lots of last October (5.5-in in 24-hr in Sacramento). Vetch is also a nitrogen-fixing...
- Posted by: Gale Perez
If you missed the Managing Weeds in Grasslands and Rangelands 2021 online event (Oct. 19, 2021 • 9 AM-12 noon PST), you're in luck. We have the recordings of each presentation here.
Managing Weeds in Grasslands and Rangelands (2021)
Moderator • Whitney Brim-DeForest, Sutter-Yuba County Director and Rice Advisor, UCCE Sutter-Yuba, Placer, and Sacramento Counties
UC Weed RIC YouTube channel
- Posted by: Gale Perez
Managing Weeds in Grasslands and Rangelands (online event)
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
9:00 AM-12:00 PM (Pacific Time)
The latest information on weed control will be presented at the Managing Weeds in Grasslands and Rangelands online event.The lineup of UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) and UC Davis experts will discuss basic ecology and biology of common weeds in California rangelands, potential benefits of dusting rangelands with compost, grazing for weed control (palatable and nutritious or a nuisance and poisonous), invasive weed control research projects in Northeastern California, weeds in grassland...
- Author: Travis Bean
- Author: Josh S. Davy
- Author: Guy B Kyser
- Author: Elise Gornish
- View More...
From the California Agriculture 75(2):83-89. https://doi.org/10.3733/ca.2021a0011
The invasive annual grasses barb goatgrass (Aegilops triuncialis L.) and medusahead (Elymus caput-medusae L.) are widespread in western states and present management challenges on grasslands. To develop an integrated management strategy for these species, we treated sites in five pastures in Mendocino County, comparing combinations of intensive sheep...
If you missed the Managing Weeds in Grasslands and Rangelands in the Context of Fire in California webinar on Nov. 18, 2020 (9 AM-12 noon PST), you're in luck. We have the recordings of each presentation here.
Managing Weeds in Grasslands and Rangelands
in the Context of Fire in California
Click for FULL WEBINAR recording
Moderator ▪ Whitney Brim-DeForest, Sutter-Yuba County...