- Author: Lauren Fordyce
Check out our webinars planned for summer 2024:
June 20, 2024 - Flea Control & Diseases: Starting from Scratch
Fleas are small but...
/span>- Author: Karey Windbiel-Rojas
You heard right: bed bugs have there own "awareness week" too.
California and other states have seen a recent resurgence in bed bugs in more than just crowded housing units and hotels. Bed bugs can be found anywhere where humans, their primarily food source, frequent. It's important that we are all aware of bed bugs and how we can prevent or control infestations of these very unwelcome insects.
Read about bed bug biology, preventive measures, how to detect bed bugs in the home or hotel, and how to management them.
- UC IPM Bed Bug Quick Tip (short answer)
Today, April 7, 2015 is the 13th annual National Healthy Schools Day, a day dedicated to promoting healthy school environments for children.
Children in the United States face risks from exposure to pests and pesticides in schools. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) encourages the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a smart, sensible and sustainable approach to pest control that focuses on addressing the underlying issues that make schools attractive to pests.
EPA reports that half of all schools have problems with indoor pollution, a complex problem attributable to various sources, such as poor engineering, leaky roofs, deferred...
- Author: Karey Windbiel-Rojas
Do you know how to check your hotel room for bed bugs before you settle in for the night? Can you tell the difference between yellowjackets, paper wasps, and other common wasps? What's in that bottle of pesticide you are thinking of using on your plants? New videos from UC IPM can help answer these questions!
Thanks in part to funding from the Western IPM Center, the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program has recently created a series of short, 2-3 minutes videos to help you identify, monitor, manage or prevent some pests from becoming problems around your home and garden!
Find out how to use a bed bug detector (see video below) and how to inspect your bedroom or hotel room for bed bugs. Protect yourself from...