- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Dear Colleagues,
As announced in the April 8, 2014, ANR Update by UC ANR Vice President Barbara Allen-Diaz, UC ANR Academics and Non-represented Staff Employees will receive a 3 percent salary increase effective July 1, 2014. In the announcement, the vice president stated that guidelines would be forthcoming. Attached please find the 2014-15 3 percent salary increase guidelines for academics and non-represented staff.
Should you have questions regarding the salary guidelines, please contact Kimberly Rodrigues, executive director of the Academic Personnel Unit, at karodrigues@ucanr.edu or Linda Marie Manton, executive director of the Staff Personnel Unit, at lmmanton@ucanr.edu.
Kim Rodrigues Linda Marie Manton
UC ANR APU Executive Director UC ANR SPU Executive Director
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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.
2014-15 Academic n Staff ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES Final