- Author: Mark Bolda
- Author: Steven Koike
- Author: Ed Show
To address the current concern of anthracnose in strawberry for the upcoming 2015-2016 season, Ed Show, Steve Koike and I put together a video featuring a discussion of the issue. It's good to talk about it because it's not a cut and dry case.
For example, out of dozens of suspect samples for anthracnose recently submitted to Steve's UCCE Diagnostic Lab in Salinas, only one has turned up positive for the causal pathogen Colletotrichum acutatum. On the other hand, this winter is supposed to be warm and wet, which could favor the disease if it is around.
The discussion taped here with Steve and I is intended to shed more light on the current situation and help people make a good decision in a timely manner.
Great videography and editing by Ed Show. Really great work.