- Author: Mark Bell
June - sharing skills
Want to try a virtual consultation?
Save time, get the job done and keep safe by consulting virtually. Here are some notes from Dan Macon on virtual consultations. Please send any related tips or other suggestions to Mark Bell.
Food System Resiliency Webinar Series begins July 14
Join the Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Families and Communities Strategic Initiative leaders for the Food Systems Resiliency Webinar Series taking place on the second and fourth Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., beginning July 14.
Webinar presentations will provide up-to-date information and identify resources available for UC ANR and community partners. Ample time will be used for questions and answers, identification of information gaps and connecting people with like interests.
Food system resiliency will be viewed through food safety, California food systems partnerships and resources and Victory Gardens Then and Now to name a few. Other perspectives include input from growers, ranchers, shippers, marketing, consumers, farmers markets, CSAs, families and youth. If you are interested in submitting a panel proposal, link to https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=30391.
July 14, 10 a.m. – Food safety and COVID-19 presented by Erin DiCaprio and Alda Pires
This webinar introduces food safety concerns that have arisen during COVID-10 pandemic. Useful videos, websites and access to print materials will be shared. Additional information on consumer food and garden safety will be shared that have broad application beyond the current pandemic.
Register at http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=30589.
July 28, 10 a.m. – California Food systems: Partnerships and Resources.
Please join moderator Kamal Khaira, UC CalFresh director, as we learn more about programs, resources and services that can support children and families during this unprecedented time. The main topics will cover ways to secure benefits and access nutritious foods. Speakers include:
- Brian Kaiser, California Department of Social Services bureau chief for CalFresh and Nutrition Program Family Engagement and Empowerment Division
- Andy Naja-Riese, CEO Agricultural Institute of Marin
- Leyla Marandi, program manager for California Food for California Kids Center for Ecoliteracy
Register at http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=30590.
More information will be posted at https://ucanr.edu/sites/Professional_Development/Monthly_WebANRs.
Growing reach - "Owning YouTube"
Thank you to the more than 180 individuals who participated in the recent four-part video training series. If you missed the training, it is available online. More than 40 UC ANR staff and academics, who participated in the training, accessed funding provided to purchase equipment and software.
The pipeline for submitting your how-to video productions and having them posted on ANR's main YouTube channels (UCANR and UCANRSpanish) is open for business. Be on the lookout for an ANR how-to video contest in the coming year.
Let us know what skills or tips you found useful and what more you'd like to learn.
For more on the SIs and their activities, contact:
Jim Farrar (EIPD)
David Lewis (Water)
David Lile (SNE)
Deanne Meyer (SFS)
Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty (HFC)
Mark Bell (Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs)