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Strawberries and Caneberries - <span style='font-size:0.5em;'>Share</span>
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Agriculture and Natural Resources Blogs
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by Jim Stevenson
on July 28, 2011 at 11:01 AM
by Monika
on July 3, 2012 at 10:43 PM
My name is Monika. I'm the representative of Intermag, company based in Poland.  
We are one the leading manufacturers of foliar fertilizers with application in agriculture and horticulture.  
Currently we are working on nutriet quide for strawberries therefore I would like to ask you about help. Could please provide us some photos of nutrients deficiency symphtoms apear on this kind of plant?I would be gratefull for your help.  
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.  
Best regards  
by Mark Bolda
on July 4, 2012 at 7:13 AM
Hi Monika,  
Thank you for your interest in this blog. However, photos such as those you are requesting I do not have, for one because of the equivocal nature of nutrient deficiency symptoms in strawberry. I suggest that you perhaps consider purchasing the UC publication on nutrient deficiency symptoms.  
by Tomss Villaman
on February 22, 2015 at 7:19 AM
Hi Mark, Thanks for your explanation on nutrients deficiency on strawberry undoubtelly foliar analysis and overall assesment are the best tools for proper indentifications of nutrients problems.I met you at the nasga conference early this month and to keep in touch and fallow your comments. Thanks.
by Jeanette Stehr-Green
on September 16, 2021 at 9:52 AM
Dear Dr. Bolda: I am a Master Gardener from Clallam County in Washington State. Your (relatively old) posting on nitrogen deficiency in strawberry plants caught our attention. We are trying to diagnose a problem in a potted dwarf blackberry ('Baby cakes') with the following findings:  
Fine purplish/red stippling (little bitty spots) on leaves. Discoloration heaviest around the leaf margins. Spots seem to follow the veins. Discoloration is evident on the lower surface of leaf and seen primarily on older leaves on the canes. New growth less severely affected. Plants are not as vigorous as would be expected (number and height of primocanes). No signs of a causative agent are evident (fungal fruiting bodies, spores, exoskeletons, webbing) using a handheld magnifying glass.  
Plants have been in large container (approximately 30 inches diameter) for two years. The plants have been well watered this season but were not fertilized due to a miscommunication.  
Do caneberries evidence nitrogen deficiency similar to strawberries? Do you think this might be what we are dealing with? Sadly, given resources, we are unlikely to test soil or plant tissue for nutrients but must diagnose on observations and history.  
I have saved photos of the problem to a One Drive folder and could share with you, if you are at all interested. (Given the date of the original posting, you might not be!) Thanks for an informative posting! Clallam County Master Gardeners
Reply by Mark Bolda
on September 16, 2021 at 4:35 PM
Hi Jeanette,  
Thank you for the thorough description of your problem with the potted blackberry. Yes, for sure send me the pictures, but I think it has to do with being in the pot for one, and not being fertilized for a lengthy time for two.
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