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UC Master Gardeners, SLO County, a resource for gardeners
by Irene Nielsen
on February 24, 2014 at 12:56 PM
My redwoods have grown close together and with drought several are looking bad. can i send a digital photo and get some advice? i think i need to remove one or two.
Reply by Maria Murrietta
on February 24, 2014 at 1:47 PM
Hi Irene,  
Sorry to hear about the trouble with your redwoods. Please do email us photos and any other pertinent information. Send to  
One our helpline volunteers will follow up with you.
by Pat Hunn
on March 2, 2015 at 9:58 AM
I live in northern California, 45 miles south of Redding. We have a redwood tree in our back yard that given to us when my Dad passed, 25 years ago. It looks really healthy, but last week we had high winds and some of the banches on the top fell as well as a large branch about 5 feet down from the top. We have been told that we should cut it down as if the top fell, the tree is not healthy and good fall into our house in the near future. Is this correct information?
Reply by Maria Murrietta
on March 3, 2015 at 10:46 AM
Hi Pat, thank you for your question.  
I'd like to direct you to the Master Gardener group in Shasta County as they will be more familiar with tree care in your region and better able to answer your questions.  
Here is there contact information:  
Master Gardener Helpline: (530) 242-2219  
Good luck with your redwood!
by Maura
on July 15, 2016 at 9:17 AM
Hello My Fellow UCers!  
I have a redwood tree in the backyard of a house I recently purchased in Vallejo.  
Many of the branches have needles that are turning a crimson orange and falling off. Many branches are half orange and half green.  
Is that an indication the tree is in distress? If so, what's the best remedy?  
Thank you!  
Reply by Maria Murrietta
on July 28, 2016 at 3:00 PM
Hi Maura, thanks for the question. I does sound like your tree is stressed. The first step is to determine the cause of the stress. Right now, the most common culprit is drought. Redwoods are native to a narrow stretch of coastal Ca and Oregon and they do not perform well in warm dry conditions. They needs plenty of supplemental irrigation when the natural rainfall is lacking.  
You might want to contact your local UC Master Gardener Program in Solano County. You can reach them by phone at 707-784-1322.  
Thanks again for contacting us!
by Charles J Butler
on June 1, 2018 at 6:54 AM
I live in Pittsburgh, PA. and have a redwood planted in my front yard on the side of a hill. It appears to have less leaves this year. Is this a cause for concern?
Reply by Maria Murrietta
on August 3, 2018 at 11:40 AM
Hi Charles,  
Thanks for the question. I'm going to direct you to your local Master Gardener Program. They will be better able to answer your questions, as our climate in coastal California is very different than yours.  
You can reach them by phone or email:  
Phone: 412-482-3476  
Best of luck!
by Mercedes
on September 1, 2018 at 1:52 PM
Hello! My name is Mercedes, and I live on the west side of Los Angeles. There is a redwood on the property on which I live. It is close to my balcony, and I often sit out there and admire it. I left town for the month of August, and when I returned, it looked dramatically dessicated. The top half of it is gray and the branches are brown. I'm not sure what is happening. I was wondering if you could put me in touch with someone who can look at some photos and tell me if it's still salvageable. It looks so far gone compared to the pictures of 'dying redwoods' I've seen on the internet, and I'm very worried.  
Thank you!
Reply by Maria Murrietta
on September 12, 2018 at 11:01 AM
Hi Mercedes,  
Thank you for contacting us. Your best resource in LA is your county UC Cooperative Extension office. You can reach them at (626) 586-1971. They will be better equipped to address your question as they'll be more familiar with your region and any common pine tree issues.  
Good luck!
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