- Author: Grace Nguyen-Sovan Dean

This fall, UC ANR's forestry team welcomed new Biomass and Forest Products Advisor Ali Azadfar to the Shasta, Siskiyou, and Trinity communities. Azadfar to comes to UC ANR's Siskiyou office with research and teaching experiences shaped by diverse locations: the Pacific Northwest, New York state, and Iran. It was in Iran, amongst the country's iconic Hyrcanian forests, where Azadfar realized his passion for forestry. “I was surrounded by an incredibly rich and ancient ecosystem,” he states, “which taught me early on about the importance of forest...
- Author: Christian Jordan

Early one morning this fall, three National Park Service researchers from the Klamath Inventory and Monitoring Network (KLMN) scrambled over minivan-sized boulders on a remote butte in Lassen Volcanic National Park. Their goal -- to reach plot three, the most difficult to access site in the National Park Service's Whitebark Pine Monitoring Network at Lassen.
Since 2012, the KLMN has studied whitebark pine populations at Crater Lake and Lassen Volcanic National Parks to assess species health and long-term trends, specifically threats from blister rust and mountain pine...
- Author: Grace Dean

In Spring of 2022, UC ANR launched its first Post-Fire Resilience Workshop. Since 2022, the workshop has traveled to Alpine, El Dorado, Plumas, Mariposa, Fresno, Madera, and Napa counties, and has reached 97 participants. The program continues to gain positive feedback and broadening statewide interest.
The UC ANR Post-Fire Resilience program has provided educational assistance to non-industrial private forest landowners throughout California who have been affected by wildfire. The program's workshop offering is headed by Post-Fire Academic Coordinator Katie Reidy, who aims to provide landowners with an opportunity to learn ways to proceed with their forested land, post-fire....
- Author: Richard B Standiford

Ryan DeSantis is the new University of California Cooperative Extension Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor for Shasta, Trinity, and Siskiyou Counties. Ryan will be responsible for conducting an extension, education and research program that resolves needs and problems in the fields of forest management and ecology.
Ryan grew up in rural New Hampshire, where he fell in love with hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, skiing, mountain biking, and spending time in the woods of New Hampshire and Maine in general. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Forest Science from the University of New Hampshire and then he spent two years working with a National Park in...