- (Public Value) UCANR: Promoting healthy people and communities
- Author: Kara Manke
- Author: Grace Dean
The window of summer is closed, and that ‘back to school' feeling everyone knows has settled in- the excitement, the nerves, the first 7AM breakfast you've had in the last few months. However, the magic of summer lingers, and is a bit more difficult to express in words alone. Rachelle Hedges, Project and Policy Analyst for Berkeley Forests, knows that magic all too well. She sees it every year on the faces of students who come to UC Berkeley's Forestry Field Camp and its new little sibling, Forestry Mini-Camp. Both summer camps take place at 100-year old Plumas National Forest site. Hedges sets the scene: “It's incredibly peaceful: no...
- Author: Grace Dean
With decades of forestry and community outreach experience behind him, David Kelly felt he had more to give after retiring as Division Chief for the U.S Forest Service. Now, he's the Forest Specialist for the Arrowhead Lake Association (ALA), where his experience with the San Bernardino National Forest can be implemented at a smaller scale. “The first thing I said to [ALA] was, what's your forest management plan?” Kelly remarks.
Looking back, Kelly explains that the concept of forest management was not always celebrated in the Lake Arrowhead community. Years ago, homeowner's...
- Author: Grace Dean
Carol Fall is a local landowner and Assistant Chief for the Trinity Center Volunteer Fire Department.
Check the volunteer fire station, is she there? If not, one might find Carol Fall steering the neighborhood elk away from her garden…again. She's a big proponent of enjoying wildlife, but the elk? They can be a bit of a nuisance. It's something Fall is used to: Carol and her husband have managed their forty acres in Trinity County for over thirty years. Speaking with her means glimpsing into Trinity-specific forest management needs; especially those which improve the wildfire resiliency of forests and living spaces. As the Assistant Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, Fall is an expert in...
- Author: Linda Forbes
Reposted from the UC ANR Employee News
Field day offers demonstrations, practical advice for landowners
In 2020 a team of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources land management experts began hosting a series of forest stewardship workshops for landowners. The team added a special online session focusing on targeted grazing in December 2021...