- Author: Kevin Taniguchi

Forget to post a blog? Need to post a blog tomorrow today? The web team has you covered. You can now change the publishing date of blogs on the blog tool.
Above the text box you can now click a button “Set Post Date”.
Send your posts back… to the future!
- Author: Kevin Taniguchi

Keyboard shortcuts are incredibly helpful for work and day-to-day computing. They'll speed you through your tasks by taking the mouse out of the equation for a lot of simple actions.
Here are some basic keyboard shortcuts (in parentheses for ) that will help while using our web applications!
Select all: CTRL+A (command+A)
Copy selected: CTRL+C (command+C)
Cut selected: CTRL+X (command+X)
Paste: CTRL+V (command+V)
Undo: CTRL+Z (command+Z)
Redo: CTRL+Y (command+Y)
Find: CTRL+F (command+F)
And here are some other more general shortcuts
Save a file: CTRL+S (command+S)
Capture a screen shot: PrtScn (command+shift+3)
Capture a screen shot of a specific window: Alt+PrtScn...
- Author: Kevin Taniguchi

Don't forget to add helpful blog tags to your blog posts! Blog tags are a useful way to group related posts and quickly tell reader what a post is about. Blog tags are also useful for filtering and searching through your blog. To add a tag to you blog, type in your tag to the “Add Tags” box above the Save and Review button at the bottom of the page.
On Site Builder you can filter blog posts by tags to better direct which blogs show up. To do this select your blog asset and click “Edit Blog”. On the Page Asset Editor page find “Filter Posts By Tag(s)” and add your tags. Be sure to check for spelling errors!
- Author: Leigh Dragoon

You will now be able to decide which posts to display in your blog feed. Simply go to your blog and edit the blog roll asset. You will see two radio buttons in the "Posts" row: "show all", and "show selected". If you would like to be able to remove a post or posts from your feed, select "show selected" and then "show selected posts".
The "show selected blog posts" popup will appear. Every post that is going to appear in your feed is checked and highlighted. If you would like to remove a post from your feed, simply uncheck it and click "update your feed". If you change your mind, and would like to display the post after all, recheck the checkbox and click "update your feed"...
- Author: Dave Krause
We've booked a Site Builder training in Davis on August 7, 2013. This will be an introduction to the system, but we will also cover new design features and social media integration. The Davis training classes fill up very quickly, so don't delay if you are interested!
Please note: the training is for ANR personnel. If you are a volunteer or non-ANR UC staff, please contact Dave Krause to be placed on our waiting list.