- Author: Dave Krause

We just added the ability to track your Site Builder site with Google Analytics. To enable Google Analytics, you'll first need an account, which you can get here.
You will receive a code, as seen in the image. Go to Site Builder and click "Edit Site Information" under the Administration section. You will see the field available to place your newly minted code. Save the information and republish your site when prompted. That's it!
A couple of warnings about Google Analytics. First, we don't support it in any way. We only facilitate you being able to use them, and do not offer any training on running reports within Google's...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

In recent weeks there has been some updates to the Blog system that should be noted. While these are minor, they can be very helpful and help make more content available to those of you who frequently post on the ANR Blogs.
First, change goes out to those wo make comments on posts. Now if you leave a comment and someone else comments on the same post, you should recieve an e-mail letting you know that someone else has commented on the post. We added this because many times people will reply to a comment but the commenter may never know about the reply.
For the second change we now allow users to embed content like YouTube videos into the blogs. Here's one below as an example:
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

I would like to announce a New Feature! Not a new feature some of us grew used to going to the drive-in or movie theater to see the latest and greatest horror or sci-fi movie. No this new feature (we hope) will blow your socks off and is what everyone has been waiting for. At least all those with Sitebuilder sites! Oooh, the first clue! Now that your fingers are all tingling with the excitement of anticipation. I would like to take a moment to say this would not be possible without Dave and Karl who also work on Sitebulder to make it happen. So what is this new fandangled feature? It's a mix of two flavors. In one hand take the blog you are reading right now, in the other hand take Sitebuilder (some of you may have...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

It seems the ANR Blogs are making a big splash. With much interest in blogging, I finally had some time to make some finishing touches (for now) on the Blog system which some have been asking about. I've pulled out all the stops and put into the system a nice Archive list and the ability to add tags to posts. Right away I discovered that the "Post Archive" is great for seeing how active a blog may be. For some it is painful to see last updated over a year ago! Ouch! For others it is nice to see a long list of posts each month. For the most Posted to Blog check out, Jeannette Warnert's ANR News Blog. With 200 posts since April 2007. That roughly 15.38 posts a month or one every 2 days! No...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

We all like new features. In fact if something is not new and improved well then we start to think of it as old even if it is the best thing available. Now I know that will never happen to the wonderful ANR Blogs. Everyday they are new with new stories and articles, but today I get to introduce the Blogs with more power than ever before! Today the ANR Blogs have been energized with Flash video! Yes, this means you can add your most powerful Flash FLV video file to the Blogs so others may see!
To power up your own Blog with Flash video simply upload your FLV file and it will be included in the post. Yes! It's that simple! Blog away! I hope this little sample gives you a taste of what the almighty ANR Blogs can do!