- Author: Karl Krist
While mobile applications (iPhone, etc) are appealing in many ways, there are also many downsides. In ANR we've taken a different approach to making our content accessible to a mobile audience- responsive web design.
If you are interested in our mobile strategy, or if you just want to make your site available on small mobile devices, take a look at this video.
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

Do you notice anything new in the screen shot below? No? Yes? Maybe? This is like the game where you have to figure out what was changed in the picture. See anything? If your interested in your Blog stats I'm sure you may have noticed it. No? Not Yet? What? you want a clue? Ok, here's a clue....
Thin Green Line. Is that enough of a clue?
Ok. Ok. I'll jump to the point. We have added "Mobile Hits" to the Blog stats. This counts every single time someone with a mobile device views one of your Blog posts. Since adding the mobile Blogs we though it'd be nice to know how much traffic we get on mobile devices.
One question to ask is what is...
- Author: Bryon J. Noel

With great anticipation I'd like to announce the release of the Mobile Blogs! We have completely restyled and reformed the Blogs for mobile devices.
There are some functions that may not work well from a mobile device, such as writing a new blog post. There are somethings that flat out do not work. Like uploading files from an iPhone. Unfortunately, that is a limitation of the iPhone and iPad's. Other mobile devices may or may not allow uploads. Other than this all the functionality of the blogs is available on mobile devices.
Beyond these we are still working out some of the minor bugs. So if you run into one of these "bugs", please let us know!
There's a lot that has been done to make the blogs mobile...
- Author: Dave Krause

Anyone reading this on their mobile device right now? According to our Blog stats, 74% of you read the Web/IT blog while in the bathroom, presumably taking a luxurious bath, the scent of exotic oils and candles relaxing you into a perfect moment of Zen which is the exact state of mind you should be in when reading our posts.
Chances are, if you're reading this in the bathroom, you're using a mobile device. We've been eager to optimize our applications for the mobile web for some time now, so last week we furiously cranked out a mobile version of the Portal and Collaborative Tools.
Keep in mind, these are VERY preliminary. We expect to enhance, beautify and grow our mobile environment as time and resources permit. Please...