4-H Program Year
The Tulare County 4-H Youth Development Program Year runs July 1 - June 30. A member's 4-H age is based upon the youth's age as of December 31st of the current program year. Youth must be 5 years old by 12/31 to enroll as a Primary/Mini member in 4-H and may continue to be youth members until 12/31 of the year in which they turn 19. Enrollment is completed through the online ZSuite enrollment system.
For questions or help, please contact the Tulare County 4-H Office at (559) 684-3300 or email sdconnelly@ucanr.edu or mederos@ucanr.edu for more information.
4-H Projects Offered at Community Clubs
Click on the image above to view the list of projects offered by each Community Club.
2024-2025 Tulare County 4-H Enrollment Fees
The 4-H Youth Development Program (YDP) is to be open and accessible to participants, regardless of their individual ability to pay. Program fees will be waived or reduced for eligible youth. Provisions will be made by the 4-H unit (e.g., club) and/or 4-H volunteer management organization (e.g., council) to cover program fees for eligible youth who are unable to pay them. A Tulare Co Request for 4-H Program Fee Wavier or Reduction form should be filled out by the parent/guardian of the youth and returned to the Tulare County 4-H Office, 4437-B S. Laspina Street, Tulare, CA 93274 -OR- the form may be uploaded in the on-line credit card survey payment link with either a partial credit card fee payment for a fee reduction request or no credit card payment for a fee waiver request.
2024-2025 California 4-H Enrollment Fees are $67 for youth and $28 for adult volunteers.
- Tulare County 4-H Youth members pay $40. The Tulare County 4-H Youth Development Program will cover the additional $27 per youth member. Families may pay the $40 (per youth) enrollment fee by using the on-line credit card payment link, by writing a check made payable to UC Regents, or by paying with cash. Cash payments must be made in person at the UCCE Tulare County 4-H Office during normal business hours, Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. Checks may be dropped off in person or mailed directly to the the UCCE Tulare County 4-H Office, 4437 S. Laspina Street, Suite B, Tulare, CA 93274.
- Tulare County 4-H Adult volunteers pay $0. The Tulare County 4-H Youth Development Program will cover the $28 per adult volunteer. Therefore, enrollment is FREE for adult volunteers within Tulare County.
Enrollment Instructions
Click on the appropriate box below for complete enrollment instructions and links required to complete the 4-H enrollment process in Tulare County 4-H.