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Katherine E Soule

Health Equity Advisor
Cooperative Extension San Luis Obispo County
2156 Sierra Way
Suite C
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
kesoule@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Santa Barbara County


As a youth, families, & communities advisor, the purpose of Dr. Soule’s work is to improve people’s quality of life, ensuring the incredible research and knowledge of the UC campuses help the people of California live better lives. To do this work, she has developed and guided an award-winning multicultural, bilingual team who truly understand the culture, needs, and strengths of the people in the communities where they work. In partnership with this amazing team, dedicated volunteers, passionate student leaders and community based-organizations, Katherine has transformed the way the 4-H YDP, SNAP-Ed nutrition, and Food Safety programs run. She is proud of the innovative programs developed in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties that integrate health education with community engagement, knowing this work improves equity for marginalized populations. Everyday, Katherine gets to bring her passion for inclusion and equity to work to positively transform the community where she lives.


Ph.D. , University of Georgia. 2013
M.S. , Cal Poly. 2009
B.A. , Cal Poly. 2003


  • Achievement in Service Award
    Presented by National Association of Extension 4-H Agents,  2018
  • Top 20 Under 40
    Presented by The Tribune,  2018
  • Children's Education Program: Income & Careers
    Presented by Excellend in Financial Literacy Education,  2017
  • Diversity and Inclusion Award, Western Region
    Presented by National Association of Extension 4-H Agents,  2017

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Worker, S. M., Moncloa, F., Ullerich, C., & Soule, K. E. (eds.) (In Review). iCode curriculum: Ethnic-racial identity exploration through computer science education [161 pp.]. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.

  • Klisch, S., Diaz, M., Dimond, E., Hong, K., Marrs, A., Plascencia, B., Rorabough, M., Vargas, R., & Soule, K.E. (2023). 4-H S.N.A.C. Club Guide. (National 4-H Curriculum). 

  • Soule, K.E. & Klisch, S. (2022). Addressing Diversity at Multiple Levels of the Socio Ecological Model. In N. I. Fields & T. J. Shaffer (Eds.). Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice through Cooperative Extension. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing. (pp. 117-128).

  • Soule, K.E. & Robinson, D. (2022). Addressing Diversity at Multiple Levels of the Socio Ecological Model. In N. I. Fields & T. J. Shaffer (Eds.). Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice through Cooperative Extension. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing. (pp. 145-160).

  • Pacheco, D., Baldwin, T., & Soule, K.E. (2021). COVID-19 and Vulnerable Populations: The Need to Support Improved Care for LGBTQ+ Individuals in the United States. The International Journal of Community Diversity, 21(1): 1-9. doi:10.18848/2327-0004/CGP/v21i01/1-9.

  • Klisch, S., & Soule, K. E. (2021). 4-H Student Nutrition Advisory Councils Support Positive Youth Development and Health Outcomes Among Underserved Populations. The Journal of Extension, 59(3), Article 19. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.59.03.19

  • Iaccopucci, A; Lewis, K; & Soule, KE (2021). Mindful Mechanics Journal Workbook. National 4-H Council. https://shop4-h.org/products/mindful-mechanics-a-4-h-mindfulness-curriculum-for-adolescents-adults-and-participant-journal-set

  • Fields, N.I.; Chan, A., et al. (2021). True Leaders: Culture, Power, and Justice. K.E Soule (ed.). National 4-H Council. https://shop4-h.org/products/true-leaders-culture-power-and-justice 

  • Elfers, J., & Soule, K.E. (2020). Transformative Elements of Transgender Experiences. The International Journal of Diverse Identities, 20(2), 27-42. doi:10.18848/2327-7866/CGP/v20i02/27-42.

  • Gonzalez, M.; A.J.; Vega, L.; Howard, J.; Kokozos, M.; Soule, K.E. (2020). "Making the Best Better" for Youths: Cultivating LGBTQ+ Inclusion in 4-H. Journal of Extension. 58(4), v58-4tt4. 

  • Lewis, K.M., Iaccopucci, A.M., and Soule, K.E. (2020). Engaging Teens and Adults in Mindfulness: The University of California Mindfulness Retreat. Journal of Extension. 58(4), v58-4iw4. 

  • Scherr, R.E., Jones, A.M., Colorafi, R., Klisch, S., Linnell, J.D., & Soule, K.E. (2020). Assessing the Effectiveness of an Extender Model Partnership in Implementing a Multicomponent, School-Based Nutrition Intervention. Health Promotion Practice. doi:10.1177/1524839920920305.

  • Soule, K.E. (2020). Improving Breastfeeding Supports in the United States: Exploring Convenience, Moments of Parental Savoring, and Cultivating Connection. Journal of Behavioral Health, 9(1), 1-9. 

  • Klisch, S., & Soule, K.E. (2020). Farmers Markets: Working with Community Partners to Provide Essential Services during COVID-19. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(4), 175-179. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2020.094.035

  • Iaccopucci, A; Lewis, K; & Soule, K.E. (2020). Mindful Mechanics: A 4-H Mindfulness Curriculum for Adolescents & Adults. National 4-H Council. https://shop4-h.org/products/mindful-mechanics-a-4-h-mindfulness-curriculum-for-adolescents-adults-and-participant-journal-set 

  • Klisch, S., & Soule, K.E. (March 2018). 4-H Building Health Advocacy Skills. California 4-H Project Sheet. (UC ANR Publication #8602).

  • Soule, K.E. (March 2018). 4-H Beginning Food Preservation Project. California 4-H Project Sheet. (UC ANR Publication #8600).

  • Bergman, J.J., Linnell, J.D., Scherr, R.E., Ginsburg, D.C., Brian, K.M., Carter, R., Donohue, S., Klisch, S., Lawry-Hall, S., Pressman, J., Soule, K.E, & Zidenberg-Cherr, S. (February 2018). Feasibility of Implementing a School Nutrition Intervention that Addresses Policies, Systems, and Environment. Journal of Extension, 56(1). Available at: https://www.joe.org/joe/2018february/pdf/JOE_v56_1a6.pdf

  • Soule, K.E., & Klisch, S (November 2017). Conceptual Article: A Case for Youth Engagement in Nutrition Education. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice, 1(1). Available at http://sciaeon.org/articles/A-Case-for-Youth-Engagement-in-Nutrition-Education.pdf

  • Soule, K. E. (June 2017). Creating Inclusive Youth Programs for LGBTQ+ Communities. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 5(2), 103-125. Available online: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/c8fe6e_7797678bb8774b74ab884816fb073abc.pdf (Invited).

  • Harris, L. J., & Soule, K. E. (September 2017). Guidelines for Safe Canning of Acid Foods in a Steam Canner. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, ANR Publications #8573. Available online: http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8573.pdf

  • Iaccopucci, A. M, Lewis, K. M., Soule, K. E., & Withrow-Clark, R. (July 2017). 4-H Mindfulness Project Annotated Bibliography. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, ANR Publications #8588. Available online: http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8588.pdf

  • Soule, K. E., & Wooten Swanson, P. (2016). Money Talks Series: Tackling Taxes. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, ANR Publications #8557. Available online: http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=8557

  • Wooten Swanson, P., & Soule, K. E. (2016). Money Talks Series: Tackling Taxes Leaders’ Guide. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, ANR Publications #8556. Available online: http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=8556

  • Bergman, J.; Linnell, J., et al. (2016). "Adapting, Implementing, and Assessing the Impact of the Shaping Healthy Choices Program through UC CalFresh Partnerships." The FASEB Journal 30(1)
  • Nelson, C.; Soule, K.E., et al. (2016). "Connecting Youth to Local Agriculture and Building Developmental Assets through Nutrition Education." Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior 48(7): S78.
  • Smith, Julianne.; Soule, Katherine E (2016). "Incorporating Cultural Competence & Youth Program Volunteers: A Literature Review." Journal of Youth Development 11(01): 20-34.
  • Soule, K.E; Klisch, S. (2016). "Schools as Hubs of Health: A Case Study of Comprehensive Nutrition Education Program Delivery." Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior 48(7): S31.
  • Wassenberg, C. L., Goldenberg, M., & Soule, K. (January 2015). Benefits of botanical garden visitation: A means-end study. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(2). doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2015.01.002

  • Soule, Katherine E.; Hendricks, William (2015). "Visitor use, attitudes, and perceptions at Mount San Jacinto State Park Wilderness." International Journal of Wilderness 21(2): 25-30.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Soule, K. (2014). "A four-year follow-up of means-end outcomes from outdoor adventure programs." Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning: 1-2.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Soule, K. (2014). "Examining the Role of Gender in Longitudinal Adventure Education Outcome Attainment." Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism & Recreation Research 5(2): 23-28.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Soule, K. (2014). "Outcomes of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail." Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership 6(1): 44-54.
  • Wassenberg, C.; Soule, K., et al. (2013). Botanical Garden Contributions to Visitors'€™ Mental Well-being: A Means-End Investigation. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Soule, K.; Goldenberg, M., et al. (2013). Means-End Analysis Of Hiking Experiences. 2013 Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, Athens, GA.
  • Soule, K. (2013). Negotiating Attachment Parenting Motherhood: The Role of the Dialogical Self. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Soule, K., et al. (2013). The Outcomes of Hiking: Comparing AT and PCT Trail Users. Leisure Education and Research Symposium of the California and Pacific Southwest Recreation and Park Training Conference, San Jose, CA.
  • Soule, K.; Samdahl, D. (2013). The Subtle Influence of Researchers’ Subjectivity. 2013 National Recreation and Park Administration Leisure Research Symposium, Houston, TX.
  • Soule, K.; Goldenberg, M. (2012). “Raised in a concrete jungle”: Experiences of Female Pacific Crest Trail Hikers. 2012 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Cooperstown, NY.
  • Soule, K. (2012). “You need to find another park”: A Feminist Discussion of Acceptance of Fathers at Playgrounds. 2012 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Cooperstown, NY.
  • Soule, K.; Goldenberg, M. (2012). Female Long-distance Hikers: A Third-wave Feminist Examination. Eighth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Chicago, IL.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Goldenberg, M., et al. (2012). Improving quality of life: A visit to a botanical garden. 2012 National Recreation and Park Association Congress, Anaheim, CA.
  • Soule, K.; Goldenberg, M. (2012). Qualitative outcomes of participation in fishing components of NOLS courses. Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research & Practice. 7:1, 71-81.
  • Soule, K. (2012). Speaking of Fathers at Playgrounds. 7th International Conference on the Dialogical Self, Athens, GA.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Goldenberg, M., et al. (2012). Understanding Botanical Garden User Outcomes: A Means-End Investigation. California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Park Training Conference, Long Beach, CA.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Soule, K. (2011). Differences in Outcomes of Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail by Gender. CPRS Leisure Research Symposium, Sacramento, CA.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Soule, K. (2011). Outward Bound Participant Outcomes 4-years After Course Completion. International Outdoor Education & Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Soule, K. (2011). Pacific Crest Trail Outcomes: A Means-End Investigation. International Outdoor Education & Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Wassenberg, K., et al. (2010). 4-Year longitudinal participant outcomes associated with Outward Bound and National Outdoor Leadership School: A Means-End Investigation. Coalition for Education in the Outdoors Research Symposium, Bradford Woods, IN.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Wassenberg, K., et al. (2010). "A qualitative investigation of Californian youth interests in the outdoors." Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research & Practice 5(1): 31-41.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Russell, K., et al. (2010). Comparing Outward Bound and National Outdoor Leadership School Participant Experiences. 10th Annual Symposium for Experiential Education Research, AEE, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Goldenberg, M.; Cummings, J., et al. (2010). How group affects outcomes from NOLS programs: A means-end investigation. 10th Annual Symposium for Experiential Education Research, AEE, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Nathaniel, K., et al. (2010). Job Personality Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Working? UCCE ANR. Publication 8415.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Nathaniel, K., et al. (2010). Job Search Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Working? UCCE ANR. Publication 8417.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Nathaniel, K., et al. (2010). Making My Own Job Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Working? UCCE ANR. Publication 8421.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Nathaniel, K., et al. (2010). On the Job Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Working? UCCE ANR. Publication 8419.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Go, C., et al. (2008). Checking Accounts Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Banking? UCCE ANR. Publication 8335.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Go, C., et al. (2008). E-Banking Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Banking? UCCE ANR. Publication 8353.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Go, C., et al. (2008). Savings Accounts Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Banking? UCCE ANR. Publication 8351.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Peterson, S., et al. (2007). Shopping Savvy Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Listening? UCCE ANR. Publication 8327.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Cortz, S., et al. (2006). Dealing the Cards of Credit Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Charging? UCCE ANR. Publication 21633.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Cortz, S., et al. (2006). Keys to Credit Teen Guide: Money Talks—Should I Be Charging? UCCE ANR. Publication 21632.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Soule, K. (2014). Facilitating Mutual Benefits to Build and Sustain Collaborative Partnerships. 2014 Academy of Leisure Services Teaching Institute: 21st Century Literacies Responding to Change in a Challenging Climate. Asilomar, CA.
  • Rosales, D.; Johns, M., et al. (2014). Hunger Attack! Feed Your Appetite---Protect Your Wallet: A Nutrition Education Curriculum for Teens. Annual Conference of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior. Milwaukee, WI. May 2014.
  • Soule, K. (2014). SLO Scientists: Engaging Youth and Adults in Non-Formal Natural Resource Education. 9th Biennial ANREP (Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals), Golden Opportunities: The Role of Education and Community Engagement in Sustaining Natural Resources. Sacramento, CA. May 2014.
  • Soule, K. E. (August 2013). Connected: A Phenomenology of Attachment Parenting. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia). Available at" https://getd.libs.uga.edu/pdfs/soule_katherine_e_201308_phd.pdf

  • Soule, K.; Goldenberg, M. (2012). Female long-distance hikers: A third-wave feminist examination. Eighth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
  • Soule, K. (2012). "Visitor outcomes." Leaning Pine Arboretum Retrieved July 2012, from http://leaningpinearboretum.calpoly.edu/news_corner.htm.
  • Sancez, F.; Rush, D., et al. (2011). Expert Report, Timm Adams, et al. v. United States of America, et al. 210.
  • Soule, K.; Goldenberg, M. (2011). The value of hiking the PCT. PCT Communicator. July 2011.
  • Wassenberg, K.; Hendricks, W., et al. (2009). Mt. San Jacinto State Park visitor use survey. California Department of Parks and Recreation.

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