Facility Use Agreements


A facility use agreement (FUA) is a short form license for very limited use of a facility. FUAs do not include programmatic aspects.

FUAs are intended for licensing classroom, studio, theater, and other periodic use space for educational, research, and public service purposes, use is intermittent and the user is not making any improvements to the premises. FUAs should be tailored to fit the unique facts of individual arrangements.

There is sometimes a consideration in dollar amount clearly tied to the appropriate intervals for periodic use, number of rooms or amenities or services required; timing for payment should be specified.

FUAs are typically processed through UC ANR Risk Services. For more information visit the Risk Services Forms and Waivers website or read the FUA guidance pdf in the link below.

On this page: Execution/Signature Authority, Useful Links

Execution/Signature Authority

Per UC ANR Policy and Procedure Manual Section 208 IV.D, UCCE County Directors have been delegated the authority to execute the following:

  • FUAs that do not contain hold harmless clauses or that contain a hold harmless clause using UC's preferred language, or an alternative clause previously approved by UC
  • State of California, Division of Fairs and Expositions, Agreement No. F31 covering use of fairgrounds facilities