PCPA Frequently Asked Questions

Below are general FAQs. Program-specific FAQs can be found on the left column of this web page or below general FAQs if you are on a mobile device.

The term "TB Testing" is frequently mistaken for the state-mandated "TB Risk Assessment." The State of California designed the tuberculosis (TB) risk assessment as a preventive measure to manage and control TB. These forms do not contain medical information, and ANR neither receives nor solicits any medical test results.

You can access the TB Risk Assessment form here: https://ctca.org/wp-content/uploads/TBCB-CA-School-Staff-Volunteer-TB-Risk-Assessment_updated-May-20203.pdf. For our records, ANR requires the submission of the Certificate of Completion, located on page 3 of the form. This section should be completed by a nurse practitioner, a nurse, or a doctor.

The Certificate of Completion is securely stored by ANR Risk Services. Typically, PCPA collaborates with Risk Services to send a letter of attestation of clearances to the relevant school(s). However, these forms can also be directly sent to the school, as they do not include any medical information.

If you have any questions, please reach out to PCPA directly, and we will gladly assist you through the process.

ANR utilizes Sterling for fingerprinting to conduct background checks on social security information, and a DOJ livescan background check for criminal charges, including misdemeanors and felonies. Upon clearance of the background check, employees will be required to enroll in subsequent arrest notices (SAN), which are overseen by ANR's Risk Services unit. It is not recommended for our employees to undergo a separate background check through any third party.

For any inquiries, please reach out to PCPA directly, and we will gladly assist you in navigating through the process.

You can file a Whistleblower report, information for how and where to do that can be found here: https://ucanr.edu/sites/Whistleblower/files/385329.pdf
All UC personnel who have observed or suspect child abuse or neglect while working within the course and/or scope of their University activities should make a CANRA report.

Follow the steps on this page: https://ucanr.edu/sites/canra/

Contact Robin Sanchez, rgsanchez@ucanr.edu, as soon as possible with questions and/or concerns.
Immediately contact Robin Sanchez, rgsanchez@ucanr.edu.

Do not respond to the requestor or disclose any records.

Robin and Rachel Lloyd will send the ten-day notice of receipt to the requestor and help you contact the correct offices of record to gather responsive records. Once all the records have been collected, they will analyze responsive records for applicable disclosure exemptions.
Do not sign for a subpoena unless it is addressed to you personally, with only your name listed. Not your name, tell the server you cannot accept the subpoena. Not even an office assistant or secretary can sign for a subpoena for someone else.

*If you received a subpoena not addressed to you, please scan and send to Robin Sanchez, rgsanchez@ucanr.edu immediately.

If addressed to someone else, UCCE, REC, Custodian of Records, or any other name specific to ANR, tell the server you cannot accept and have them service directly to Robin Sanchez, 2801 2nd Street, Davis, CA 95816.

If addressed to the University of California, UC Regents or the Regents of the University of California, tell the server you cannot accept and have them service the UCOP Office of General Counsel, 1111 Franklin Street, 8th Floor, Oakland, CA 94607.

If you received a subpoena addressed to you, scan and send to Robin immediately. Do not disclose any records. Robin and Rachel Lloyd will provide next steps.
If you are a form 700 filer, report any potential conflicts on those annual filings. Contact Rachel Lloyd, rlloyd@ucanr.edu, with any questions regarding those forms.

If you are not a filer and still believe you have a potential Conflict of Interest, please contact Robin Sanchez, rgsanchez@ucanr.edu, immediately.
Please contact Rachel Lloyd, rlloyd@ucanr.edu, for guidance on what, when and how to discard records.

All records need to be maintained according to the UCOP record retention schedule, https://recordsretention.ucop.edu/.
If your County Support Agreement is expiring soon, please contact PCPA, newagreement@ucanr.edu, as soon as possible. These types of agreements can be difficult and time consuming to negotiate, so the more time the better. PCPA will review the existing agreement and provide you with next steps.
1 – The other party has a form they want use. Please fill out that form as best as possible and then send to PCPA at newagreement@ucanr.edu. PCPA will provide you with next steps and assist you through the process.

2 – The other party doesn’t have a form, please use our MGP MOU template (Located in the right column). Before sending to the other party, fill out the template as best you can and send to PCPA at newagreement@ucanr.edu. PCPA will review, provide you with next steps, and assist you through the process.
No. Only people with the delegated authority from the ANR Vice President are approved to sign these types of agreements. Please contact PCPA with any questions.
No, please have PCPA review all drafts before sending to the other party. This will save time and confusion during the review process. PCPA always needs to review before sending to the other party.

Most of the time PCPA will arrange for execution of agreement for both parties via DocuSign. In some instances, the other party has a preferred method of signature collection, but PCPA will always guide you through this process.
While we strongly prefer to use electronic signatures, “wet” signatures can be obtained. Keep in mind this process takes much longer to complete. “Wet” signatures also require the following:

1. To be mailed to the appropriate ANR person with authority to sign. PCPA will direct you on the appropriate person and address

2. Include return envelope and necessary postage with return address.

3. Print the same number of “original” copies as there are parties to the agreement (e.g., if there are two parties, you need two copies, one for each party, etc.).

4. PCPA will guide you through this process


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