If you are served a subpoena immediately contact
On this page: Overview, What, Why, How?, Process if in your name, Process if not in your name, Do, Do not, Useful Links.
Receiving a legal document commanding a person to appear at a legal proceeding or to turn over records to attorneys can be a very stressful experience. PCPA is here to help guide you through this stressful and often, time-sensitive process.
When you are served a subpoena, unless the UC Office of General Counsel states that there is a legal basis to object to the subpoena, you must comply with the terms, including any deadlines. Subpoenas can command for records or a deposition, a sworn testimony given before the trial and outside the presence of a judge or jury.
When you are served a subpoena follow the steps below to comply with UC policy.
What, Why, How?
- A court order that requires an individual to appear at a deposition or provide records.
- Sent to plaintiff and/or defendant
- Sent to 3rd party, uninvolved in the lawsuit (This is typically the type we receive)
- A process server will hand deliver a subpoena addressed in either your name with your relationship to UC, the custodian of records, or to a UCCE/REC, etc.
- You can only accept a subpoena in your own name (e.g., not to the custodian of record, not to someone other name, etc.)
- If not your name, tell the server you can’t accept it
- If addressed to the custodian of records, ANR as a third party, or UCCE/REC, have them service Robin Sanchez, 2801 2nd Street, Davis, CA 95816
- If addressed to the UC Regents as plaintiff or defendant it must be served to the UCOP Office of General Counsel, 1111 Franklin Street, 8th Floor, Oakland, CA 94607.
Process if accepting a subpoena NOT in your name
- Do not accept a subpoena for someone else
- Tell the server you can’t accept, and have them service Robin Sanchez, 2801 2nd Street, Davis, CA 95816
- If they leave it anyway, that’s OK
- Scan and contact Robin Sanchez via the contact information to the right ASAP
- Do not respond to or release any information or documents regarding the subpoena
- Robin will take care of next steps
Best Practices
Do: | Don't: |
Such a subpoena should be redirected to the Office of General Counsel, 1111 Franklin Street, 8th Floor, Oakland CA 94607
Contact Us
Robin Sanchez J.D.
Title: Director, Policies, Compliance and Programmatic Agreements
Address: UC Agriculture & Natural Resources
2801 Second Street
Davis, CA 95618-7774
Phone: (530) 750-1235
Brian A. Oatman
Title: Director, Facilities Planning & Management - Director, Risk & Safety Services - Interim Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer
Address: 2801 Second Street
Davis, CA 95618-7774
Phone: (530) 750-1264
Useful Links
UC Systemwide Service of Process
Subpoena FAQs (Coming soon)
PPM Section 460, Subpoenas (Coming soon)