Expertos en incendios forestales de ANR de la Universidad de California

Jun 23, 2015

In English.

Los días secos y calurosos el verano significan clima de incendios en California.

Los expertos de la División de Agricultura y Recursos Naturales de la Universidad de California (UC ANR) trabajan por todo el estado y pueden responder a preguntas sobre una diversidad de cuestiones relacionadas con la prevención, impacto, recuperación y preguntas generales sobre los incendios forestales en California.

UC ANR es una división de la Universidad que cuenta con científicos en tres los planteles de la UC y en las oficinas de Extensión Cooperativa en los condados del estado. UC ANR lleva a cabo investigaciones y comparte con el público información, basada en investigaciones, acerca de incendios forestales, producción agrícola, protección del medio ambiente, políticas de recursos hídricos, desarrollo juvenil y nutrición.


Travis Bean UC ANR Cooperative Extension weed specialist at UC Riverside Management of invasive plants that introduce or alter fire regimes(951) 827-5130

Van Butsic UC ANR Cooperative Extension specialist at UC Berkeley Land change science including fire and land use planning (510) 666-5400

Ryan DeSantis UC ANR Cooperative Extension forestry/natural resources advisor for Shasta, Trinity and Siskiyou counties Disturbance ecology, fire, dendrochronology, prescribed fire (530) 224-4900

Mike De Lasaux UC ANR Cooperative Extension natural resources advisor for Plumas and Sierra countiesWildfire fuel reduction on small forest parcels, forestry and watershed management (530) 283-6125

Sabrina Drill UC ANR Cooperative Extension natural resources advisor for Los Angeles and Ventura counties Plant arrangement, building design and maintenance to reduce fire risk, invasive weeds and pests contributing to fire risk (626) 586-1975

Maggi Kelly UC ANR Cooperative Extension natural resource monitoring specialist Geographic information science, mapping forests (510) 642-7272

Susan Kocher UC ANR Cooperative Extension natural resources advisor in the Central Sierra Defensible space, fire hazard mitigation in forests, post fire restoration “Living with Fire in the Tahoe Basin” web site, (530) 542-2571 

Chris McDonald UC ANR Cooperative Extension natural resources advisor Desert species, invasive plants and fire (909) 387-2242

Richard Minnich Professor of earth sciences, UC ANR Agricultural Experiment Station, UC Riverside Fire ecology of Southern California, Baja California, and temperate Mexico; exotic plant invasions, climate change. (951) 827-5515

Max Moritz UC ANR Cooperative Extension wildfire specialist in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at UC Berkeley. He is located in Santa Barbara County. Wildland fire, fire modeling, fire effects, shrubland ecosystems and spatial patterns of fire disturbance, climate change adaptation

Malcolm North Associate professor of Forest Ecology, UC ANR ecologistForest recovery(530) 754-7398

Dave Rizzo Plant pathology professor, UC ANR pathologist Fire and infectious disease (530) 752-0300

Kimberly Rodrigues UC ANR Cooperative Extension natural resources advisor  Public participation in resource management (530) 750-1283

Mark Schwartz Environmental science professor at UC Davis and UC ANR ecologist Forest plot mapping (530) 752-0671

Tom Scott UC ANR Cooperative Extension area natural resources wildlife specialist for Southern California Conservation of wildlife, wildlife management at the urban-wildland interface, and response of plants and animal species to fire (951) 827-5115

Scott Stephens Professor of fire science and co-director Center for Fire Research and Outreach at UC Berkeley, UC ANR fire scientist Fire ecology, fire behavior, wildfire, fuels treatments, forest mortality, fire policy (510) 642-7304

Bill Stewart UC ANR Cooperative Extension forestry specialist in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at UC Berkeley and co-director Center for Fire Research and Outreach Economics of fire prevention and fire suppression programs (510) 643-3130

Para más información, comuníquese con:  Myriam Grajales-Hall,, (951)781-2151. 

By Myriam Grajales-Hall
Author - Communications Manager