Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Turkey vultures have peculiar nesting habits, study finds

A turkey vulture spreads its wings at Hopland. (Photo: Robert Keiffer)
Omnipresent and homely, turkey vultures are a native California wildlife species that doesn't get a lot of research attention.

But UC Cooperative Extension advisor Greg Giusti has found a surprising level of interest from the public in his Northern California research project about turkey vultures' nesting preferences in oak woodland.

“Animals with cute fuzzy faces are far more attractive in our culture,” said Giusti, a wildland ecology expert. “Turkey vultures have been overlooked. Very little is known about their biology and environmental needs.”

Giusti worked with Robert Keiffer, superintendent of the 5,300-acre UC Hopland Research and Extension Center in Mendocino County, to better understand the nesting habits of the red-faced scavengers.

In the study area, the researchers counted 417 trees in all; seven of them had suitable nesting elements for turkey vultures. They found that the vultures at the Hopland facility select large hollow trees – either dead or alive, either shaded or in the sun – to lay eggs and rear their young. The tree species in the study included blue oak, interior live oak, Oregon white oak and valley oak.

Turkey vulture nestlings deep inside a hollow tree at the UC Hopland Research and Extension Center.
The nesting trees were widely dispersed and ranged in diameter from 36 inches to 65 inches around at breast height. The nesting cavities are vertical tubes in the tree trunks that drop down as much as 13 feet from the entrance to the ground.

“This is very different from other large birds, like eagles and osprey, who build open cup nests high up in tall trees, which they may use for generations,” Giusti said.

After turkey vulture chicks hatch, the parents drop into the cavity five or six times a day to feed their young, Giusti said. How birds with a five-foot wingspan traverse a deep vertical tunnel is a mystery.

“They just shimmy up and down, I would imagine,” Giusti said. “We don't know how the young birds do it when they fledge. We've never witnessed the adult birds calling them out.”

Giusti said the scientists will continue to build on the turkey vulture nesting database they have started with results from this project. In the coming years, they hope to learn whether turkey vultures will re-use successful nesting sites and whether they may be found nesting in fallen logs or rock piles.

In the video clip below, a turkey vulture explores a possible nesting cavity at the UC Hopland REC.

An initiative to maintain and enhance sustainable natural ecosystems is part of the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Strategic Vision 2025.

Posted on Friday, January 9, 2015 at 8:25 AM


Interesting piece: in young redwood stands, I have observed dozens of nest sites, typically in burned-out and hollow redwood stumps within typically dense conifer stands. The "nest" consists of scratched earth within the stump area.  
RPF 1773, former manager of Jackson Demonstration State Forest

Posted by Marc Jameson on January 12, 2015 at 3:06 PM

We live on the Oregon Coast and have noticed a Turkey Vulture alone in a field of cattle across from our house. We have never seen the alone and not in a group although we see groups frequently. Sometimes I see him.her holding it's wings out as if to air them. It doesn't seem to have any problem flying. It has been there for a week or more. Do you know any possible reason for this odd behavior? There are new calves in the field but they all seem to be healthy. One was just born a couple of days ago and I wondered if the vulture was interested in the afterbirth. I would think there would be more or it would have finished the afterbirth by now. Could it be nesting?

Posted by Alicia spooner on May 30, 2015 at 9:37 PM

TUVUs have an incredible sense of smell and can key into small odors emitting form dead rodents, afterbirth, etc. TUVUs will often spread their wings open, in theory to warm up in morning sunlight. but possibly a way to dry their wings in damp climates. I think your TUVU simply has adjusted to a routine place to do such a thing... usually they do this on a dead snag, pole, limb, rock, etc. ...but an open pasture is also rather safe from predators due to good visibility. They will often do this alone. TUVUs need a large cavity of some sort for nesting. ...hope this helps.

Posted by Robert J Keiffer on June 1, 2015 at 9:59 AM

We had a single turkey vulture show up at our house about 8 weeks ago. Seem content to just hang out with our peacocks and chickens. All of which are free range on our 40 acres of mostly wooded land. I have asked local vets and hunters. No one can seem to explain this odd behavior. We would really appreciate any insight you can provide.  
Thank you,  
Cynthia Anderson

Posted by Cynthia Anderson on June 13, 2015 at 7:06 AM

hi i think ur tuvu is just chillin

Posted by Hope Vallary on April 25, 2016 at 7:44 AM

We had a turkey vulture stop by in our backyard.  
The local steller's jays went crazy harrying it. The turkey vulture just ducked its head and seemed to be communicating that it was just browsing for dead things.  
Do you think the vulture was looking for eggs/chicks or was it truly as innocent as it would have led us to believe?  
-- Emily

Posted by Emily Berk on May 4, 2016 at 3:07 PM

I lived in an area in the Hualapai mountain foothills. I have seen some quite large vultures here and there nesting even on power pole lofts. We have large basalt ridges all around the town and I often see large nest areas. I do allot of hiking and camping locally. I have a photo of one nesting above in the tall pines on the mountain over our camp site. I have seen some extremely large birds eating in areas I hike that have high cliff caves. Mostly inaccessable to humans or non flying creatures. The most incredible sight I saw was of many birds all roosting on the block where I lived. Each tree seemed to have 6 birds in it. My cat disappeared that week and maybe something had been hunting in the area. It was like a family reunion. I have noticed a lot of owls lately. And had my small dog with me when I photographed a large horned owl atop a large boulder watching for an opportunity to get her. I am sure it could have easily done so. I also noticed two cone shaped basalt formations that were quite large. They have ladder type Footholds carved into them which I had difficulty accessing due to erosion. I saw stones dry starched in the eye type cave area that would have been able to sleep in comfortably even for a human. I imagine that they were occasionally used for nesting. The carved foothold on the one look old like perhaps the Indian tribes of the past used them to gather eggs or sleep in.  
I can find the pics I have if your interested in seeing them. Torixain@Gmail.com

Posted by Tori on June 21, 2016 at 10:14 PM

My son and I were exploring for new caves in central Nevada last year, when we heard the most horrifying hissing coming from deep in the cave. After a lot of soul searching, we made our way back over 20 feet, only to come on to 2 young turkey vultures. Was we ever relieved...we went our way and they went thiers...

Posted by Rock on June 30, 2016 at 7:17 PM

This morning I observed a juvenile turkey vulture in what appears to be an abandoned osprey nest at the top of a dead pine. Adults were in the area.

Posted by Carole on August 20, 2016 at 8:50 AM

I took some pics yesterday of what I thought to be a Hawk but it turned out to be a Turkey Vulture upon investigating. And I thought it was weird because it was in the city. So when it landed I took a pic and upon editing I see that it had a partner and they were on a building where it goes in right before the roof and its dark and private. So my question would be is that normal and do they nest in the city?

Posted by Dave on April 7, 2017 at 7:27 AM

I live in New York State. We have a ton of turkey vultures here. There have been three hanging out by my house for the last couple of weeks. They perch on a dead tree. They keep flying down to the ground in the midst of a bunch of close knit brambles. I thought maybe there was something dead down there, but I couldn't see or smell anything from about 10' away. I'm wondering if they ever nest on the ground?

Posted by Elizabeth Diamond on April 18, 2017 at 1:34 PM

Nice sharing thanks

Posted by Raftingo Advanture on April 23, 2017 at 2:15 AM

Currently doing research as a result of finding 2 buzzards in one of the lofts of one of the barns on some property I lease. For the couple of years I've had the property, I haven't done anything but attempt to clean it out for storage, for a long time I believe after seeing moles (?) raccoons & possums in the area that the noises I'd been hearing were to do with those animals, then last week I saw one peeking it's head above some wood.  
I know NOTHING about such hunters, other than they eat road kill.  
After a couple of days, feeling the Okla. heat myself, I put out some water, the next day saw it exit the barn when I came back from feeding in the other barn. Didn't have the camera ready, but watched it fly across the road and land on a 50' pole. Not sure if he was gone for good was happy for him. Then next day, saw him in an empty stall, the next saw him/her in the loft, then to my surprise, ANOTHER in a stall. Next both in loft. Gave them some water in the loft, an a lil later they'd spilt the plastic shoe box container and was playing with the container.  
So today, climbed up the ladder an put a litter box with some water, now just waiting. :D  
They seem to not mind the camera, event the flash... However when they feel I'm a lil too close they hiss a bit, & that's fine with me, not looking to domesticate them.  
They have the loft & a large exit & smaller one, they're more than welcome to come & go as THEY PLEASE...  
Have a few pic's, as the game ranger did state he'd never heard of any living in a loft, but personally I can see the draw, after all, if I was in the market to buy or claim a home, I'd prefer vaulted ceilings & a loft & I don't even fly.

Posted by Penny on July 20, 2017 at 3:10 PM

I live in Linwood,Ks.This is the 5th year for nesting Turkey Vultures. We sit in a grove of tall white oaks and a 30 acre lake. Late may, we will witness as many as 30 to as low as 10 vultures mating 30 feet from our house in 40 to 50 feet tall oaks. They will copulate for about 3 to 4 days. It is so dense we can't find the nests. Many trees are broken at the tops from many storms and high winds we get here. Some move on, but some stay to roost. It is now July 24th and we are seeing the new fledglings flying out of the woods. Some come out of the woods flying not more than 4-6 feet off of the ground. About 3-4 vultures are here. Less than the 10-30 in late may. We observe them gliding over head. All times of the day,they will come and go. Many of the older birds have wing feathers missing. The young are real black and no wing feathers missing.The young seem to be about the same size as the adults. We have picked up their (poop), it stinks. The birds seem to poop in the open yard. Turkey Vultures are a beautiful thing.

Posted by Lynn Tate on July 25, 2017 at 3:28 PM

Approximately 30 Turkey Vultures have decided that the live willow tree across the road from my home in rural Oregon is an excellent roosting tree. They've been roosting there nights for almost a week, perhaps longer. I have never seen vultures gather like this in a tree, and I can't recall ever seeing them in the trees around my home. They are gentle, humble creatures. When they fly from the tree, the sight of them and the sound of their wings is awesome!

Posted by Pamela on September 20, 2017 at 10:56 PM

I live in a remote area 1/4 mile from the Cimarron river in Oklahoma and have lived here for 20 years. My property is fairly heavily wooded and 100 yards from my house is a thick growth of large cedar trees, black jack and another specie of hard wood I have not identified. I know there is a turkey vulture nest up in there and suspect they are using one of several large dead hardwood trees but I have never investigated it. I have seen young ones come crashing through the branches trying to learn to fly every year.  
What is particular is that 5 to 7 adults seem to be taking part in the enterprise as they are there every day. I know these birds sometime roost together but this is a nesting sight for sure. I have seen Harris Hawks nest in groups before and am wondering if this might be what is going on.

Posted by TOM KIPGEN on April 16, 2019 at 5:34 PM

For the past 2 months there have been 2 baby turkey vultures living under our deck here in California. At first I didn't really think much of it and just tried to leave them alone, but recently the smell has become unbearable. Hopefully they'll fly the nest soon!  
Do you know if these nests carry any diseases or risks? Do you know how I may get rid of the smell once they're gone? Any insight into my situation is greatly appreciated. I'm also happy to collect info if it helps with your study.

Posted by Blake on July 11, 2019 at 11:42 AM

I imagine if the odor persisted it could cause nausea. I think like most birds there are few pathogens that can be directly transmitted to humans. That said, if/when you should clean up under your deck I would avoid inhaling any dust created by raking or sweeping. Wetting the area prior to working should help. I’d also consider wearing a paper, painters mask. The kind you see people wearing in hospitals.  
If there are remains of vulture food items ( carrion) removing those items should help with smell. I hope that just water should remove the remaining odor, especially once the nest has been cleaned.

Posted by Greg Giusti on July 11, 2019 at 1:08 PM

We live in Southern Oregon and have a turkey vulture nesting about 12 feet from our front door in a hollow tree trunk of a living maple tree over 100 feet tall. The arborist says the tree is healthy but has this deep hollow cavity. The question is how can we dissuade them from nesting there? Are they a danger to kids and pets? They are very intimidating, And won't even fly off if we walk into the yard, almost seems like they hiss at us. I get that they are protected, and a valued part of the ecology, but they are creepy.

Posted by David J on August 2, 2019 at 3:37 PM

Sprinkle some lime around should take care if the odor

Posted by Larry on October 10, 2019 at 4:35 PM

i have a cabin in the Allegheny national forest in pa, for the past five years..usually about a dozen vultures congregate at the top of a very high hemlock tree [60-70 ft high ] they are there every year, so are they nesting or is it just their territory

Posted by Jim R Caldwell on April 20, 2020 at 6:11 AM

My house's roof line has several levels. For weeks now, a turkey vulture, then two, have been sitting on my roof and pecking at a window. Now, I find that they have built a nest in a sheltered corner on the roof and there are two eggs in it. Now, I am the one with the birds-eye view looking down from a second floor window as the nest is right below it. Now what do I do? I am afraid of damage to my roof.

Posted by Joan Kager on May 1, 2020 at 10:26 AM

I just found three baby vultures in my upstairs fireplace. So they also can climb in and out of chimneys, lol

Posted by Christy peffer on June 11, 2020 at 9:14 PM

Hello. Nice blog. A question. Just today a friend sent a video cam segment of two hatching turkey vultures in an old farm out building in western Wisconsin. Quite, quite amazing. Pecking out and emergence. Interesting behavior of the mom follows. She starts "tap-dancing" around the chicks. Forward, back, around. Sometimes awfully close to the babes. My guess was she was startled, didn't know what these things were. A friend surmised she was somehow rhythmically reassuring them with the clacking sound of her claws. Any ideas?

Posted by M. Hallman on July 7, 2020 at 5:41 PM

We have a kettle of vultures that return every year on March 21 to roost in a sycamore tree in a residential area right by Interstate 70 in Topeka, Kansas. The number has grown over the years and they have needed to roost in two additional trees next to the sycamore and an additional sycamore in another houses's yard. If we are driving on the interstate at dusk we see them returning to roost. On rainy days they sit in their trees like the vulture in the Charlie Brown comics wings wrapped closely. I always thought they nested where they migrate for the winter, but this summer, about a month ago, at the end of the day a single vulture started staying at our rural land we own, perching on our abandoned silo. We thought he/she was a juvenile who got left behind when the others who like to sit on our silo returned to Topeka for the night. Then...we discovered two large fluffy baby birds in the hayloft of our ramshackle bank barn (a barn that is one story above the ground on one side and two stories on the other). When we drove by the open hayloft door we saw these two fluffy babies, When they saw us looking, they stepped down into a space between two beams from the underneath floor, made accessible by missing flooring where they were standing. We still thought they were owls, but two days ago we got a better look at one's profile. Definitely a turkey vulture. We had a report that they had hissed at a friend's grandchildren when they had looked at them. I was pleased to read a previous post where someone else said a vulture had nested in their barn. It will be interesting to see how things go when they fledge.

Posted by Susan Turner on July 28, 2020 at 6:08 PM

12/15/20 Elk Grove ,CA  
I used go to work on my farm land 10 acres in Sheridan , Lincoln , three miles from Freeway 65 N  
,I have known one group of big bird vulture have been living nearly ten years , last two months I saw them resting on the fence post in every early morning when the wind current has not pick up or no wind , when the wind speed is high enough they start to fly high and they spread out to search foods in counties near by , they are very gentle birds , I tried to be friendly with them , I bought eight pounds chicken and laid on a high table , several days later all the meat was gone , last year I fed them chicken but they did not eat because after several days out door at hot weather the chicken had smell , I was very surprised they did not eat bad smell meat , very smart bird , after three PM they start to fly back and fly around then around 5 PM they park on the big trees along the county road to sleep, there are 35 of them, one morning I recorded 45 second they were dancing on the sky above my land , in next coming months I make many homemade nests then hang them up to 50 big trees in my land to help them to increase their population , I did made 100 nests for Hawk , Dove by 4 in PCV pipe to help them nesting and raising their babies on my land , it will be nice to see wild birds to come and observe their activity daily

Posted by Nghia Vu on December 13, 2020 at 1:37 PM

Hi, I had a pair in my abandoned horse stable about 4 of years ago and they raised two chicks. They returned again this year and now have two eggs, although I had tried to secure the building so they could not get in, as they do leave quite a mess. I suspected this was going to happen again as I noticed them copulate on the roof and remain in and out of the area despite my efforts to enclose the building. The eggs appeared to have been laid about a week ago as I was on vacation so if anyone would like to see their development then by all means, let me know. I’m going to leave the top Dutch door open providing plenty of ventilation…

Posted by Michael on May 17, 2021 at 8:34 AM

I have a pair that laid their eggs in a pile of concrete slabs below the lower deck of my house. When going down the steps one was always there but occasionally the second one would be down there as well if it wasn’t off finding food or perched above the deck in the big tree by our house. The eggs hatched a couple of weeks ago and Now there are also two cute big fluffy babies sitting with their mama. Now that they’re getting older sometimes there are no parents with them or I’ll see both of the parents sitting together in the tree above.

Posted by Alison on June 25, 2021 at 8:44 AM

We have a large tree fort and this will be the third year a Turkey vulture has layed an egg. Last spring we watched the mom come several times a day to feed and then actually coax her out of the fort on to the roof and eventually fly ….the first year she abandoned the egg ( our yellow labs were relentless) , last year successful , and today she is in the fort grunting and likely ready to hatch ( we have a web cam set up )

Posted by Bean cromwell on April 25, 2022 at 5:57 AM

We have a TUVU with 2 eggs in an old cabin on our property. They are in the open on a wood floor. We have a lot of coons, rat snakes, and possums so not sure if they will make it. I wouldn't mind building a few nest boxes around for them. Does anybody have any plans or dimensions for a nest box? If so please post them or a link to where I can find them.

Posted by jim patient on May 14, 2022 at 6:33 PM

My neighbors had a fire a few months ago and haven't been living in their house for 7 months. Lately we've seen as many as 50 turkey vultures in their pine trees, they soar around for a bit but every day, for at least a week, around 3pm they cover the pine trees with themselves. We've joked that the neighbors are dead in the Pod that they have outside their house.  
What gives? Is this normal behavior or should we be concerned?

Posted by Kim DeS on December 8, 2022 at 1:17 PM

I was mushrooming and found a hollowed out tree stump that is 3 ft. tall and 2 ft. id. There was a large bird setting at the bottom. The next day I took my husband out and showed him. To out surprise there is 2 large eggs in it. As we were walking out of the woods, we saw what looked like a turkey vulture flying above. We came back to the house and googled for the eggs and saw your article.

Posted by Paula Holmes on April 20, 2023 at 12:11 PM

Fascinating observations about turkey vultures, I am in Florida and have TUVU visitors in my back yard; its a wetlands and i love seeing them and other birds like blue birds and manu warblers as well. Thanks to all the kind vulture affionados. Florida is a great home to black vultures too.

Posted by Mercedes McCallen on August 23, 2023 at 10:38 AM

Today two Turkey Vultures were espied resting in a pine tree. We're about three miles outside of Ocean Shores, WA in a very wooded area. They have a large wingspan.  
So cool to see them.

Posted by Marge Roberts on May 6, 2024 at 11:51 AM

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