A searchable catalog of publications on many gardening topics. Some publications are available for purchase in booklet, magazine, book or leaflet form; others may be downloaded immediately for free.
Information about growing California fruit and nut crops in the home garden. The content for the site comes from UC Cooperative Extension farm advisors and Master Gardeners.
An information portal that focuses on sustainable gardening practices and uses a question and answer format to present solutions. A blog on the Web site’s home page, updated weekly, highlights gardening content pertinent to the season. The site also links to useful gardening resources on other UC Web pages.
The University of California Master Gardener program extends to the public research-based information verified by UC experts about home horticulture and pest management. In exchange for the training and materials received from the UC, Master Gardeners perform volunteer services in a myriad of venues.
Fruits and Nuts Research and Information Center
Information about UC fruit and nut crop research and publications, and the scientists who are conducting fruit and nut research.
Pest management guidelines for homes and landscapes