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Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass

Calamagrostis × acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'

Calamagrostis × acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ in August 2013. Photo: SK Reid.
Calamagrostis × acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ in August 2013. Photo: SK Reid.


Karl Foerster feather reed grass proved itself a tough and beautiful ornamental whose only drawback is the downtime after cutting back typical of ornamental grasses.  It also proved irresistible to rabbits in two sites, Orange and Ventura Counties. Size, flowering, and overall appearance increased incrementally with increased irrigation, but it must be noted that even at the lowest irrigation level, the average plant quality was still rated consistently above the acceptable or very good rating while receiving water only in July and September.  By October, the statistical difference in size between treatments had gradually disappeared with each successive irrigation application. For this reason, this plant could be grown successfully on any of these levels of irrigation.


Basic Info

Submitted by: UC Davis Arboretum
Trial Exposure: Sun
Year evaluated: 2013
Height & Width
(after 2 years):
33" x 42" - UC Davis
Reported Height & Width
(at maturity):
48-72" x 24-36"
WUCOLS plant type: G
Water Needs & WUCOLS Region:
Low - Region 2 
Mean Overall 
Appearance rating:
(1-5 Scale, 5 is highest)
4.2 - UC Davis 
Flowering Months
May-October - UC Davis

Growth and Quality Data

Click Here for Complete Data Set

Calamagrostis × acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ in the breeze October 2013. Photo: SK Reid.
Calamagrostis × acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ in the breeze October 2013. Photo: SK Reid.