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Sunshine Privet

Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine'

A view of Ligustrum ‘Sunshine’ on a variety of irrigation levels in September 2011. Photo: SK Reid.
A view of Ligustrum ‘Sunshine’ on a variety of irrigation levels in September 2011. Photo: SK Reid.


There was no significant difference between the four  irrigation treatments in overall growth or percent new growth during the second growing season of Ligustrum ‘Sunshine’ in our field conditions under 50% shade. Any irrigation could be used for this plant down to the very low 20% ET0 level without compromising quality. A very low water level as the plant aged might eventually lead to more conservative growth that would reduce pruning needs.

Plants had consistently even growth, good form, high leaf quality, and were completely unbothered by pests or disease. They had a slightly conical habit in their early life in our field which resembled little lime-colored Christmas trees. The leaves colored a brighter yellow on the south side of plants where early season sun hit the plants more directly. These were a real staff and visitor favorite.

Basic Info

Submitted by: Ball Ornamentals
Trial Exposure: 50% Shade
Year evaluated: 2011
Height & Width
(after 2 years):
5' x 5' - UC Davis
Reported Height & Width
(at maturity):
3-6' x 3-4'
WUCOLS plant type: S
Water Needs & WUCOLS Region:
Low - Region 2 
Mean Overall 
Appearance rating:
(1-5 Scale, 5 is highest)
4.8 - UC Davis 
Flowering Months
N/A - UC Davis

Growth and Quality Data

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