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Thanking peer reviewers

Thanking reviewers

If you wish to thank your reviewers for submitting a review, there is a templated email that you can send as is or edit.  

  1. Go back to your Associate/Guest Editor tasks page, and scroll down to the green “Assigned reviewer” section. You’ll see on the far right of each reviewer’s name is a “Notify reviewer of decision” option.

  2. Click that to go to the email template that notifies the reviewer of the final decision and thanks them. It looks like this:

Dear (reviewer name),
I want to thank you for your review of {Title} {ID#}, submitted to UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. After careful consideration of your comments and those of the other reviewers, this submission has been {decision}.

I greatly appreciate the time and commitment that goes into each review. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources would not be the quality publisher that it is without your efforts. If applicable, be sure to note that you reviewed this ANR publication as evidence of your university service or professional development in your merit and promotion package.

When this manuscript is published, Communication Services will send you a copy of or a link to the finished product.

Thanks again.

Best regards,

{AE Name},
{sys_SystemName} Associate Editor

       3. Again, click “Preview reviewer notification letter” and “Send.”