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Spanish translation editing

Spanish translation editing

All language experts know that it is more difficult to correct a translation that was done by someone who is not a trained translator than it is to do a translation from scratch. To avoid this issue, we use known and trusted professional translation agencies or certified freelance translators, particularly when working with technical or complex material. We do not recommend using a colleague or associate to translate, even if he/she is a native Spanish speaker. 

However, if you have had a translation done already, we offer a service to check it for accuracy. UC ANR maintains and constantly updates a Spanish dictionary of terminology used in agriculture, nutrition and natural resources. These terms are familiar to and used by the unique Spanish-speaking audiences of California.  


  1. Fill out the Translation Editing Request survey.

  2. Email the translation, and, if available, the original English material to Ricardo Vela, News and Information Outreach in Spanish Program Manager and copy Linda Forbes.

  3. He will evaluate the translation and communicate with you about what, if any, editing is needed, how much time it will take and estimated cost. You can decide at this time whether to pursue this improvement.

  4. The translation is edited and returned to you. Your account is recharged for translation editing time.