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Posts Tagged: President Michael Drake

President Drake answers employee questions at UC Town Hall

UC President Michael V. Drake held a systemwide UC Town Hall on Feb. 24.

In conversation with Priya Lakireddy, staff advisor, and Jo Mackness, staff advisor-designate to the UC Regents, Drake opened with his journey from UC student to UC San Francisco professor, to vice president for health affairs for the UC system to UC Irvine chancellor and finally, president of the UC system.

Drake discussed the values that guide him – respect, intellectual curiosity, integrity, commitment, empathy, appreciation and fun. “That's respect for yourself and respect for others,” he said, “intellectual curiosity, the interest in learning and teaching and discovering; integrity, making sure that you mean what you say and you say what you mean. I think that's really important to be committed, that's an important value to me, that your sleeves are rolled and you're leaning into the things that you're doing.”

As a physician, he said, “Empathy has always been an extraordinarily important value to me, to make sure to see it from the other person's point of view.”

For the university, appreciation for different life circumstances and points of view is important, he said.

He also encouraged fun. “The idea of the values is to do all of them at the same time,” Drake said. “To be all those things all the time, and to make sure you're having fun as you're doing it.”

Drake answered questions submitted by UC staff on budget, compensation equity, COVID-19, diversity, accountability, community safety, climate crisis, tuition and affirmative action.

On the pandemic, he noted with pride that UC employees have fewer hospitalizations, ICU admissions and fatalities due to COVID-19 than the average U.S. community.

In response to a question about remote work, he noted policies are designed to be flexible and supportive of colleagues. “There are differences in the way this is applied given the different circumstances that people live and work in across our system, and that's true and appropriate. We have agricultural and natural resources where you could be working on a farm, you could be working in a lab.” 

A recording of the town hall is on YouTube at

Posted on Friday, February 24, 2023 at 6:15 PM

UC President Drake praises COVID resilience, emphasizes partnerships

The President's Advisory Commission on Agriculture and Natural Resources met via Zoom on June 23.

During a meeting of the President's Advisory Commission on Agriculture and Natural Resources on June 23, UC President Michael Drake joined the virtual gathering to offer an update on the ongoing response to COVID-19.

Drake praised the diligence, resilience and continued productivity of the entire university community, and cited the systemwide 96-97% vaccination rate and judicious public health measures as reasons UC has been able to weather the worst of the pandemic.

While urging care and caution, he also expressed optimism for the future, pointing to the development and availability of better vaccines and treatments.

The PAC – comprising leaders from UC and the agricultural, natural resources and related human resources sectors – then heard from several commissioners about the importance of partnerships in achieving their shared goals.

Mary-Ann Warmerdam, senior vice president of government affairs for the Rural County Representatives of California, emphasized how essential collaborations are to advancing the interests of rural populations. Kathie Sowa, a senior vice president at Bank of America, highlighted the work of the A.P. Giannini Foundation, which supports research in the basic sciences and applied fields, and the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy.

Carol Chandler of Chandler Farms in Fresno County discussed the crucial role of the state's universities in delivering innovative solutions to farmers for a wide range of challenges – from diseases to water issues. Chandler, a former UC regent and California State University trustee, stressed the need for more collaboration between the two systems.

President Drake concurred, voicing his belief that – along with community colleges across the state – the UC and CSU institutions are all part of “one system of higher education.” In particular, he mentioned financial assistance plans and certificate programs as just some of the ways to help more people attain more education.

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 3:33 PM
  • Author: Mike Hsu

A sweet reunion for the PAC

UC President Michael Drake, left, gets a tour from Ashraf El-kereamy of Lindcove Research and Extension Center citrus.

On Dec. 10, the President's Advisory Commission on Agriculture and Natural Resources met in the San Joaquin Valley, gathering in person for the first time since December 2019. The group followed strict COVID-19 safety protocols, but that did not interfere with the energy and excitement of the discussions and activities.

Commissioners, UC President Michael Drake and local dignitaries began the day-long event at Lindcove Research and Extension Center (LREC) in Exeter to learn about the latest citrus research, see the packline in action and sample many of the varieties of citrus made available during Lindcove's public citrus tasting on Dec. 11.

Lindcove's greenhouses, orchard and packline are used by researchers for a variety of studies, including developing new citrus rootstocks and scions, evaluating environmental effects on rootstock and scion combinations, screening seedless varieties of mandarins, detecting freeze damage of fruit, and analyzing chemical treatments for pests and postharvest diseases.

President's Advisory Commission members Eric Holst and Corinne Martinez viewed Buddha's hand and many other citrus varieties.

Lindcove REC director Ashraf El-kereamy gave an overview of the facilities and discussed research and breeding highlights, including LREC housing the first structure in California to grow Citrus Under Protective Screen (CUPS). UC Cooperative Extension Specialist and Director of the Citrus Clonal Protection Program Georgios Vidalakis discussed LREC research in huanglongbing disease, which is a major threat to citrus worldwide. Curator 4 and Givaudan Citrus Variety Collection Endowed Chair Tracy Kahn showed some of the many varieties that participants would be tasting and invited people to explore the orchard.

The outdoor tasting tables offered a feast of color, smell and taste with 180 varieties to choose from, and commissioners and other attendees were given boxes of produce as parting gifts.

The group next explored Woodlake Botanical Gardens with UC Master Gardener volunteers who care for the three-acre rose garden. They also met with emeritus UC Cooperative Extension Small Farms Advisor Manuel Jimenez and his wife Olga, who oversee the Botanical Gardens and engage youth volunteers in gardening. They founded a program to help keep young people out of gangs and to teach skills and habits that prepare them for college or jobs. Attendees were impressed by the youth volunteers who spoke about the positive impact the garden and the Jimenez family have had in their lives.

Glenda Humiston tasted citrus at Lindcove Research and Extension Center.

At the Tulare County Cooperative Extension office, participants enjoyed a farm-to-table lunch showcasing local produce, heard remarks from VP Glenda Humiston and President Drake, and participated in interactive displays by researchers and programmatic staff:

  • 4-H staff members Rochelle Mederos and Tyler Beck presented a slime making booth
  • Citrus advisor Greg Douhan had microscopes to show a variety of citrus pest damage
  • Farm advisor Elizabeth Fichtner offered olive oil tasting with three different oils and showed a video on the pomology program
  • Nutrition educators prepared a low-calorie oatmeal cookie tasting with an option to vote on the best one
  • Cristina Barrick-Murillo, agricultural land acquisition academic coordinator, showed maps of the north and south valley for all to pin a location of their choosing
  • Farm advisor Ruth Dahlquist-Willard and Michael Yang, small farms and specialty crops Hmong agricultural assistant, displayed an array of specialty produce grown in the San Joaquin Valley
  • Nutrient management and soil quality advisor Joy Hollingsworth showcased soil samples
  • Farm advisor Nicholas Clark showed drone footage of agronomy field work 
  • Karl Lund, area viticulture advisor, offered wine tasting from UC viticulture research
  • Farm advisor Konrad Mathesius offered a tasting of beer made with California-grown barley

After so many months of interacting on Zoom, it was a delight to get together to learn about and experience the amazing work that's being done in Tulare County to improve the lives of Californians. President Drake even joked about talking for too long during lunch because it was his first appearance at a lectern in a long time.

County Director Karmjot Randhawa and county and LREC staff – as well as Sherry Cooper and the Program Support team – worked tirelessly to make the event a huge success. We just cannot thank them enough!

Posted on Monday, December 20, 2021 at 10:16 AM
  • Author: Linda Forbes

ANR presents its Strategic Plan to President Drake

UC ANR's strategic planning team presented both the new 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and the 2020-2025 REC Strategic Framework to President Michael Drake on Feb. 2, 2021. His comments were generally very positive. A few minor edits were made to the UC ANR Plan following the meeting to further clarify the relationship between this “operational” plan and our systemwide public value statements and condition changes. The new plans will be posted to the UC ANR website later this month.

Thanks again to the ANR community for providing ideas to the ANR strategic plan during the four input sessions and via the survey. Notes on the ideas gathered will also be available on the web page where the final plans will be posted.

President Drake listens as UC ANR’s strategic planning team presented new 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and the 2020-2025 REC Strategic Framework.
President Drake listens as UC ANR’s strategic planning team presented new 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and the 2020-2025 REC Strategic Framework.

Posted on Friday, February 26, 2021 at 5:57 PM
  • Author: Kathy Eftekhari

President Drake, regents get a taste of ANR on virtual tour

Cece Arellano Ibarra described how Chris Wong, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC community education specialist, encouraged her and her classmates to improve the accessibility of healthful food at their high school.

UC President Michael Drake and UC regents were treated to virtual tours of UC ANR similar to the tour taken by legislators on Nov. 20.

On Dec. 2, UC regents Charlene Zettel, Cecilia Estolano and Richard Lieb, alumni regent Debby Stegura and Anne Shaw, secretary to the regents, took a 90-minute tour via Zoom. They were joined by members of the UC President's Advisory Commission Corinne Martinez, Connie Stewart, Paula Daniels and Stuart Van Horn.

On Dec. 8, President Drake was joined by UC regents Michael Cohen and Hadi Makarechian, student regent Jamaal Muwwakkil, alumni regent Eric Mart, regent-designate Cheryl Lott and student regent-designate Alexis Atsilvsgi Zaragoza

In introducing the virtual tour, VP Glenda Humiston explained that UC ANR does much more than they would see that day. “This is just to pique your interest,” she said.

Learning boxes containing samples of almonds, smoke-tainted wine, moringa powder, California-grown coffee and many other items related to the presentations gave tour participants a more interactive experience.

Before the tour, “learning boxes” containing samples of almonds, smoke-tainted wine, moringa powder, California grown coffee and many other items related to the presentations were shipped to the participants to give them a more interactive experience.

For example, while discussing the impact of wildfires, Stephanie Larson, livestock range management advisor and director of UCCE in Sonoma County, invited the participants to reach into the learning box for the two small wine samples to taste first the regular wine, then the wine made from grapes exposed to wildfire smoke to see if they could detect the smoke taint. Another popular item was the Shot Hole Borer ID kit which included a real (dead) shot hole borer in a vial with a magnifying glass and damaged wood sample. 

Participants wrote questions in the Chat. Presenters answered questions and provided links to information.

During the presentations, tour participants were encouraged to write their questions in the Chat feature of Zoom and presenters followed up with information. They also engaged with questions and conversation at points during the tour.

The regents said they were very impressed with the work that UC ANR does. They urged UC ANR leadership to tell more people about UC ANR programs and let urban legislators know that the programs affect all 40 million Californians, not just rural communities.

At the end of the tour, Humiston said, “This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more research going on.” She invited them to see more of UC ANR on actual field tours when coronavirus restrictions ease.

President Drake said he liked seeing the connection between globally important issues such as wildfire, climate and carbon soil sequestration and UCANR research. “It's good to know we're actively involved. Thank you for your hard work and contributions.”

4-H members sewed more than 40 COVID-19 masks as samples of the masks they have given out in their communities.

Presenters included Missy Gable, director of the UC Master Gardener Program; Jim Farrar, director of the Integrated Pest Management Program; Greg Ira, director of the California Naturalist Program; Lorene Ritchie, director of the Nutrition Policy Institute; Kamal Khaira, director of CalFresh Healthy Living, UC; Cecilia Arellano Ibarra, former CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Youth-led Participatory Action Research participant and UC Davis sophomore; Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, director of the 4-H Youth Development Program; Alexis Peña, senior at Buhach Colony high school and past Juntos 4-H program participant; Francisco Salazar, UC Merced student and past Juntos participant; Jhalendra Rijal, area IPM advisor; Ashraf El-Kereamy, UCCE specialist and director of Lindcove Research and Extension Center; Ruth Dahlquist-Willard, small farms advisor; Mike Mellano, third-generation flower grower in San Diego County, UC President's Advisory Commission member and California representative for the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching; Betsy Karle, dairy advisor; Yana Valachovic, forestry advisor and UCCE director in Humboldt and Del Norte counties; and Larson.

Ruth Dahlquist-Willard took the regents and PAC members into a moringa field via video embedded in the story map.

Behind the scenes, many people contributed to the tour's success. 

The story map framework of the virtual tour was introduced and supported by Shane Feirer and Robert Johnson of the Informatics and GIS Program, then Kathy Eftekhari, chief of staff and Anne Megaro, director of government and community relations, created the story map working with the 16 presenters to develop content. Ricardo Vela, manager of News and Information Outreach in Spanish edited most of the videos. Many people helped to assemble and ship learning box items, including 4-H members who sewed more than 40 COVID-19 masks as samples of their work in civic engagement. 

A self-guided version of the virtual tour will be posted online in the new year.



Posted on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 1:49 PM

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