ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

2017 UC ANR Competitive Grants Program/High Risk, High Rewards recipients announced

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce funding decisions for the 2017 UC ANR Competitive Grants Program/High Risk, High Rewards Program. As in past years, the number of requests received exceeds funding available. With 45 competitive grant proposals requesting over $7 million and six high-risk high-reward proposals requesting over another $500,000, we are pleased to be able to support around 25 percent overall.

I want to thank the Strategic Initiative Panels for their work in screening Letters of Intent and the Technical Review Panels for their efforts reviewing proposals for technical merit, feasibility and Extension prior to the review by Program Council. Program Council then reviewed proposals against all the criteria and had the difficult task of making recommendations to me how best to distribute the finite resources available. I commend the principal investigators and their teams for their submissions. While each submission represented important work, not all proposals could be funded.

I am particularly pleased to see that funded proposals represent each of the Strategic Initiatives and have as principal investigators advisors, specialists, academic administrators and Agricultural Experiment Station
(AES) faculty from each of the AES campuses, our county academics, and our UC ANR statewide programs. The partnering in each of the proposals illustrates one of the principles of our ANR Promise.

The Strategic Initiative Leaders will be sending review comments out to all applicants over the next few weeks.

Congratulations to all of the awardees. The list of funded proposals is below and also posted on the 2017 funding opportunities web page.



Award amount

Pathways to Your Future: Destination UC


Shannon Horrillo



Massive tree mortality in the Sierra Nevada: Consequences for forest health

Jodi Axelson



Reducing nitrate leaching to the groundwater by accounting for the soils' capacity to supply N through mineralization

Daniel Geisseler



Advancing urban irrigation management to enhance water use efficiency

Amir Haghverdi




The California Master Beekeeper Program: Development of a continuous train-the-trainer education effort for CA beekeepers

Elina Niño



Silent straws: understanding water demands from woody encroachment in California's oak woodlands

Lenya Quinn-Davidson



Impact of a warmer and drier future on rangeland ecosystems and ecosystem services

Jeremy James



Closing the adaptive management loop for sustainable working rangelands

Leslie Roche



Developing a culturally relevant civic science approach to improving scientific literacy for Latino youth

Steven Worker



Creating cyst nematode suppressive soils by managing indigenous populations of the hyperparasitic fungus Dactylella oviparasitica*

James Borneman



Smart Farming: Monitoring the health of chickens*

Maja Makagon



Recruiting the next generation of extension professionals

Jennifer Heguy




Glenda Humiston
Vice President

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Posted on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 1:52 PM

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