Associate Director
Budget Operations Team:
Adolfo Limon
Title: Financial Analyst IV
Alan Wong, CFA, CPA (Inactive)
Title: Financial Analyst IV
Raymond Williams
Title: Financial Analyst III
Samantha Dang
Title: Associate Director
Phone: (510) 587-6049
- Manages and reconciles the budgetary resources related to salaries and benefits cost for the division.
- Supports and trains units division-wide on how to reconcile their budget staffing list.
- Responsible for the oversight and compliance of division-wide staffing.
- Analyzes and makes recommendations for policy procedures elated to academic and staff budgeting.
- Responsible for Academic and Staff FTE tracking.
- Reconciles ANR staff and benefit related provisions.
- Confirms balances and makes recommendations for the funds available for staff recognition and development program on behalf of the ANR Budget Office.
- Lead for ANR Budget Office in development and implementation of the Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of 1998 (AREERA) plan.
- Oversees salary related transfer of funds.
- Coordinates the funding for academic and staff range, merits and promotions with four campuses.
- Directs the development of systems to track staffing.
PMF workflow on position types and funding