University of California
ANR Employees

University Business Travel Insurance

University Travel Insurance

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University employees are required to register each OUT-OF- STATE and OUT-OF-COUNTRY University business trip to ensure University business travel accident coverage is in place. If you make arrangements through Aggie Travel you are automatically enrolled. If you make your travel arrangements outside of Aggie Travel, please complete the form located at: Select "University of California, Davis" as the UC location.

When traveling on official University business, employees are covered worldwide, 24 hours/day, for a wide variety of accidents and incidents.  This coverage extends to the spouse/domestic partner and dependent children traveling with the UC employee. The coverage is provided is available at no cost to the employee. Some of the items covered include:

  • Security extraction
  • Out-of-country medical
  • Loss of personal effects
  • Emergency medical evacuation
  • Repatriation of remains
  • Accidental death, dismemberment, paralysis, and permanent total disability coverage

More information is available at the Office of the President Risk Service home page (,  (

iJet/Worldcue Traveler

In addition to the travel insurance link above, it is highly recommend that you also register your out-of-state or out-of-country trip on the iJet / Worldcue Traveler site. This site will help you prepare for your trip and will inform you of risks that may affect your travels. If you provide contact information you will receive alerts as conditions change before and during your trip.  You can access the Worldcue site at the end of the UC Business Travel Insurance registration or by clicking this link iJet / Worldcue Traveler

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