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Rangeland Watershed Program

Summary Conduct research and education programs that provide science based information to private rangeland owners and various agencies and groups. Address any rangeland or ranch problems or issues that may effect the management of the watershed.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Kenneth Tate (Chair)
Phone (530) 754-8988
Unit: Department of Plant Sciences
Membership List
AES Scientist
Dahlgren, Randy Soils & Biogeochemistry Program
  Professor   Pedologist   Soil Mineralogist-AES Biogeochemical aspects of pedology-interactions of biological, hydrological and geochemical processes in natural and managed environments; processes and products of mineral weathering in the soil environment
Diez, Jeffrey Botany & Plant Sciences
  Assistant Professor of Plant Ecology
Huntsinger, Lynn Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor and Associate Dean of Instruction & Student Affairs Rangeland management and ecology, Native American natural resource management, pastoralism, China, culture and natural resources
Laca, Emilio Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Spatial ecology. Rangelands and climate change. Invasive annual grasses. Precision grazing.
CE Advisor
Becchetti, Theresa Stanislaus County
  Farm Advisor Livestock and Natural Resources, San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties
Davy, Josh Tehama County
  Livestock, Range, and Natural Resources Advisor / County Director Livestock, Range and Irrigated Pasture
Doran, Morgan Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  UC Cooperative Extension Advisor for Livestock and Natural Resources Livestock, beef cattle, sheep, nutrition, range management, irrigated pastures, grazing systems, ranch water quality.
Finzel, Julie Kern County
  Farm Advisor Animal Science and Rangeland Ecology and Management
Forero, Larry Shasta County
  Emeritus: County Director Livestock and Natural resources
Harper, John Mendocino County
  Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus Sheep & goat production, range cattle production, rangeland, watershed, water quality, computer applications.
Ingram, Roger Placer-Nevada Counties
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, Emeritus Grazing management, fencing, nutrition, economics, livestock, range, land use, low-stress livestock handling, California Grazing Academy
Larsen, Royce San Luis Obispo County
  Area Natural Resource/Watershed Advisor Water Quality and Non-point Source Pollution on Rangelands. Also, other natural resource issues including: Rangeland Improvements, Noxious Invasive Weeds, Wildland Fires, Grassland Restoration and Endangered Species.
Larson, Stephanie Sonoma County
  County Director and Livestock Range Management Advisor Sheep management and production, fiber production, rangeland and natural resource management, water quality
Lewis, David Marin County
  Director, Advisor Water and Watershed Management and Research, Community Development, Sustainable Agricutlure
Lile, David Lassen County
  County Director Livestock / Natural Resources
Macon, Daniel Placer-Nevada Counties
  County Director, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland livestock production, economics, and management
Rao, Devii San Benito County
  San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland Ecology and Management, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management, Conservation of Biological Diversity, Watershed Protection and Management.
Rivers, Carissa Siskiyou County
  County Director/Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor
Snell, Laura Modoc County
  County Director and Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor Livestock & Natural Resources
CE Specialist
Atwill, Edward Veterinary Medicine Extension
  Director, Veterinary Medicine Extension Waterborne zoonotic disease, best management practices , microbial food safety, epidemiology
Butsic, Van Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Associate Specialist in Coop Ext. Land Use Science
Gornish, Elise Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist in Restoration Ecology Restoration of grassland habitats, climate change, plant demography, invasive species management
Harter, Thomas Hydrology Program
  Distinguished Professor & Distinguished Professor in Cooperative Extension Flow and transport processes in groundwater and in the vadoze zone; non-point source pollution of groundwater; numerical and statistical modeling of non-point source pollution at the agriculture-groundwater nexus; sustainable groundwater management; integrated water management.
James, Jeremy Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center
  SFREC Center Director Range Management
O'geen, Anthony Soils & Biogeochemistry Program
  Professor and Cooperative Extension Soil Resource Specialist Soil-landscape relationships, hydropedology, application of digital soil databases, soil survey; pedologic and hydrologic processes in deep regolith; macrofauna and mesofauna in soils.
Sandoval Solis, Samuel Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources Water Resources Management, Environmental Flows, Agricultural Water management, Risk Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Science Communication
Tate, Kenneth Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor and Russell L. Rustici Rangeland Watershed Science Specialist in Cooperative Extension rangeland management, livestock grazing, water quality, riparian areas, restoration, soil health
Other ANR
Brownsey, Philip Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center
  Rangeland Restoration Academic Coordinator
Fischer, Lisa Informatics and GIS (IGIS) Statewide Program
  Director, Research and Extension Center System
Frost, William Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  CE Advisor, Emeritus
Hogan, Sean Informatics and GIS (IGIS) Statewide Program
  IGIS Academic Coordinator II GIS and Remote Sensing
Roche, Leslie Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Rangeland Management
Membership Totals
Number of Members32
ANR Members32
Info Only0
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