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University of California
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Workgroup Information

California Communities and Food Systems

Summary Provide visibility for widespread issues that do or will affect California communities, and a venue for focusing academic attention on study and/or intervention related to these issues.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Christy Getz (Chair)
Phone (510) 207-9424
Unit: Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
Location: University of California, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
130 Mulford Hall, MC 3114
Berkeley, 94720-3114
Membership List
Richter, Kurt Agricultural Issues Center
  Graduate Research Assistant
AES Scientist
BENNER, CHRISTOPHER Human & Community Development
  Associate Professor
Heck, Katherine
  Specialist in AES
Hirtz, Frank Human & Community Development
  AES   Associate Professor   Associate Sociologist Sociology of development, rural sociology, sociology/anthropology of law, social policy and welfare issues. Researches comparative social policy and social welfare, food policy and agrarian policies; charity, philanthropy and non-governmental organizations. Geographic specialization: Southeast Asia, Southern Africa, Western Europe, California.
Owens, Patsy Dean's Office CA&ES (UCD)
  Professor and Associate Dean Community and urban design, community participation, user preferences and perceptions, youth well-being and development, environments for children and adolescents
Romm, Jeffrey Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor Resource policy and economics; resource conservation and economic development; intergovernmental relations in resource management
Sumner, Daniel Agricultural Issues Center
  Frank Buck Jr. Chair Professor Economics of Agricultural Issues
CE Advisor
Barrett, Gloria Sacramento County
  County Director   Community Development   Public Policy Advisor Community, Economic, and Workforce Development, Health Promotion, Aging Issues
Bianchi, Mary San Luis Obispo County
  Emeritus - Horticulture Farm Advisor Horticulture, pomology, subtropicals, water management and water quality. Horticulture in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County.
Bird, Marianne Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  4-H Youth Development Advisor Program development, science literacy; work with Expanded Learning (afterschool) programs, youth-adult partnership, camping and environmental education, volunteer and non-profit management.
Brosnahan, Ann San Joaquin County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor Youth development, family literacy
Cassell, Jodi Solano County
  Natural Resources Advisor California Water Policy, Aquatic Invasive Species, Public Participation, Citizen Science, Science Literacy
Dasher, H. Steve San Diego County
  4-H Youth and Community Development Advisor, Emeritus youth development, experiential learning, adolescent & community issues, volunteer management, science and agriculture literacy
Desmond, Daniel El Dorado County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor   Emeritus 4-H youth development, environmental education including garden based learning and Master Food Preserver program.
Farfan-Ramirez, Lucrecia
  Emeritus Community health and nutrition, youth nutrition
George, Holly Plumas Sierra
  Livestock & Natural Resource- Emeritus Livestock, Multiple Use of Natural Resources & Community Development
Gregory, Peggy Kings County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor/County Director, Emeritus 4-H Youth Development
Ingram, Roger Placer-Nevada Counties
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, Emeritus Grazing management, fencing, nutrition, economics, livestock, range, land use, low-stress livestock handling, California Grazing Academy
Jimenez, Manuel Tulare County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Small farms, vegetable crops, integrated pest management
Johns, Margaret Kern County
  Nutrition Family Consumer Science Advisor, Emeritus (Retired)
Jones, Michael Mendocino County
  Forestry Advisor - Mendocino, Lake and Sonoma Counties Forest Health; Disturbance Ecology; Entomology; Integrated pest management of invasive and endemic forest pests
Lamp, Cathi
  Nutrition, Family, and Consumer Sciences Advisor, Emeritus Nutrition, food safety, food access, nutrition education, nutrition monitoring
Marcum, Daniel Shasta-Lassen Office
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Irrigation, plant nutrition, salinity, entomology, sustainable agriculture, agronomy, vegetable crops, engineering, plant pathology, integrated pest management, systems management, economics, weed control, nematology, strawberry nursery production, garlic, wild rice, alfalfa, timothy, sugarbeet, pasture, range, biodiversity, peppermint, viticulture
Martin, Anna San Joaquin County
  Nutrition   Family   Consumer Sciences Advisor Community Nutrition Education
Molinar, Richard Small Farm Program
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Small farms, vegetable crops, organic farming, insect/weed management, specialty crops, sugar peas, strawberries, eggplant, squash, Asian vegetables such as basil, lemongrass, green beans, long beans, gailon, bittermelons, refugee farmers, Hmong, Lao, fluent in Spanish
Moncloa, Fe
  UC ANR Cooperative Extension Advisor, Emeritus Latinx youth development, intercultural communication, culturally relevant pedagogy
Moratorio, Mario Solano County
  Emeritus Small Farm Urban Horticulture Advisor Small farms, grapes, urban horticulture and Master Gardener programs in Solano and Yolo.
Murdock, Shelley Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Youth Development Advisor
Murray, Michael Glenn County
  "County Director, Farm Advisor, Emeritus" Vegetable crops, community development
Paterson, Carole Solano County
  Emeritus 4-H Youth Community Development Advisor    Youth development, community development, group facilitation, event planning
Rilla, Ellie
  Advisor Emeritus Public policy education, natural resource issues, community development
Schmitt-McQuitty, Lynn Associate Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources
  Director for County Cooperative Extension Positive Youth Development, Youth Science Literacy, Leadership
Smith, Richard Monterey County
  Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science
Sousa, Carla Tulare County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor Youth-at-risk
Steinbring, Yvonne Siskiyou County
  4-H Youth Dev / Family Consumer Science Advisor Conducts educational home economics programs, especially in food preservation and food safety. 4-H curriculum and presentations.
Valachovic, Yana Humboldt County Office
  Forest Advisor and Humboldt - Del Norte County Director Forest management and ecology, oak woodlands, wildfire preparation, home hardening
Varea Hammond, Sonya Monterey County
  County Director (Emeritus, Retired) Public Policy - Biotechnology Education and Land Use
Willmarth, Kenneth Stanislaus County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor, Emeritus Volunteer development
Yee, Lawrence Ventura County
  Emeritus Youth development, organizational development; Hansen Trust
CE Specialist
Campbell, David
  Specialist in Cooperative Extension Emeritus Community development research and outreach in areas of local policy implementation, social service networks, local and regional food systems, accountability, citizenship, and governance.
Getz, Christy Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist in Agriculture and Food Systems Political economy and governance of food and agriculture systems; farm labor movements; social certification; food safety; cannabis; organic agriculture; farmworker health and wellbeing
Grieshop, James Human & Community Development
   CE Education Specialist  Emeritus Non-formal education and change, communication of innovations, leadership development, cross-cultural communication
Ponzio, Richard Human & Community Development
  Specialist in CE (Emeritus) Development and assessment of science education and science literacy programs in non-school settings (e.g. museums, 4-H Youth Development, after school programs, etc.), developing critical thinking skills using science content and methodology, teacher education and teacher partnerships for inquiring into improved instruction strategies, school reform issues, using student portfolios for assessing accomplishment
Sokolow, Alvin Human & Community Development
  CE Specialist   Emeritus Public policy -- community governance, farmland and land use policy, public finance, political leadership
Temple, Steven Department of Plant Sciences
  WOS   CE Specialist III & Lecturer Agronomy and host plant resistance breeding of grain legumes, legume cover crops, sustainable farming systems; fluent in Spanish.
Other ANR
Carlos, Ramona
  Academic Coordinator
English, Pat Youth, Families, and Communities Statewide Program
  4-H Youth Development Program Representative Civic Engagement, International Exchange, Communications
Feenstra, Gail Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Emeritus, SAREP; Sustainable Food Systems Sustainable agriculture, local and regional food systems, regional marketing, farmers markets, farm to school programs, nutrition, food system assessments/ indicators, food security, program evaluation, values-based supply chains, food policy councils
Fujimoto, Isao Human & Community Development
  Emeritus   Senior Lecturer SOE Strategies for community empowerment, rural revitalization, celebrations and symbols for building community solidarity, sustainable agriculture and appropriate technology, San Joaquin Valley, Third World, Pacific Rim, Japan
Grajales-Hall, Myriam Strategic Communications
  Communications Manager
Liesch, Darlene Kern County
  County Director Emeritus Youth development
Mitchell, Rita Nutrition
  Staff Research Associate Curriculum development and staff training
Panarella, Katie Youth, Families, and Communities Statewide Program
  Director, Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences Program & Policy Connecting federal and community-based nutrition education, hunger relief, consumer food safety and obesity prevention programs to empower youth, adults and families to lead healthy lives.
RIOS, MICHAEL Environmental Design
  Associate Professor
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Bell, David Regional Water Qaulity Control Board
  Programmer Database Admin
Firestein, Karen USDA
  Outreach Agricultural cooperatives
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Jimenez, L Sierra Gold Nurseries
  Human Resources Director
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Lloyd, Larry Great Valley Center
  Field Representative
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Reid, Andrew Sacramento Housing Authority
  Consultant marketing
User, Unverified
Other UC
Lacy, Bill
  Professor Emeritus Sociology of Science, Ag. research,higher education
User, Unverified
Membership Totals
Number of Members71
ANR Members56
Info Only0
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