Leadership and Career Development

Career and Leadership Development

Through 4-H Leadership and Career Development projects, you learn and practice ways to:

  • Identify problems
  • Develop action plans
  • Acquire team building skills
  • Assume responsibility
  • Follow through on goals
  • Improve written, verbal, and interpersonal communication skills
  • Practice self-reflection in a safe environment

California 4-H gives you opportunities to take on different leadership challenges at the club, county, state and national levels. Gain self confidence to pursue your passions, your "spark".

Leadership Opportunities

Club Officer

Junior & Teen Leaders

Teens as Teachers

Every year, the 4-H club chooses its club officers following the rules in the club's constitution and bylaws. The 4-H club leader or an officer advisor acts as a guide, counselor, and coach. The 4-H club officers work as a team to organize and run meetings and activities for the club. Each officer has a specific job in the club. Common officer positions are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and sergeant at arms.Healthy Living officer and Civic Engagement officer are two new roles.
Practice leadership skills by assisting with projects or with club/county-organized 4-H activities and events. Junior leaders are intermediate members: you must be at least 11 and no more than 13 years old by December 31st of the program year. Teen leaders are senior members: you must be at least 14 and no more than 19 years old by December 31st of the program year. You can be a junior or teen leader for one or more projects in a year.
You can become a teen teacher in 4-H, helping younger kids learn cooking, science, or mindfulness in hands-on lessons. You will get specialized training to participate in Teens as Teachers programs such as YES (Youth Experiences in Science), Cooking Academy and Mindful Me. Program availability varies by county. If you're interested, contact your county's 4-H office to find out more.

County 4-H Ambassadors

State 4-H Ambassadors

Tuolumne County Ambassadors
Tuolumne County Ambassadors
State Ambassadors 2023-24
State Ambassadors 2023-24
4-H County Ambassadors are the champions of the 4-H program in their county. As a County Ambassador you are a role model for your fellow 4-H members and represent 4-H in your county and community.

County Ambassadors develop an annual Plan of Action. The team chooses and develops 3 of the 6 Leadership Competencies and completes one service learning project.

The 4-H State Ambassador position is one of the highest service opportunities and recognition attainable in the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program. It is a working honor that provides expanded opportunities to serve and promote the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program.

The State Ambassadors develop an annual Plan of Action. The team develops a plan for all six Leadership Competencies. Learn more about this year's State Ambassadors.