University of California
Eskalen Lab
Handouts and Learning Modules
Grapevine Trunk Diseases: Current Management Options |
Sudden Vine Collapse |
Sample Collection and Submission to Eskalen Lab |
Pear Branch Canker and Dieback Disease: |
Pine Ghost Canker in Southern California |
Summer bunch rot, Sour rot, and Aspergillus vine Canker Diseases |
Apple Branch Canker Disease |
Powdery Mildew of Grapevine |
ISHB Sycamore Assessment |
Trapping Guidelines |
How to Remove reproductive hosts of ISHB/FD |
How to Handle ISHB/FD Infested Plant Materials |
ISHB/FD Best Management Practices on Landscape Trees |
ISHB/FD Best Management Practices on Avocado |
A Devastating Threat to California Trees |
ISHB/FD Signs and Symptoms on Avocado |
Don't Move Fire Wood |
Foamy Bark Canker |
Willow Dieback |
Oak Woodland Disease Management |
Identification of ISHB-FD |
ISHB Management Matrix - Infested Urban and Forest |
Best Management Practices for wood canker diseases |
Avocado Branch Canker |
Avocado Root Rot |
Avocado Trunk Canker |
Citrus Dry Root Rot Disease |
Citrus Root Rot Disease |
Oak Diseases Management |
How to sample a pest/disease suspect tree |
Invasive Shothole Borer Fusarium Dieback on Avocado |
Best Management Practices for Wood Canker Diseases |
Una compleja plaga-enfermedad en los Aguacates de CA |
Proyecto colaborativo Mexico-California |
Mejores prácticas de manejode poda para enfermedades de cancro del aguacate |
Informacion General |
Marchitez de Fusarium y el Polyphagous shot hole borer |
Se encuentra nueva plaga que ataca los árboles de aguacate |
Plaga que ataca arboles de aguacate avanza por el Sur de California |
Plaga amenaza arboles de aguacate |
Compre la lena Donde se va a usar (general poster) |
Invasive Shot Hole BorersUC-IPM Pest Note |
Ficus Dieback |