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Ask a Master Gardener

Powdery Mildew
Powdery Mildew

"Ask a Master Gardener" is a free public service available to the home gardener in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. If you do not live in Humboldt or Del Norte Counties, to find your local program please visit http://mg.ucanr.edu/FindUs/

Our team of Master Gardeners can assist you with questions about home horticulture and pest management. Complete the Help Desk Ticket below, and your question will be submitted to our team of volunteers.


You may also find  answers to to your questions on the University of California Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Integrative Pest Management Website ( UC IPM) IPM Website Link

Plant Problem Diagnostic Tool Diagnostic Tool Link



"Ask a Master Gardener" Ticket

Please click the 'Open Survey' button below to submit your question

The Master Gardeners will follow up via email with a request for photos.  Here are some tips:

If possible, please provide 3 digital photos that are clear and in focus. To avoid strong shadows, outdoor photos are best taken in the shade, overcast days, or when sun is behind a cloud. We recommend including:

1. Photo showing entire plant/plant group and its surroundings with overall pattern of the plant’s problem

2. Photo showing affected branches, preferably one with both healthy and discolored tissue. 

3. Close-up photo(s) of symptoms, for example centering on one or a few leaves/needles or the place where green tissue meets discolored tissue; or the areas of suspected insect damage (or the insect itself); an area of the trunk, branch, or twig bark you suspect of being abnormal, such as stem lesions, oozing, bumps, insects, white or other color objects.

Thank you for your patience while our team of volunteers researches your question.

Open Survey