School Gardens


  • Team Nutrition has several resources to connect nutrition education to school and child care gardens, local farms, and farmers markets. They offer evidenced-based curricula that educators can use to integrate garden-based nutrition education lessons into core educational subjects, such as Math, English Language Arts, and Science. 
  • The Junior Master Gardener Program is an international youth gardening program of the university cooperative Extension network. JMG engages children in novel, “hands-on” group and individual learning experiences that provide a love of gardening, develop an appreciation for the environment and cultivate the mind.
  • California Agriculture in the Classroom has several teaching resources such as their "What's Growin' On?" activity newspapers, lesson plans, downloadable fact sheets, and more.
  • Ag in the Classroom has school gardening resources that you can use in the classroom. Resources include virtual farm tours, 
  • Let's Move provides a step-by-step guide, which offers important information about how to safely grow your own fruits and vegetables with your students.
  • Illinois Extension School Gardens provides gardening fundamentals to help make your school garden a success.
  • School Garden Network shares information for grants and funding for school gardens.
  • School Garden Support Organization provides webinars and resources for garden educators and teachers.
