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Sorting and Searching

The File Library has an easy sorting method for your files. You will notice that in the gray bar above the files you have titles to each column which are in fact links that will sort your file library under that category.


For example, if you click on Filename your files will be alphabetically listed by order of your filenames.


Similarly, each column heading will sort your files in the order of the filename.

  • File Codes will be listed from the lowest file number on to the highest, and if you click on File Codes again, it will sort them from the highest number on down to the lowest. This can be helpful when searching or the newest files loaded, for example.
  • Type will list the files in order of file type.
  • Size KB will list files in order of size. To reiterate, if you click any of these column titles again, they will reverse the order.
  • Updated will list files in order of date
  • Search will locate your files based on your search criteria.