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Password Protected Pages

Site Builder has the option of creating Password Protected Pages that restrict a page to only people you have shared a password with. 

Steps to password protect a page:

  1. Edit the Properties of the Page you want to password protect. 
  2. Scroll down on the properties page to the section labeled: Secure Page With Password.
  3. Toggle the Yes radio button, and then hover over the password field to reveal and copy the password. 
  4. Update Properties to save your changes. 
  5. Click on View Current Site in the green navigation bar at the top of the page. You should see a preview of the page with the password field. 
  6. Paste in the password you copied, and click the Submit button. You should now be able to access the page. 

Secure a Site Builder page with a password.
Secure a Site Builder page with a password.

Important Note:

The Modern Theme fully supports Password Protected Pages.

The Legacy Theme 2 - DOES NOT Support Password Protected Pages.

The Legacy Theme 3 only partially supports Password Protected Pages. The layout of the website will not show on a password protected page until the password is submitted. Then the page will reload, and layout of the site will be restored.