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Creating a Site

Creating a new site in Site Builder 3.0 requires that you be a member of ANR.

A new site may be created from the ANR Portal or from the following location:

In the Portal you will find the "New Site" link in one of the two areas seen below.

Site Builder 3.0 Menu in Center Column
Site Builder 3.0 Menu in Center Column
Site Builder 3.0 Link in Right Column
Site Builder 3.0 Link in Right Column

To create a site you two need items.

  • Site Name - Easy to change later.
  • Site Folder Name - This is harder to change later and the folder you may want may not be available later.

Site Builder 3.0 Form for New Site
Site Builder 3.0 Form for New Site

What do do from here

Before jumping in to begin building your site you will want to become familiar with how Site Builder 3.0 is designed. When you first enter the Sit Builder 3.0 Administration all the options can be overwhelming. So knowing the basic design of Site Builder 3.0 can help you get started faster.

  • Site Builder 3.0 is arranged in a "page by page" layout.
  • You will create pages for Site Builder 3.0 and these pages can then be added to the Left Navigation or the Top Navigation.
  • Each page contains Assets. Assets allow you to place different types of content anywhere on the page. Any page can have as many Assets as needed.
  • Examples of Assets are "Text Box Asset" - Allows text to be entered (like your currently reading), "Custom Map Asset" - Creates custom Google maps, "Blog Asset" - shows posts from the ANR Blogs
  • There are many different types of Assets that do many different types of functions. See the Assets help section for more on what each Asset does.
More on Pages

All websites are made up of individual "pages". Pages load one at a time, and contain the header, Navigation, and content. A page is simply a way to describe everything that is loaded at one time. When you click a link, this normally takes you to a different page.

In Site Builder 3.0 We can classify all pages into one of two categories. Parent pages and child pages. This categorization describes how pages are related to each other.

A child can have on only one parent page, and a parent can have many child pages. Child pages can have child pages as well. The levels of child pages can go as deep as needed. Kind of like a family, a page can be a parent and a child at the same time. However, unlike a family the top level pages are always called parent pages. The top level pages are pages that have no parents.
Example showing parent / child relationships
Example showing parent / child relationships

See the Pages parent page for more help on Pages.

More on Assets

Assets are placed on a page in a "list" order. Pages can be divided up into two columns in several different ways. Each Asset can be moved around the page to wherever it's needed. The Page content administration area shows a representation of how all the Assets are organized on the page. The Assets can be easily moved by using the arrows on each Asset.
Example of Assets on a Page
Example of Assets on a Page

See the Assets help section for more help with Assets.