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How are "out-of-school" sites defined? 

Out-of-school sites include any before or after school programs. This would include programs on a school site, as well as off-site programs such as those offered by YMCA and Boys & Girls Club. Currently, out-of-school time summer programs do not need to complete a SLAQ.

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I am working in an out-of-school site, but only during the summer months. Do I need to complete a SLAQ? 

While out-of-school sites include programs that occur on a school site, as well as off-site programs such as those offered by YMCA and Boys & Girls Club, you only need to complete the Out-of-School Time (OST) SLAQ if you are doing school-year or year-round work at the site. If you are working with a program that occurs during the summer months only, you do not need to complete an OST SLAQ and can choose to use any assessment tool.

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How should the LEARN SLAQs be completed and submitted? 

Starting in FFY 2021, the LEARN SLAQs are submitted through an online survey in Survey123. Survey123 links are available in the on the SLAQ Questionnaires webpage, organized by setting. Depending on the setting you are working in, the SLAQ completion process can look differently.

Best practices for completing the School SLAQ:

Because schools typically need to coordinate among multiple staff to complete a SLAQ, we recommend having the site complete the SLAQ either on paper, a shared Word document, or a fillable PDF. Once the paper SLAQ, shared word document, or fillable PDF are completed LHD staff can enter the responses into Survey123.  We recommend LHDs enter the SLAQ data into Survey123 because the school SLAQ is long and it can be helpful for the LHD to confirm that there are no missing responses. Entering the data also helps to identify areas of opportunity early on and begin working with the school on action planning.

To start the SLAQ process with a school, we recommend LHDs send the word document or PDF version of the SLAQ to the site and check in as needed to ensure timely completion of the SLAQ.

There a few ways to complete the SLAQ when multiple school staff are involved:  

  1. E-mail or mail the SLAQ sections separately to the corresponding school staff that needs to complete the section.
  2. Convert the SLAQ to a google doc or other type of shared Word document and share the link with the appropriate school staff. You can separate the SLAQ into multiple shared documents or keep it all together.
  3. Send the fillable PDF to school staff and provide instructions on who at the school site should complete each section.

Best practices for completing the Early Care and Education (ECE) and Out-of-School-Time (OST) SLAQs:

For ECE and OST sites, the site can complete the ECE or OST SLAQ on paper, in Word, using the fillable PDF, or they can complete the SLAQ directly in Survey123.

If the site completes the online survey, the LHD should provide their site with the necessary information to complete the “Site Information” section (pg. 2 of the paper version). Sites will be asked to provide the following information: Site name, address, PEARS Site ID and Local Health Department (LHD) name.

Whenever the SLAQ is completed on paper, Word document or fillable PDF, the LHD will need to ensure that survey data has been entered into the Survey123 questionnaire to complete submission.

Additional instructions and more information about the pros and cons of each method are included in the Learn SLAQ administration protocols.

SLAQ protocols, Word files, PDF files, and Survey123 links are available on the SLAQ Questionnaires webpage, organized by setting.


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Which version of the SLAQ (Word document, fillable PDF or Survey123) should I use at a site?

There are many reasons why an LHD and their site might prefer to use one version of the SLAQ over another. Here we explain how each version might be used and benefits of each version.

Word document version of the SLAQ

Use the Word document versions of the SLAQ when:

  1. Site partners prefer to complete SLAQ on paper, scan the SLAQ and email back to the LHD.?
  2. Site partners want to convert SLAQ to a Google doc or other cloud-based shared document. ?

Regardless of site preference, the LHD should enter final responses on Word document into Survey123.

Word documents are a great option for sites where the respondent prefers to use paper to complete the SLAQ or for sites that would like to convert the document to a Google doc or other shared document. A shared version can be useful in situations where there are multiple respondents who would like to complete the SLAQ simultaneously. Word documents can be found on the Questionnaires webpage, organized by setting.

Fillable PDF version of the SLAQ

Use the Fillable PDF version of the SLAQ when:

  1. Site partners want to complete the SLAQ on a computer and email back to the LHD.?
  2. The SLAQ has multiple respondents at a site (e.g., school).?

Regardless of site preference, the LHD should enter final responses from fillable PDF document into Survey123.

Fillable PDFs are a great option for sites where the respondent is tech savvy and when multiple site staff will need to take turns completing the SLAQ. Once the site has completed the SLAQ, they simply email the completed SLAQ to the LHD. Fillable PDFs can be found on the Questionnaires webpage, organized by setting. 

Survey123 Online version of the SLAQ:

Use the Survey123 links to complete the SLAQ when:

  1. ECE or OST sites prefer to enter their data directly online
  2. The LHD is entering data into Survey123 for their school sites

Both the word and PDF versions of the SLAQ must be entered online using the Survey123 links.

For ECE and OST sites, either the site or the LHD can enter the SLAQ data into Survey123. However; for the School SLAQ, we recommend that LHDs enter data into Survey123 rather than having site partners enter the data. This is because the school SLAQ is long and it can be helpful for the LHD to confirm that there are no missing responses. Entering the data also helps the LHD identify areas of opportunity early on and begin working with the school on action planning.

The survey123 links are found on the Questionnaires webpage, organized by setting

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What should I do if some of the questions on the school SLAQ are better answered by someone in the district office? What if I’m working with several schools in the same district?

When a portion of a school SLAQ is better answered by the school district, we recommend that LHDs send the SLAQ to the district first in Word or PDF format with the specific items identified for them to complete. Once the district has completed their portion, the Word or PDF form can be forwarded to the school site. If an LHD will be working with multiple schools in a single district, they might consider having the district complete this information once, then make separate copies for each school.

Question examples where district help may be needed (Question numbers on both school SLAQs):

Question 1.4: Families from this school are active members of a school or district level wellness committee.

Question 1.5: School participates in the National School Lunch Program.

Question 1.6: School participates in the School Breakfast Program.

Question 1.7: School participates in the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program.

Question 2.2: The school participates in one or more programs that promote locally or regionally sourced food for meals

Question 2.3: All foods and beverages provided in school meals meet nutritional requirements of the National School Lunch Act.

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Can LEARN sites earn any kind of recognition for improving SLAQ scores? 

Yes! Starting with SLAQs submitted in FFY23, sites completing SLAQs for the LEARN settings will be considered for LEAP Awards. For more information on how this program works and how sites qualify for awards, you can read our LEAP FAQs as well as detailed award criteria

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