Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA)
Note:  All UC personnel who have observed or suspect child abuse or neglect while working within the course or scope of their University activities should make a report



On this page: CANRA Reporting Requirements, UCOP Policy SummaryConsequences for not reporting suspected child abuse and neglect, CANRA Resources, CANRA FAQ

CANRA Reporting Requirements

Complete the following three steps:

  1. Call as soon as practical. Reporter shall make a verbal report to any of the following: local law enforcement, child protective services or county welfare departments.
    1. Give the agency as much details as possible
    2. Tell the agency that you are a mandated reporter at the University of California
    3. Tell the agency you are filing a report under section Penal Code 11160 (or P.C.11165.7(41))
    4. Notate the date and time of the call.
    5. Record the name of the person who took the report, along with the report number, and the fax number of the agency.
  2. Make a written report. No later than 36 hours after the verbal report, Reporter must:
    1. Fill-out form SS 8572 (
    2. Fax the completed form to the agency with whom the incident was reported to.
  3. Contact University Compliance Hotline. Reporter shall then make an internal report (cannot be anonymous) to 
    1. University Compliance Hotline 1-800-403-4744
    2. or Report must attach completed form SS 8572 from the previous step.
UCOP Policy Summary

The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (“CANRA”), codified at California Penal Code §§ 11164-11174.3, requires that employers of Mandated Reporters (as defined in the Act) promote identification and reporting of child abuse or neglect ( It is the policy of the University of California to:

  1. Require that all University employees and administrators who are Mandated Reporters make required reports to child protection or law enforcement agencies and University officials;
  2. Encourage all members of the University community who observe, have actual knowledge of, or reasonably suspect child abuse or neglect at a University facility to do the same.

An online training course, CANRA Mandated Reporter Training, is available in the UCD Learning Center (LMS). (Use your Kerberos password to login.)

Any questions or concerns may be directed to the Director of Policies, Compliance and Programmatic Agreements, Robin Sanchez at 530-750-1235 or

Consequences for not reporting suspected child abuse and neglect

When an organization fails to keep those in its care safe from abuse, it may face costly and damaging civil litigation and its leadership may face criminal charges.

A mandated reporter who fails to execute their legal obligations can face criminal charges and a fine

  • Misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail,
  • A fine of $1000
  • Or both
CANRA Resources

Click on the below subjects to learn more.

Praesidium Instructions

The CANRA trainings may be completed online via the UC Learning Center (UCD) at Use your Kerberos password to login. Once logged in, the learning module should appear in the “To Do” section of the training activities box. Click on the icon to begin your training.

Direct link to CANRA training:

If you have any problems accessing this training contact the Learning and Organizational Development (L&OD) directly at or

New categories of Mandated Reporters were added to the Cal. Penal Code § 11165.7, that specifically affects postsecondary institutions.

Effective January 1, 2013, employees (including faculty members and other academic personnel) and administrators whose duties bring them into contact with children on a regular basis, or who supervise others with such duties, are mandated reporters for child abuse or neglect occurring on the University’s premises or at official University activities or programs. The law does not define the definition of “duties” or “regular basis.” (

Additionally, the law strongly encourages employers to provide mandated reporters with training about identifying and reporting signs of child abuse and neglect and requires employees who are mandated reporters to sign a statement acknowledging that they have been informed of their obligations as mandated reporters.

  1. ANR’s plan for compliance with University CANRA will begin with academic positions who, though may not have direct contact with children on a regular basis, supervise those who do.
  2. Next we will send instructions to academic and staff positions whose title or unit responsibilities clearly brings them in contact with children on a regular basis.
  3. Finally, reports will be sent to the Director or supervisor of each location or unit with the current list of titles and positions that have signed an acknowledgment form and taken CANRA Reporter Training. This will be your opportunity to add personal or positions that are missing to the list of mandated reporter position/staff.
The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (“CANRA”), codified at California Penal Code §§ 11164-11174.3, requires that employers of Mandated Reporters (as defined in the Act) promote identification and reporting of child abuse or neglect (

Coming Soon to this page will be a link to procedures regarding:

  • CANRA and the recruitment process
  • CANRA and the on-boarding process for new Mandated Reporters
  • Responsibilities and Roles for continued compliance
All UC personnel who have observed or suspect child abuse or neglect while working within the course or scope of their University activities should make a report.

Complete the following three steps:

  1. Call as soon as practical. Reporter shall make a verbal report to any of the following: local law enforcement, child protective services or county welfare departments.
    1. Give the agency as much details as possible
    2. Tell the agency that you are a mandated reporter at the University of California
    3. Tell the agency you are filing a report under section Penal Code 11160 (or P.C.11165.7(41))
    4. Notate the date and time of the call.
    5. Record the name of the person who took the report, along with the report number, and the fax number of the agency.
  2. Make a written report. No later than 36 hours after the verbal report, Reporter must:
    1. Fill-out form SS 8572 (
    2. Fax the completed form to the agency with whom the incident was reported to.
  3. Contact University Compliance Hotline. Reporter shall then make an internal report (cannot be anonymous) to 
    1. University Compliance Hotline 1-800-403-4744
    2. or 
    3. Report must attach completed form SS8572 from the previous step.
  • The reporting law is all about safeguarding abused kids, preventing more harm, and even protecting other children.
  • It's not just about the children; it's also a chance to support struggling parents who might not ask for help directly.
  • Reporting can spark positive changes at home, reducing the risk of further harm.
  • Plus, it's not just a good idea—it's the law.

What types of abuse and neglect are required to be reported under the law?

The University encourages all members of the University community who observe, have actual knowledge of, or reasonably suspect child abuse or neglect at a University facility or perpetrated by University personnel to promptly report the concern to appropriate external and University officials. The following examples are listed in the code:

  • Neglect meaning the negligent treatment, lack of treatment, or the maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for the child’s welfare under circumstances indicating harm or threatened harm to the child’s health or welfare. [CANRA § 11165.2]
  • Willful harming or injuring or endangering a child meaning a situation in which any person inflicts, or willfully causes or permits a child to suffer unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering, or causes or permits a child to be placed in a situation in which the child or child’s health is endangered. [CANRA § 11165.3]
  • Unlawful corporal punishment or injury willfully inflicted on a child and resulting in a traumatic condition. [CANRA § 11165.4]
  • Physical injury inflicted by other than accidental means. [CANRA § 11165.6]
  • Sexual abuse meaning sexual assault or sexual exploitation of a child. [CANRA § 11165.1]
  • Sexual exploitation, meaning depicting a child in, or knowingly developing, duplicating, printing, downloading, streaming, accessing through any electronic or digital media, or exchanging, a film, photograph, videotape, video recording, negative, or slide in which a child is engaged in an act of obscene sexual conduct. [P.C. 111165.1]

Any person who reasonably believes he or she has observed murder, rape, or lewd or lascivious acts where the victim is age 14 or younger must promptly notify law enforcement authorities.

Yes, below are some examples of academic titles that are mandated reporters. Note, this is not an all-inclusive list and other titles may be required to report. Reference "Appendix A - Mandated Reporter Categories" in UCOP’s Policy on CANRA.

  • County Directors
  • Research Extension Center Directors
  • Statewide Program Directors
  • Certain Environmental Horticulture Advisors
  • Youth, Family & Community Advisors

Yes, below are some examples of staff titles that are mandated reporters. Note, this is not an all-inclusive list and other titles may be required to report. Reference "Appendix A - Mandated Reporter Categories" in UCOP’s Policy on CANRA.

  • All Community Educators including but not limited to these units
    • Youth, Family & Community
    • Master Gardener Program
    • Master Food Preservers
    • Nutrition, Family, & Consumer Science