ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees


ANR Staff Assembly seeks active members

The mission of the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) Staff Assembly is to cultivate satisfied, dedicated and professional staff and to work with UC ANR Senior Leadership and other members of the ANR community to promote the interest and welfare of all staff employees. The Staff Assembly Council represents all UC ANR staff – full-time, part- time, limited-term, contract, career, represented, unrepresented and contingent employees.  Members of the council seek staff input on policies, processes and programs, and serve in an advisory capacity to UC ANR leadership, giving staff a collective voice on issues of concern. The council offers wellness programs, educational reimbursements, the ANR Grows program, and ambassadors for each ANR location. 

For Staff Assembly to be successful, volunteers are needed on the council.

Are you interested in:

  • Building leadership skills?
  • Offering opinions and recommendations to senior leadership?
  • Fostering an understanding of ANR's mission?
  • Helping ANR staff members further their career advancement?

If so, please consider being nominated for one of the following vacant positions.

Jr. Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) delegate (Two-year term and employee must be unrepresented)

Delegates for this position should demonstrate the following attributes:

  • Possess a broad knowledge and understanding of the University of California system.
  • Understand concerns and issues faced by staff.
  • Have ability to consider and speak to issues from various perspectives.
  • Make a commitment to attend and participate in quarterly CUCSA meetings and committees.
  • Have full support from supervisor to participate in all CUCSA activities

For more information go to

Scribe (one-year commitment)

Duties for this position include:

  • Takes and prepares Staff Assembly Council minutes, including capturing action items.
  • Provides timely written minutes to all SA Council members. Uses Collaborative Tools to maintain archive of minutes and to disseminate notes. 
  • Consults with the chair and vice chair on the appointment of committees and committee members.
  • Works with the chair and program chair to send “thank you” letters to guest speakers.
  • Assumes other responsibilities as specified elsewhere in the bylaws or as requested by the chair.
  • This is a 2.5 to 5 hour per month time commitment, depending on time of year and voluntary extra activities with the SAC.

Communications chair/coordinator (one-year commitment)

Duties for this position include:

  • Serves as a liaison between Staff Assembly Council and all UC ANR staff to promote and advocate improved communication and interaction.
  • Maintains and updates website as needed to reflect current and accurate information.
  • Promotes UC ANR Staff Assembly events and programs as needed and works in conjunction with appropriate workgroup or committees to disseminate appropriate promotions.
  • Creates and manages social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • Attends Monthly Staff Assembly Council meetings, bi-annual meetings and annual ambassador meetings.
  • Assumes other responsibilities as specified elsewhere in the bylaws or as needed.
  • This is 5-10 hour per month time commitment, depending on time of year and voluntary extra activities with the SAC.

For more information, please contact your local ambassador or go to our website:


Posted on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 2:46 PM
Tags: April 2021 (17), Staff Assembly (21)

L&D - Distance learning apps, Earth Engine, justice-centered approaches, mentorship

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

ANR Learning & Development home, webinars, past webinar recordings

Potential presentations/presenters
Let us know here if you have a webinar to offer/recommend for ANR Colleagues in one of our four strategic learning areas.

Click on one of these areas for upcoming training events:


Image by Hatice EROL from Pixabay.
Distance Learning Apps to Enhance Teaching and Increase Engagement
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
10 -11:30 a.m.

Please join Anna Jones, PhD and Lyn Brock, MA, RD; CalFresh Healthy Living, UC and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program

Distance learning apps can help learners engage with material and make learning fun, but it can be hard to know what apps are out there and where to start. Join this session in which we will share a variety of learning apps that are available at no-cost, how to get started with each app, and potential ways to use them to engage learners and enhance teaching. We will also discuss guiding principles for incorporating apps into distance education.

Zoom: Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428

Introduction to Google Earth Engine

Friday, May 7, 2021
1 to 4 p.m.
Click Here for Registration

The goals of this workshop are to introduce you to the Earth Engine interface, import Sentinel (satellite) imagery, export a composite NDVI image, and analyze changes in NDVI over time.

We will take advantage of the up-to-date and easy-to-access satellite imagery in Earth Engine to calculate and analyze changes in a vegetation index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, or NDVI) from recent Sentinel imagery at the Sierra Foothills Research and Extension Center. First, we'll focus on the fundamentals that are needed to explore the Earth Engine API, including familiarity with JavaScript and common Earth Engine commands. Next, we'll work through several basic tasks, ultimately building towards a simple analysis of NDVI over time and exporting a change image. The main goal of the workshop is to make the case that surmounting the initial hurdle of using JavaScript in EE is worth the payout in computational power and speed. Therefore, wherever you end up in this workflow is a success. Here are the main tasks you can look forward to completing:

  • Run basic commands in JavaScript
  • Search for and add Sentinel imagery an Earth Engine Script
  • Print imagery datasets to the console to explore metadata
  • Add images to the map and change display settings
  • Construct a simple graph showing changes in NDVI over time within a rangeland ecosystem
  • Calculate the change in NDVI and export the result

UC Davis Library Resources virtual workshop
Thursday, May 27, 2021
4 -5 p.m.

Join Ruth Gustafson, UC Davis STEM Librarian to earn about UC Davis Library resources such as new library services/resources during COVID-19-time, VPN, and key research tools and strategies for specific disciplines.

Meeting ID: 962 8226 6839
Passcode: 978512


Big Dig Day & Social Media: Strategies for Success
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
10 - 10:45 a.m.

Join Emily Delk, Director of Annual Giving and Dora Garay, Social Media Strategist, as they share how to make the most of UC ANR's Big Dig Day (June 4, 2021) giving day campaign to raise money for your program. You will learn how to plan your campaign, including themes, tools, and timelines. And together we will learn the in's and out's of using social media to promote your campaign—from basic strategy to a more advanced approach to expand your reach.

Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428

Proposal Development and Proposal Process
Wednesday April 28, 2021
3 – 4 p.m.

Learn about the steps involved in the proposal submissions process from developing your idea to submission. We'll go over identifying funding opportunities, developing the project concept, building collaborative teams, drafting the proposal, submitting to OCG for review, and submission to the sponsor. With Vanity Campbell and Kendra Rose.

Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428

Endowments 101: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
10 – 10:45 am       

Presented by Andrea Ambrose, Mary Ciricillo and Kelly Scott

Did you know that UC ANR has 76 endowed funds valued at more than $304 million? Or, that each year, we will realize more than $9 million in annual payouts to support our programs and research statewide? Join your Development Services team to learn more about endowments – what they are, how they work and if they are a good solution for your long term funding strategies. While endowments are not a quick fix, they can be an important component of your fundraising program as you build toward a more sustainable program funding model for the future. Find out if an endowment initiative is right for you as you and learn how we can help you develop a plan to ensure success.

Participants will:

  • Learn about different types of endowed funds and how they are managed
  • Understand the key differences between endowments and current use funds
  • Explore current UC ANR endowment initiatives
  • Have the information needed to determine readiness to explore endowment options

Meeting ID: 530 750 1239 | +1 669 900 6833 US | Password: 4Collab

Basic Budget Calculator
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Learn how to develop a proposal budget. Topics covered include cost components that make up a budget, applicable cost principles, budgeting techniques and practices, calculating F&A costs, and budgeting tools and resources.

With Kendra Rose.
Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428


Special invitation: Apply to join justice-centered discussion

Real Talk: Learnings from Justice-Centered Approaches in Science and Advocacy
Thursday, May 6, 2021
10 –11:30 a.m.

The Union of Concerned Scientists will be hosting a virtual, interactive event next month to discuss experiences working with community partners and applying racial justice and equity frameworks to science and advocacy. We invite you to apply today to participate in our discussion.

Apply today to join UCS staff and fellow scientists and experts for an in-depth discussion on bringing justice and equity to science and advocacy.

The application of justice-centered frameworks in science and advocacy is often complex. No one size fits all. Rather, a vulnerable, human- and community-centered, intersectional approach is required. Good intent is not enough. We must attend to impact as well as understand historical and contemporary context; how our biases can show up; and how accessibility, privilege and power shape the work we do. But, scientists and experts don't often learn these approaches in their training.

During this session, we will discuss some of the challenges, successes and lessons we've learned in our work here at UCS. You'll also have the opportunity to examine your own experiences and opportunities for applying justice-centered approaches to your work. Learning from our collective experiences and digging into our individual goals, barriers and opportunities, we'll prepare ourselves and support each other in working towards science for justice, including partnering with communities.

Please complete the application today to be considered for attendance. We are asking folks to apply in order to host an intimate discussion with individuals committed to justice and committed to deeper engagement with us. If we cannot accommodate you, we will offer additional opportunities in the future for you to join us in this work. 

Asian Pacific Heritage Month
May 2021 – Every Tuesday, 3 - 4 p.m.
Register here.

May 4 – The Asian Pacific Identity: Experiences and Stories
May 11 – Asian Pacific Farmers in California: Past and Present
May 18 – Violence in Asian Pacific Communities: Exclusion, Internment, and Hate Crimes
May 25 – Supporting Our Friends and Colleagues: Bystander Intervention Training

Thank you to the Planning Team
Sibani Bose, Surendra Dara, Charles Go, Pam Kan-Rice, Janice Kao, Dohee Kim, Vikram Koundinya
Elaine Lander, Tunyalee Martin, Yu Meng, Stephanie Parreira, Devii Rao, Marisa Tsai, Sua Vang

Hollaback! 5D's of Bystander Intervention Methodology
Free! Training dates and times:

In response to the rise in Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment,  Hollaback! partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to adapt a free bystander intervention training as well as offering a de-escalation training to meet this moment. Hollaback! invites you to attend their free bystander intervention trainings:

The one-hour, interactive training will teach you Hollaback!'s 5D's of bystander intervention methodology. We'll start by talking about the types of disrespect that Asian and Asian American folks are facing right now — from microaggressions to violence — using a tool we call the “spectrum of disrespect.” You'll learn what to look for and the positive impact that bystander intervention has on individuals and communities. We'll talk through five strategies for intervention: distract, delegate, document, delay and direct; and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening. We'll have time at the end for practice, and you'll leave feeling more confident intervening the next time you see Anti-Asian/American harassment online or in person.

Understanding Unconscious Bias: Awareness, Knowledge and Competency Development
Various dates – see below.
Register for a session now! - Register early because each session is limited to 35 participants!

Bias, in its most simplistic definition, is having a preference for one thing over another. Also, biases come into play in our impressions and judgment of people, especially those whose identities and experiences are different from our own.

Workshop leaders are Mikael Villalobos, Associate Chief Diversity Officer in the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at UC Davis, and Eric Sanchez, Diversity and Inclusion Educator, UC Davis.

Who should attend: Those who have not participated in this type of learning are encouraged to register. Priority will be given to people who have not had previous access to this learning topic. There will be a waiting list for those who are interested but regularly engage with bias-related topics.

Objectives: We will explore how we make snap judgments about people by understanding our socialization that informs our biases.

Participants will be introduced to theory and language in understanding implicit and explicit bias.

Using personal reflection, experiential exercises and case studies, participants will gain greater awareness when they engage in bias and gain essential knowledge and skills (tools) in how they recognize and mitigate biases in both personal and professional domains.

By participating in one of these workshops, you have the opportunity to support the ANR Strategic Plan 2020-2025 Goal to develop an inclusive and equitable workplace, and employ a workforce that reflects the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of California.

Choose One Session.
Each of the following two-hour workshops will be tailored to job roles as indicated below but you are welcome to sign up for the session that fits best with your schedule.

Those Tasked with Program Delivery to Clientele - Including but not limited to academic coordinators, advisors, CE specialists, community educators, CE field workers/RECS and staff research associates

Tuesday, June 1, 9 - 11 a.m.
Monday, June 7, 10 a.m. - noon

Those Who Work with Volunteers - Including but not limited to volunteer coordinators and managers

Monday, May 10, 10 a.m. - noon

Those who provide support to others in ANR - Including but not limited to administrative and support staff

Thursday, May 20, 10 a.m. - noon

Cancellation: Participants must notify us of cancellations in writing to ANR Program Support at least one week prior to the session for which they're registered. 

Registration & Logistics: ANR Program Support or call (530) 750-1361


Pivot Leadership: The Key to Leading Change is Changing the Way You Lead (from VitalSmarts ® – the people who bring you Crucial Conversations)

April 28, 2021
10 - 11 a.m.

Click to register

Join master trainer and speaker Scott Robley for Pivot Leadership: The Key to Leading Change is Changing the Way You Lead. In this 45-minute, free webinar you'll learn:

  • The 4 key pivots of influential leaders – skills to lean on when the world changes around you.
  • How to recognize what's getting in the way of change.
  • Skills to coach and lead others through challenges and opportunities.

UC Virtual Risk Summit 2021! Registration Open!
May 18-20, 2021
Register here.

The Virtual Risk Summit is free to UC employees this year! Register, even if you can only attend a session or two – you'll learn useful information to improve safety, risk management or wellness at your location. The conference will feature topics including ergonomics, lab safety, emergency preparedness, drones, travel, risk management, and wellness, to name a few.

View the Program at a Glance at

To acknowledge and celebrate the hard work everyone has put in over the last year, UCOP Risk Services is also inviting us to submit a Shout-Out recognizing our team's accomplishments over the past year! You can send an image of your team or yourself, and a shout-out paragraph to before Monday, May 10, and it will be displayed on the conference event site. Share with colleagues!

Hidden Gem - ANR Staff Mentorship Program
May 20, 2021
noon -12:30 p.m.

Join mentors and mentees who have participated in past ANR Staff Mentorship Programs to learn about this hidden gem at ANR.

Find out about how the process works, the learning participants gain, and why you would consider participating in our next program (January 2022).

The interview-style format will be fun and informative and you will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Meeting ID: 530 750 1239 | +1 669 900 6833 US | Password: 4Collab

2021 NOW Conference - UC Berkeley – open to staff at all UCs!
June 3, 2021
Registration limited
Cost: $99

UC Berkeley People & Culture is excited to announce the 9th annual Next Opportunity at Work (NOW) Conference for staff career development will be held virtually on June 3, 2021. The NOW Conference is an all-day event designed to support UC staff with career and professional development. Learn all about NOW below!

What to expect:

We have reimagined the 2021 conference by developing a virtual program designed to give you the same dynamic learning experience and networking opportunities that you have come to expect from the NOW Conference. The conference will include

2 Inspiring Keynote Speakers
18+ Dynamic Breakout Sessions
1:1 Career Coaching
1:1 Recruiting Sessions
Group Wellness

Networking Opportunities

Featured speakers
Aiko Bethea

Janet Napolitano
Eugene Whitlock

More information here.

Contact us at

Supervisor Training Encouraged for all ANR Employees

You don't need to be a people manager to complete the UC People Management Certificate Series (video). In fact, it's for anyone who aspires to lead and manage people – or just to be a enhance your general employee skills.

By completing this training, you will help make UC ANR more productive and a better place to work. Topics covered include:

* Performance Management * Administration & Operations * Change Management * Communications * Managing Implicit Bias

In addition, if you seek a greater appreciation for any of the following, this training is for you:

  • Caring about people and helping them develop
  • Setting & communicating clear expectations
  • Being respectful and considerate of everyone
  • Team playing and building
  • Employee engagement and how to monitor
  • Time and priority management

By deepening these skills, you become a better team member, will better support your colleagues, and if you become a supervisor someday, you'll help in ANR's succession fulfillment. Once you complete the series, contact to receive your certificate of completion!

Everyone can learn something new. 

ANR Learning & Development
Find webinar announcements and recordings here.
Office: 530.750.1239


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Posted on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 10:06 AM

Proposed SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccination program policy open for employee comment

The University of California Office of the President invites comments on a proposed Presidential Policy, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program. The policy includes the following key issues:

  • Encourages universal vaccination
  • Requires students, faculty, academic appointees, and staff living, learning, or working on University premises or participating in person in University programs to receive a COVID-19 vaccine
  • Provides for narrow exceptions and medical/disability exemptions

The proposed policy is posted at

If you have any questions or if you wish to comment, please contact Robin Sanchez at, no later than May 25, 2021. Please indicate “COVID-19 Vaccination Program” in the subject line.

Posted on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 2:42 PM
Tags: April 2021 (17), coronavirus (15)

FAQs about the Accellion data breach updated

UC is one of several institutions targeted by a nationwide cyber attack on Accellion's File Transfer Appliance (FTA), a vendor service used for transferring sensitive information. This attack has affected approximately 300 organizations, including universities, government institutions and private companies. In this incident, the perpetrators gained access to files and confidential personal information by exploiting a vulnerability in Accellion's program.

You may register with Experian IdentityWorks for credit monitoring services, using the enrollment code JCZGTC333. If you have already registered, there is no need to take any further action to activate your monitoring. 

UCOP has published FAQs in both English and Spanish and is adding to and updating the list as more information becomes available: These FAQs address more questions from the community, including questions about the Experian notifications.  

UCOP has added recorded webinars about ways people can protect themselves to, in both English and Spanish. 

UC regards the privacy of all of our community members with the utmost seriousness. We will keep the UC ANR community updated as we learn more and are able to share additional information.

Posted on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 1:57 PM
Tags: April 2021 (17), cybersecurity (12)

Take the UC Davis Library survey by May 10

The UC Davis Library is developing a new strategic plan to guide priorities and allocation of resources over the next five years. Please take their 3-minute survey and share your candid feedback to help them serve library users better. The survey will close Monday, May 10. 

Survey link:

Posted on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 8:35 AM
Tags: April 2021 (17), library (2)

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