ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Richard P. Buchner

Photo of Richard P. Buchner
Orchard Advisor - Emeritus
Cooperative Extension Tehama County
1754 Walnut Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
(530) 527-3101 Create VCard

Also in:
Glenn County


M.S. Water Science, UC Davis. 1982
B.S. Zoology, UC Davis. 1976


Pomology for Tehama County. Strawberry nursery production in North Coast & Mountain Region

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Fulton, A.; Grant, J., et al. (2014). "Using the Pressue Chamber for Irrigtion Management in Walnut, Almond and Prune. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8503
  • Lindow, S.; Buchner, R., et al. (2014). "“Colonization of Dormant Buds by Xanthomonas arboricola pv juglandis is Predictive of Subsequent Disease.”." Phytopathology 104(11)
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2014). “Walnut Blight Management Using Xanthomonas arboricola pv juglandis Dormant Bud Population Sampling.”. Seventh International Walnut Symposium. Fenyang, China. July 20-23, 2013; August 2014.
  • Buchner, R.; Southwick, S., et al. (2012). "Prune Crop Control". Prune Production Manual. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3507, 145-150. May 2012.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Pickel, C., et al. (2012). "“Alternatives to Traditional Dormant Season Plum Aphid Control are Effective.”." Acta Horticulturae Number 985: 221-228.
  • Westerdahl, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2012). "“Population Fluctuations of Ring Nematode (Mesocriconema xenoplax) in Prune Orchards in California.”." Acta Horticulturae Number 985: 241-247.
  • Day, K.; Buchner, R. (2012). Growing Prunes for the Fresh Market. Prune Production Manual. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3507: 279-282.
  • Buchner, R.; Southwick, S., et al. (2011). Prune Crop Control. Prune Production Manual. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  • Southwick, S.; Doyle, J., et al. (2011). Prune Rootstocks. Prune Production Manual. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3507: 37-40.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2010). Spray Timing and Materials for Walnut Blight Control in Northern California USA. Sixth International Walnut Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, Acta Horticulturae.
  • Buchner, R.; Fulton, A., et al. (2008). Effects of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Walnut Grafted on ‘Northern California Black’ or ‘Paradox’ Rootstock. 5th International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, Acta Horticulturae.
  • Rosati, A.; Metcalf, S., et al. (2006). "Effects of Kaolin Application on Light Absorption and Distribution, Radiation Use Efficiency and Photosythesis of Almond and Walnut Canopies." Annals of Botany 99: 255-263.
  • Rosati, A.; Metcalf, S., et al. (2006). "Physiological Effects of Kaolin Applications in Well-irrigated and Water-stressed Walnut and Almond Trees." Annals of Botany 98: 267-275.
  • Rosati, A.; Metcalf, S., et al. (2006). "Tree Water Status and Gas Exchange in Walnut under Drought, High Temperature and Vapour Pressure Deficit." Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 81(3): 415-420.
  • Luo, Y.; Michailides, T., et al. (2005). "Inoculum Dynamics, Fruit Infection, and Development of Brown Rot in Prune Orchards in California." The American Phytopathological Society 95(10): 1132-1136.
  • Olson, W.; Pickel, C., et al. (2003). Integrated Prune Farming Practices Decision Guides. May 2003.
  • Buchner, R.; Fulton, A., et al. (2003). "Irrigation Management for California Walnut." HortScience 38(5): 657-658.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2003). UC IPM: Relative Impact of the Timing of Pesticide Applications on Natural Enemies on Prune. Timing of Pesticide Applications. UC ANR. Publication 3464. November 2003.
  • Buchner, R. (2002). "Prune Production Manual". University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3507, 320. May 2012.
  • Luo, Y.; Michailides, T., et al. (2002). "Dynamics of Inoculum Potential of Monilinia fructicola in Relation to Cultural Practices in Prune Orchards." Phytopathology 92(6 (supplement)): S49.
  • Connell, J.; Buchner, R., et al. (2002). "Evaluation of Potential Rootstocks for California Almonds." Acta Horticulturae 591(6): 45-52.
  • Buchner, R.; Connell, J., et al. (2002). "Introduction to Pest Management for Walnut, Almond, Pistachio, Hazel and Pecan." HortTechnology 12(4): 614.
  • Olson, W.; Buchner, R. (2002). "Leading Edge of Plant Protection for Walnuts." HortTechnology 12(4): 615-618.
  • Polito, V.S.; Pinney, K., et al. (2002). "Streptomycin Applications to Control Walnut Blight Disease Can Prevent Fertilization and Increase Fruit Drop." HortScience 37(6): 940-952.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Prune. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: Dormant Spur Sampling and Treatment Guidelines on Prune. General Information. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: Information on Monitoring in a Prune Orchard. General Information. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: Relative Toxicities of Insecticides and Miticides Used in Prunes to Natural Enemies and Honey Bees. Relative Toxicities. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for American Plum Borer on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Branch and Twig Borer on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Brown Mite on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Cankerworms on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Codling Moth on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Eriophyid Mites on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for European Fruit Lecanium on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for European Red Mite on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Fall Webworm on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Fruittree Leafroller on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Green Fruitworms on Prune. Insects and Mites. UC ANR. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Italian Pear Scale on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Leaf Curl Plum Aphid on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Mealy Plum Aphid on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Obliquebanded Leafroller on Prune. Insects and Mites. UC ANR. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Orange Tortrix on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of Califoria Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Pacific Flatheaded Borer on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resourced. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Peach Twig Borer on Prune. Insects and Mites. UC ANR. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Peachtree Borer on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Redhumped Caterpillar on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for San Jose Scale on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Shothole Borer on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Tent Caterpillar on Prune. Insects and Mites. UC ANR. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Webspinning Spider Mites on Prune. Insects and Mites. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Western Tussock Moth on Prune. Insects and Mites. UC ANR. Publication 3464. November 2002.
  • Olson, W.; Buchner, R. (2001). "Leading Edge Plant Protection for Walnut." HortScience 36(3): 480.
  • Shackel, K.; Fulton, A., et al. (2001). "Rapid Equilibration of Leaf and Stem Water Potential Under Field Conditions." HortScience 36(3): 430.
  • Fulton, A.; Buchner, R., et al. (2001). "Rapid Equilibration of Stem Water Potential Under Field Conditions in Almonds, Walnuts, and Prunes." HortTechnology 11(4): 609-615.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2001). Walnut Blight (Xanthomonas Campestris pv juglandis) Control Investigations in Northern California, USA. Fourth International Walnut Symposium, ACTA Horticulture.
  • Hasey, J.; Pickel, C., et al. (2001). "Year 2 of the Walnut Pest Management Alliance." HortScience 36(3): 605.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2000). "Effect of Streptomycin Walnut Blight Sprays on Nut Drop." HortScience 35(3): 423.
  • Mills, N.; Pickel, C., et al. (2000). "Mass Releases of Trichogramma Wasps Can Reduce Damage from Codling Moth." California Agriculture 54(6): 22-25.
  • Glozer, L.; Southwick, S., et al. (2000). "Summary of Leaf Potassium Status in French Prune Suggests Over Fertilization." HortScience 35(3): 481.
  • Pickel, C.; Mills, N., et al. (2000). Walnuts: integrating Trichogramma releases with pheromone confusion technique and insecticide applications in commercial orchards. 2nd California Conference on Biological Control.M. Hoddle. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.: 51-56.
  • Zalom, F.; Tobia, C., et al. (1999). "Acaricide Efficacy and Effect on Predatory Mites on California Prunes, 1996." Entomological Society of America Journal Arthropod Management Tests 24
  • Southwick, S.; Yeager, J., et al. (1999). "Performance of New Marianna Rootstocks in California for ‘French’ Prune." HortTechnology 9(3): 498-505.
  • Buchner, R.; Mudd, S., et al. (1998). "Harvest Field Sizing as a Technique to Remove Undersize French Prunes." HortScience 33(3): 451-452.
  • Buchner, R.; Elmore, C., et al. (1998). Vegetation Management. Walnut Production Manual. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.: 207-214.
  • Shackel, K.; Ahmadi, H., et al. (1997). "Plant Water Status as an Index of Irrigation Need in Deciduous Fruit Trees." HortTechnology: 23-29.
  • Buchner, R.; Grieshop, J., et al. (1996). "Growers Prefer Personal Delivery of UC Information." California Agriculture 50(3): 20-25.
  • Buchner, R.; Goldhammer, D., et al. (1994). Irrigation Scheduling. Kiwifruit Growing and Handling. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publications.: 43-49.
  • Buchner, R.; Hanson, B. (1994). Irrigation Systems. Kiwifruit Growing and Handling. University of California. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resourced.: 36-42.
  • Lee, Y.; Schroth, M., et al. (1993). "Increased Toxicity of Iron Amended Copper Containing Bactericides to the Walnut Blight Pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris pv. juglandis." Phytopathology 12: 1460-1465.
  • Qiu, J.; Westerdahl, B., et al. (1993). "Refinement of Hot Water Treatment for Management of Aphelenchoides fragariae in Strawberry." Journal of Nematology 25(4S): 795-799.
  • Browne, G.; Winterbottom, C., et al. (1992). "Effect of inoculum distribution and concentration on development of root and crown rot of strawberry caused by Collectotrichum acutatum." Phytopathology 82: 1084-1085.
  • Buchner, R. (1991). Hot Water Preplant Dip for Strawberry Disease Control. The Strawberry into the 21st Century.A. Dale and J. Luby. Timber Press.: 288.
  • Ferguson, L.; Buchner, Richard P. (1990). "Relative Cold Tolerance of Four Unbudded Pistachio Seedling Rootstocks." HortScience 25: 1089.
  • Bethell, R.; Fereresm, E., et al. (1979). "Water Conservation and Management for Foothill Orchards." California Agriculture 33: 10.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Fulton, A.; Little, C., et al. (3013). Progress with Measuring and Utilizing Crop Evaportransportation (ETc) in Walnut. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 105-111. January 2014.
  • DeJong, T.; Pope, K., et al. (2014). Development of a Nutrient Budget Approach and Optimization of Fertilizer Management in Walnut. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 191-196. January 2014.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Thompson, D., et al. (2014). Epidemiology and Management of Brown Rot and Rust of Prune – Development of an Integrated Program with New Fungicides and Optimal Timing. 2013 Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 40-49. January 2014.
  • Brown, G.; Bhat, R., et al. (2014). Etiology and Management of Crown and Root Rots of Walnuts: Supplementary Report For Lethal Paradox Center. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 253-356. January 2014.
  • Michailides, T.; Chen, S., et al. (2014). Managing Botryosphaeria/Phomopsis Cankers and Anthracnose Blight of Walnut in California. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 325-346. January 2014.
  • Burks, C.; Pickel, C., et al. (2014). Refining Pheromone Mating Disruption Strategies to Manage Codling Moth in Walnuts – Practices to Improve Performance of Pheromone Aerosol Dispenser-Based Programs in Tall-Canopied Orchards.”. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 239-245. January 2014.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2014). Walnut Blight Management Using Xanthomas Arboricola pv Juglandis Dormant Bud Population Sampling. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 307-321. January 2014.
  • Grant, J.; Burks, C., et al. (2014). Walnut Improvement Program 2013. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 227-237. January 2014.
  • Leslie, C.; Robinson, R., et al. (2014). Walnut Improvement Program 2013. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 3-57. January 2014.
  • Buchner, R.; DeBuse, C., et al. (2013). 2012 Walnut Clonal Paradox Rootstock Experiments in Solano and Tehama Counties. Walnut Research Reports 2012. California Walnut Board. 93-96. January 2013.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2013). Arysta LifeScience "Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports 2013. California Walnut Board. 291-306. January 2014.
  • Leslie, C.; Hackett, W., et al. (2013). Clonal Propagation of Walnut Rootstock Genotypes for Genetic Improvement 2012. Walnut Research Reports 2012. California Walnut Board. 97-130. January 2013.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Thompson, D., et al. (2013). Epidemiology and Management of Brown Rot and Rust of Prune – Development of an Integrated Program with New Fungicides and Optimal Timing – Second Year. Prune Research Reports 2012 and Index of Prune Research. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 62-76. January 2013.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2013). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports 2012. California Walnut Board. 309-328. January 2013.
  • Brown, G.; Bhat, R., et al. (2013). Etiology and Management of Crown and Root Rots of Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports 2012. California Walnut Board. 398-409. January 2013.
  • Buchner, R.; DeBuse, C., et al. (2013). Field Evaluation of Prune Rootstocks 2012. Prune Research Reports 2012 and Index of Prune Research. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 31-35. January 2013.
  • Buchner, R.; DeBuse, C., et al. (2013). Field Evaluation of Prune Rootstocks 2013. 2013 Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 30-33. January 2014.
  • Michailides, T.; Chen, S., et al. (2013). Managing Anthracnose Blight and Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis Cankers of Walnut. Walnut Research Reports 2012. California Walnut Board. 367-388. January 2013.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Buchner, R., et al. (2013). Managing Heat at Bloom in ‘French’ Prune, 2012. Prune Research Reports 2012 and Index of Prune Research. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 36-39. January 2013.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Buchner, R., et al. (2013). Managing Heat at Bloom in ‘French’ Prune, 2013. 2013 Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 34-39. January 2014.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2013). Walnut Blight Control Using Integrated Pest Management Techniques. Walnut Research Reports 2012. California Walnut Board. 329-344. January 2013.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2013). Walnut Blight Management Using Xanthomas arboricola pv juglandis Dormant Bud Population Sampling. VII International Walnut Symposium. Fenyang, China. 40. July 2013.
  • Leslie, C.; Robinson, R., et al. (2013). Walnut Improvement Program. Walnut Research Reports 2012. California Walnut Board. 3-42. January 2013.
  • DeBuse, C.; Buchner, R., et al. (2012). 2011 Walnut Clonal Paradox Rootstock Trials in Northern California. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 93-96. January 2012.
  • Buchner, R. (2012). "2012 Navel Orangeworm." West Coast Nut Grower Guide: 6.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Reil, W., et al. (2012). “Almond Production in the South Sacramento Valley.”. Syllabus for the three one-day mini courses. November 27, 29, and 29, 2012.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Pickel, C., et al. (2012). Alternatives to Traditional Dormant-Season Plum Aphid Control are Effective. Xth International Symposium Plum & Prune Genetics, Breeding & Pomology. ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science). 38. May 2012.
  • Leslie, C.; Hackett, W., et al. (2012). Clonal Propagation of Walnut Rootstock Genotypes for Genetic Improvement 2011. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 103-128. January 2012.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Thompson, D., et al. (2012). Epidemiology and Management of Brown Rot and Rust of Prune – Development of an Integrated Program with New Fungicides and Optimal Timing – Fourth Year. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 88-98. January 2012.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2012). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 265-278. January 2012.
  • Buchner, R.; DeBuse, C., et al. (2012). Field Evaluation of Prune Rootstocks. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 34-37. January 2012.
  • Fulton, A.; Buchner, Richard P., et al. (2012). Irrigating to Produce Consistent, Competitive Yields and High Quality French Prunes. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 38-47. January 2012.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Buchner, R., et al. (2012). Managing Heat at Bloom in ‘French’ Prune, 2011. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 48-54. January 2012.
  • Pickel, C.; Grant, J., et al. (2012). Pheromone Based Codling Moth and Navel Orangeworm Management in Walnuts 2011: Year 7. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 181-194. January 2012.
  • Connell, J.; Buchner, R., et al. (2012). Sample Costs to Establish an Orchard and Produce Prunes, 2012, Sacramento Valley.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2012). Walnut Blight Control Using Xanthomas Juglandis Bud Population Sampling. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 279-285. January 2012.
  • Leslie, C.; Robinson, R., et al. (2012). Walnut Improvement Program 2011. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 3-38. January 2012.
  • DeBuse, C.; Buchner, R., et al. (2011). 2010 Walnut Clonal Paradox Rootstocks Trials in Northern California. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 59-63. January 2011.
  • Hackett, W.; Leslie, C., et al. (2011). Clonal Propagation of Walnut Rootstock Genotypes for Genetic Improvement 2010. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 65-82. January 2011.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Thompson, D., et al. (2011). Epidemiology and Management of Brown Rot and Rust of Prune – Development of an Integrated Program with New Fungicides and Optimal Timing – Fourth Year. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 67-75. January 2011.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2011). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 195-213. January 2011.
  • Buchner, R.; DeBuse, C., et al. (2011). Field Evaluation of Prune Rootstocks. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 21-22. January 2011.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Buchner, R., et al. (2011). Managing Heat at Bloom in ‘French’ Prune, 2010. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 28-37. January 2011.
  • Pickel, C.; Grant, J., et al. (2011). Using Aerosol Pheromone “Puffers” for Area Wide Suppression of Codling Moth in Walnuts: Year Six. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 127-139. January 2011.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2011). Walnut Blight Control Using Integrated Pest Management Techniques. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 215-221. January 2011.
  • Leslie, C.; McGranahan, G., et al. (2011). Walnut Improvement Program 2010. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 3-23. January 2011.
  • Hackett, W.; Leslie, C., et al. (2010). Clonal Propragation of Walnut Rootstock Genotypes for Genetic Improvement, 2009. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 71-86. January 2010.
  • Buchner, R.; DeBuse, C., et al. (2010). "Clonal Walnut Rootstocks in Northern California." HortScience 45(8): S189.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Thompson, D., et al. (2010). Epidemiology and Management of Brown Rot and Rust of Prune – Development of an Integrated Program with New Fungicides and Optimal Timing. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 80-87. January 2010.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2010). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 241-257. January 2010.
  • Buchner, Richard P.; Lindow, S.T., et al. (2010). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 241-257. January 2010.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Buchner, R., et al. (2010). Managing Heat at Bloom in “French” Prune, 2009. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 36-47. January 2010.
  • Buchner, R.; DeBuse, C., et al. (2010). Rootstock Evaluation for California Prune Production. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 25-28. January 2010.
  • Pickel, C.; Grant, J., et al. (2010). Using Aerosol Pheromone ‘Puffers’ for Area-Wide Suppression of Codling Moth in Walnuts: Year Five. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 161-169. January 2010.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2010). Walnut Blight Control Investigations, Tehama 2009. Walnut Research Reports. California Walnut Board. 259-265. January 2010.
  • Leslie, C.; McGranahan, G., et al. (2010). Walnut Improvement Program 2009. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 3-34. January 2010.
  • Mills, N.; Goldmann, A., et al. (2009). Biological Control of Mealy Plum Aphid. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 49-57. January 2009.
  • Adaskaveg, J.E.; Thompson, D., et al. (2009). Epidemiology and Management of Brown Rot and Rust of Prune Development in an Integrated Program with New Fungicides and Optimal Timing. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 58-63. January 2009.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2009). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 181-193. January 2009.
  • Niederholzer, F.; DeBuse, C., et al. (2009). Managing Heat at Prune Bloom. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 29-33. January 2009.
  • Buchner, R. (2009). "Rootstocks for California Prune (Prunus domestica) Production." HortScience 44: 1107.
  • Pickel, C.; Grant, J., et al. (2009). Using Aerosol Pheromone ‘Puffers’ for Area-Wide Suppression of Codling Moth in Walnuts: Year Four. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 125-135. January 2009.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2009). Walnut Blight Control Investigations, Tehama 2008. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 195-200. January 2009.
  • Mills, N.; Goldmann, A., et al. (2008). Biological Control of Mealy Plum Aphid. Prune Research Reports 2007 and Index of Prune Research. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 71-78. January 2008.
  • Buchner, R.; Fulton, A., et al. (2008). "Effects of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Walnut (Juglans regia) Grafted on ‘Northern California Black’ (Juglans hindsii) or ‘Paradox’ Rootstocks." HortScience 43: 1192.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Thompson, D., et al. (2008). Epidemiology and management of brown rot and rust of prune – Development of an integrated program with new fungicides and optimal timing. Prune Research Reports 2007 and Index of Prune Research. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 79-82. January 2008.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2008). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports 2007. Walnut Marketing Board. 185-201. January 2008.
  • Beede, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2008). Paradox Diversity Study – Orchard Trials 2007. Walnut Research Reports 2007. Walnut Marketing Board. 49-55. January 2008.
  • Buchner, R.; George, J., et al. (2008). University of California Cooperative Extension Annual Report Tehama County. Cooperative Extension Research & Educational Activity in Tehama County 2007-2008. 12. May 2008.
  • Pickel, C.; Grant, J., et al. (2008). Using Aerosol Pheromone “Puffers” for Area-Wide Suppression of Codling Moth in Walnuts: Year Three. Walnut Research Reports 2007. California Walnut Board. 137-151. January 2008.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2008). Walnut Blight Control Investigations Tehama 2007. Walnut Research Reports 2007. California Walnut Board. 203-210. January 2008.
  • Pickel, C.; Buchner, R., et al. (2007). Developing Fall Spray Alternatives to Dormant Spray. Prune Research Reports 2006. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 59-68. January 2007.
  • Lindow, S.; Buchner, R., et al. (2007). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports 2006. Walnut Marketing Board. 221-236. January 2007.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2007). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports 2006. Walnut Marketing Board. 203-220. January 2007.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, B., et al. (2007). "First Applications for Walnut Blight Control." CAPCA Advisor X(2): 18, 50.
  • Beede, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2007). Paradox Diversity Study – Orchard Trials 2006. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 39-57. January 2007.
  • Mills, N.; Thimmayya, A., et al. (2007). Prune Aphids: Overwintering Biology and Biological Control. Prune Research Reports 2006. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 47-58. January 2007.
  • Buchner, R.; Fulton, A., et al. (2007). Retain Applications on Tehama County ‘Chandler’ Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 113-117. January 2007.
  • Niederholzer, F.; Krueger, W.H., et al. (2007). Sample Costs to Establish a Prune Orchard and Produce Prunes (Dried Plums). 2007 Cost and Return Study. Sacramento Valley, UC Cooperative Extension.
  • Krueger, W.; Buchner, R., et al. (2007). Sample Costs to Establish a Walnut Orchard and Produce Walnuts. 2007 Cost and Return Study. Sacramento Valley, UC Cooperative Extension.
  • Pickel, C.; Grant, J., et al. (2007). Using Aerosol Pheromone “Puffers” for Area-wide Suppression of Codling Moth in Walnuts: Year Two and Demonstration of Aerially Applied Pheromone Laminate Flakes. Walnut Research Reports 2006. Walnut Marketing Board. 137-153. January 2007.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2007). Walnut Blight Control Investigations Tehama 2006. Walnut Research Reports 2006. Walnut Marketing Board. 237-243. January 2007.
  • Pickel, C.; Krueger, B., et al. (2006). Developing Fall Spray Alternatives to Dormant Spray. Prune Research Reports 2005. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 42-44. January 2006.
  • Buchner, R.; Fulton, A., et al. (2006). "Effects of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Walnut (Juglans regia) Grafted on Northern California Black (Juglans hindsii) or Paradox Rootstock." Australian Nutgrower 20(4)
  • Lindow, S..; Buchner, R., et al. (2006). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 263-290. January 2006.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2006). Integrated Prune Farming Practices (I.P.F.P.) - 2005. Prune Research Reports 2005. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 48-50. January 2006.
  • Beede, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2006). Paradox Diversity Study – Orchard Trials 2005. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 53-72. January 2006.
  • Mills, N.; Thimmayya, A., et al. (2006). Prune Aphids: Overwintering Biology and Biological Control. Prune Research Reports 2005 and Index of Prune Research. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 31-41. January 2006.
  • Connell, J.; Edstrom, J., et al. (2006). Sample Costs to Establish an Orchard and Produce Almonds. 2006 Cost and Return Study. Sacramento Valley, UC Cooperative Extension.
  • Buchner, Richard P.; George, J., et al. (2006). University of California Cooperative Extension Tehama County Annual Report. Cooperative Extension Research & Educational Activity in Tehama County 2005-2006. 12. August 2006.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2006). Walnut Blight Control Investigations Tehama 2005. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 315-324. January 2006.
  • Lindow, S.; Buchner, R., et al. (2005). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 291-313. January 2005.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2005). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 315-337. January 2005.
  • Olson, B.; Andris, H., et al. (2005). Integrated Prune Farming Practices (I.P.F.P.) - 2004 – A Six Year Summary. Prune Research Reports 2004 and Index of Prune Research. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 49-86. January 2005.
  • Lampinen, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2005). Irrigation Management in Walnut Using Evapotranspiration, Soil and Plant Based Data. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 113-136. January 2005.
  • Beede, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2005). Paradox Diversity Study – Orchard Trials 2004. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 67-78. January 2005.
  • Mills, N.; Thimmayya, A., et al. (2005). Prune Aphids: Overwintering Biology and Biological Control. 2004 Prune Research Reports and Index of Prune Research. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 30-41. January 2005.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2005). Walnut Blight Control Investigations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 339-352. January 2005.
  • Pickel, C.; Grant, J., et al. (2005). Walnut Pest Management Alliance 2004 – Year 6 Update. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 391-397. January 2005.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2005). When to Apply the First Walnut Blight Treatment? Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 353-359. January 2005.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2004). Commercial Treatments of Zinc Sulfate Application for Aphid Control. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 48-50. January 2004.
  • Shackel, K.; Buchner, R., et al. (2004). Deficit Irrigation Management During Hull Split. 32nd Almond Industry Conference. 2004 Proceedings, Almond Board of California.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, B., et al. (2004). Determining Best Time for Fruit Monitoring to Determine Treatment Need and Treatment Timing of OBLR - 2003. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 51-52. January 2004.
  • Buchner, R.; McKenna, J., et al. (2004). Effect of a Chandler Interstem on Growth of Paradox/Howard Walnut Trees 2003. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 77-78. January 2004.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, B., et al. (2004). Effect of an Early Fall Zinc Application on Following Year Nutrition. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 30-31. January 2004.
  • Buchner, R.; Fulton, A., et al. (2004). "Effects of Three Levels of Midday Stem Water Potential on Chandler Walnut Growth and Yield in California." HortScience 39: 814.
  • Lindow, S.E.; Buchner, R., et al. (2004). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 335-356. January 2004.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2004). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 357-380. January 2004.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2004). Evaluation of Blight Response in Walnut Selections, Introductions and Cultivars. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 401-403. January 2004.
  • Connell, J.; Buchner, R., et al. (2004). Field Evaluation of Almond Rootstocks. 32nd Almond Industry Conference. 2004 Proceedings, Almond Board of California.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2004). Integrated Prune Farming Practices (I.P.F.P.). Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 61-87. January 2004.
  • Lampinen, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2004). Irrigation Management in Walnut Using Evapotranspiration, Soil and Plant Based Data. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 113-133. January 2004.
  • Reil, W.; Grant, J., et al. (2004). Paradox Diversity Study - Orchard Trials. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 49-72. January 2004.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, C., et al. (2004). Predicting Economic Damage from Hail. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 19-22. January 2004.
  • Luo, Y.; Michailides, T., et al. (2004). Prediction of Brown Rot of Prune: Period of Best Time to Determine Latent Infection Caused by Monilinia fructicola in Prunes. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 52-60. January 2004.
  • Mills, N.; Julier, E., et al. (2004). Prune Aphids: Fall Migration, Biological Control and Impact on Prune Production. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 37-50. January 2004.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2004). Spray Timing and Materials for Walnut Blight Control in Northern California United States of America. 5th International Walnut Symposium. Sorrento, Italy. Nov. 9-13, 2004.
  • Buchner, R.; George, J., et al. (2004). University of California Cooperative Extension Tehama County Annual Report 2004. UCCE Tehama County Annual report. 8. August 2004.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W.H., et al. (2004). Walnut Blight Control Investigations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 381-399. January 2004.
  • Pickel, C.; Bentley, W., et al. (2004). Walnut Pest Management Alliance 2003 Year 5 Update. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 415-423. January 2004.
  • Light, D.; Reynolds, K., et al. (2003). Development of a Monitoring and Management System for Codling Moths Based on a Novel Female and Male Attractant Kairomone. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 227-268. January 2003.
  • Lindow, S.; Buchner, R., et al. (2003). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 397-415. January 2003.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2003). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 417-435. January 2003.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2003). Integrated Prune Farming Practices (I.P.F.P.) - 2002. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 87-116. January 2003.
  • Prichard, T.; Baker, J.L., et al. (2003). Irrigation Management and the Incidence of Kernel Mold in Walnut. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 125-133. January 2003.
  • Lampinen, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2003). Irrigation Management in Walnut Using Evapotranspiration, Soil and Plant Based Data. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 149-159. January 2003.
  • Olson, B.; Walton, J., et al. (2003). Literature and Research Review of Prune Aphid Control Using Oils Over the Past Ten Years. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 39-43. January 2003.
  • Reil, W.; Grant, J., et al. (2003). Paradox Diversity Study - Orchard Trials. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 69-82. January 2003.
  • Luo, Y.; Michailides, T., et al. (2003). Prediction of Brown Rot of Dried Plum: Spore Inoculum Potential in Orchards and Best Time Period for Determining Fruit Latent Infection Caused by Monilinia fructicola. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 55-67. January 2003.
  • Mills, N.; Julier, E., et al. (2003). Prune Aphids: Fall Migration, Biological Control and Impact on Prune Production. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 19-33. January 2003.
  • Fulton, A.; Buchner, R., et al. (2003). Relationships Between Midday Stem Water Potential, Soil Moisture Measurement and Walnut Shoot Growth. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 135-143. January 2003.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2003). "Research Team Provides Better Control of Walnut Blight Disease." UC Delivers
  • Buchner, R.; Pickel, C., et al. (2003). Sprayable Pheromone for Codling Moth Management for Northern California Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 361-365. January 2003.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, B., et al. (2003). Testing Oblique Banded Leafroller Pheromone Load Rates and Determining Best Time for Fruit Monitoring - 2002. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 47-53. January 2003.
  • Fulton, A.; Buchner, R., et al. (2003). Tips for Using Pressure Chamber and Midday Stem Water Potential (SWP) Measurements in Orchard Crops. Tehama County Cooperative Extension Publication. April 2003.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2003). Walnut Blight Control Investigations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 437-448. January 2003.
  • Pickel, C.; Bentley, W., et al. (2003). Walnut Pest Management Alliance 2002 Year 4 Update. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 489-496. January 2003.
  • Fulton, A.; Buchner, R., et al. (2002). A Survey of Midday Stem Water Potential (SWP) Levels in Commercial Walnut Orchards of Tehama County, 2000 and 2001 Seasons. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 157-164. January 2002.
  • Buchner, R.; McKenna, J., et al. (2002). Effect of a Chandler Interstem on Growth of Paradox/Howard Walnut Trees. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 91-92. January 2002.
  • Lindow, S.; Buchner, R., et al. (2002). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 399-420. January 2002.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2002). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 421-449. January 2002.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). Evaluations of Blight Response in Walnut Selections, Introductions and Cultivars. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 461-462. January 2002.
  • Fulton, A.; Buchner, R., et al. (2002). Field Experiences with Interpreting Midday Stem Water Potential Levels for Walnut. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 143-149. January 2002.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (2002). Integrated Prune Farming Practices (I.P.F.P.). Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 65-93. January 2002.
  • Fulton, A.; Buchner, R., et al. (2002). Modifying Midday Stem Water Potential Measurement in Walnut to Improve Acceptance as a Practical Irrigation Management Tool. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 139-142. January 2002.
  • Reil, W.; Grant, J., et al. (2002). Paradox Diversity Study - Orchard Trials. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 59-74. January 2002.
  • Buchner, R.; Pickel, C., et al. (2002). Performance of Mating Disruption for Codling Moth Control in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 253-257. January 2002.
  • Luo, Y.; Michailides, T.J., et al. (2002). Prediction of Brown Rot of Dried Plum: Spore Inoculum Potential and Threshold Conditions Leading Latent Infection to Fruit Rot Caused by Monilinia fructicola. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 32-52. January 2002.
  • Mills, N.; Pickel, C., et al. (2002). Prune Aphids: Fall Migration, Biological Control and Impact on Prune Production. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 18-30. January 2002.
  • Southwick, S.; Glozer, K., et al. (2002). Prune Orchard Management: Use of Apogee for French Prune. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board (California Dried Plum Board). 8-12. January 2002.
  • Buchner, R.; Edstrom, J., et al. (2002). Sample Costs to Establish a Walnut Orchard and Produce Walnuts. 2002 Cost and Return Study. Sacramento Valley, UC Cooperative Extension.
  • Fulton, A.; Buchner, R., et al. (2002). Shoot Growth Response of Howard Walnut to Midday Stem Water Potential. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 151-155. January 2002.
  • Light, D.; Reynolds, K., et al. (2002). Validation and Development of a Monitoring and Management System for Codling Moths Based on a Novel Female and Male Attractant Kairomone. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 259-304. January 2002.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2002). Walnut Blight Control Investigations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 451-460. January 2002.
  • Pickel, C.; Bentley, W., et al. (2002). Walnut Pest Management Alliance 2001 Year 3 Update. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 505-513. January 2002.
  • Buchner, R. (2002). "Weekly email Pest Management Insect Updates and County Website."
  • Olson, B.; Southwick, S., et al. (2001). 10 Years of Oil Use to Control Aphids Reviewed. Tree Fruit Magazine. 4. April 2001.
  • Light, D.; Reynolds, K., et al. (2001). Advances in Development of a Monitoring and Management System for Codling Moths Based on a Novel Female and Male Attractant Kairomone. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 207-241. January 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; McKenna, J., et al. (2001). Crown Gall Treatments for Paradox Walnut. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 421-425. January 2001.
  • Shackel, K.; Buchner, R., et al. (2001). Deficit Irrigation Management During Hull Split. Proceedings 29th Annual Almond Industry Conference, Almond Board of California.
  • Buchner, R.; McKenna, J., et al. (2001). Effect of a Chandler Walnut Interstem on Growth of Paradox/Howard Walnut Trees. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 97. January 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, C. (2001). Effect of Irrigation on Fruit Cracking for French Prune. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 12. January 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, C., et al. (2001). Efficacy of Esteem® for Italian Pear Scale Control on French Prune. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 59-60. January 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, C.K. (2001). Efficacy of Omni Oil Plus Breakthru® for Leaf Curl Plum Aphid Control. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 58. January 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; Pickel, C., et al. (2001). Efficacy of Valero® (cinnamaldehyde) for Mite Control on French Prune. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 68. January 2001.
  • Olson, B.; Bentley, W., et al. (2001). Environmentally Sound Prune Systems (E.S.P.S.). Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 260-290. January 2001.
  • Lindow, S.; Teviotdale, B., et al. (2001). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 303-327. January 2001.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Förster, H., et al. (2001). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 329-357. January 2001.
  • Connell, J.; Buchner, R., et al. (2001). Field Evaluation of Almond Rootstocks. Proceedings 29th Annual Almond Industry Conference, Almond Board of California.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R. (2001). "Field Treatment of Crown Gall in Walnut." Pacific Nut Producer 7(7)
  • Mills, N.; Bentley, W., et al. (2001). Importing Parasitoids for Areawide Management of Codling Moths in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 269-289. January 2001.
  • Southwick, S.; Yeager, J., et al. (2001). Initiation of an Organic Farming Project and the Use of Apogee for French Prune. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 13-22. January 2001.
  • Reil, W.; Grant, J., et al. (2001). Paradox Diversity Study - Orchard Trials. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 79-92. January 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, C. (2001). Phytotoxicity of Captan Following Oil/Rovral Application on French Prune. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 150. January 2001.
  • Mills, N.; Pickel, C., et al. (2001). Production, Release, and Evaluation of Parasitoids Attacking Prune Aphids. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 39-48. January 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; Edstrom, J., et al. (2001). Sample Costs to Establish a Prune Orchard and Produce Prunes (Dried Plums). 2001 Cost and Return Study. Sacramento Valley, UC Cooperative Extension.
  • Buchner, R.; Connell, J., et al. (2001). Sample Costs to Establish an Almond Orchard and Produce Almonds. 2001 Cost and Return Study. Sacramento Valley, UC Cooperative Extension.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, B., et al. (2001). Testing Oblique Banded Leafroller Pheromone Load Rates for Monitoring. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 61-65. January 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; George, J., et al. (2001). University of California Cooperative Extension Tehama County Annual Report 2000-2001. UCCE Tehama County Annual report. 38. August 2001.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2001). Walnut Blight Control Investigations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 359-370. January 2001.
  • Pickel, C.; Bentley, W., et al. (2001). Walnut Pest Management Alliance 2000 - Year 2 Update. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 443-450. January 2001.
  • Light, D.; Reynolds, K., et al. (2000). Advances Toward Development of Host Plant Volatile-Based Monitoring and Attracticide Control Techniques for Codling Moths. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 201. January 2000.
  • Buchner, R.; Lindow, S., et al. (2000). Commercial Speed Sprayer Application of Pistillate Bud Break Walnut Blight ‘Erradicant’ Sprays. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 461-462. January 2000.
  • Polito, V.; Pinney, K., et al. (2000). Effect of Streptomycin Blight Sprays on Nut Drop. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 305-309. January 2000.
  • Southwick, S.; Yeager, J., et al. (2000). Effects of Budding Height and Timing on Tree Growth and Incidence of Bacterial Canker in French Prune in 1999. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 122-129. January 2000.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, C.., et al. (2000). Efficacy of Esteem for Italian Pear Scale Control on French Prune. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 96-97. January 2000.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, C. (2000). Efficacy of Omni Oil Plus Breakthru for Leaf Curl Plum Aphid Control. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 95. January 2000.
  • Olson, B.; Bentley, W., et al. (2000). Environmentally Sound Prune Systems (E.S.P.S.). Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 173-196. January 2000.
  • Lindow, S.; Teviotdale, B., et al. (2000). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 241-266. January 2000.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Buchner, R., et al. (2000). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 267-292. January 2000.
  • Connell, J.; Buchner, R., et al. (2000). Field Evaluation of Almond Rootstocks. Proceedings 28th Annual Almond Industry Conference, Almond Board of California.
  • Mills, N.; Bentley, W., et al. (2000). Importing Parasitoids for Areawide Management of Codling Moth in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 183-200. January 2000.
  • Mills, N.; Pickel, C., et al. (2000). Production, Release and Evaluation of Parasitoids Attacking Prune Aphids. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 85-94. January 2000.
  • Southwick, S.; Olson, B., et al. (2000). Relationships Among Leaf Potassium Concentration and Fruit Production Characteristics in ‘French’ Prune in 1999. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 32-81. January 2000.
  • McKenna, J.; McGranahan, G., et al. (2000). The Paradox Genetic Diversity Study. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 69-80. January 2000.
  • Buchner, R.; George, J., et al. (2000). University of California Cooperative Extension Tehama County Annual Report 1999-2000. UCCE Tehama County Annual report. 30. August 2000.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (2000). Walnut Blight Control Investigations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 293-304. January 2000.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R. (2000). Walnut Blight Material Efficacy Trial. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 459-460. January 2000.
  • Pickel, C.; Bentley, W., et al. (2000). Walnut Pest Management Alliance: First Year Demonstration Project for 1999. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 387-407. January 2000.
  • Mills, N.; Bentley, W., et al. (2000). Walnut Susceptibility to Codling Moth Damage: Cultivars and Orchards. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 191-200. January 2000.
  • Southwick, S.; Yeager, J., et al. (1999). Effects of Budding Height and Timing on Tree Growth and Incidence of Bacterial Canker in French Prune in 1998. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 56-70. January 1999.
  • Olson, B.; Bentley, W., et al. (1999). Environmentally Sound Prune Systems (E.S.P.S.). Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 137-152. January 1999.
  • Lindow, S.; Teviotdale, B., et al. (1999). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 269-303.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Buchner, R., et al. (1999). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 305-326. January 1999.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (1999). Evaluation of Copper Products for Walnut Blight Control with Extremely Copper Resistant Bacteria. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 407-408.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (1999). Evaluation of Copper Products for Walnut Blight Control with Moderately Copper Resistant Bacteria. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 405-406.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R. (1999). Evaluation of Walnut Blight Control from Various Copper Materials Added to Manex. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 409-410.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, B., et al. (1999). Fall Prune Aphid Sampling for Predicting Aphid Populations. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 157-163. January 1999.
  • Mills, N.; Bentley, W., et al. (1999). Importing Parasitoids for Areawide Management and Trichogramma for Local Management of Codling Moth in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 169-178. January 1999.
  • Pickel, C.; Bentley, W., et al. (1999). Investigations of Long-Term Codling Moth Management in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 159-168.
  • Pickel, C.; Buchner, R., et al. (1999). Mating Disruption Paraffin Emulsion Efficacy in Commercial Cling Peaches and Walnuts. 73rd Annual Western Orchard Pest & Disease Management Conference. 125. January 1999.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (1999). Predicting Economic Damage From Prune Scab. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 164-170. January 1999.
  • Mills, N.; Etzel, L., et al. (1999). Production, Release and Evaluation of Parasitoids Attacking Prune Aphids. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 34-45. January 1999.
  • Southwick, S.; Olson, B., et al. (1999). Relationships Among Leaf Potassium Concentration and Fruit Production Characteristics in French Prune in 1998. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 20-30. January 1999.
  • McKenna, J.; McGranahan, G., et al. (1999). The Paradox Genetic Diversity Study. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 49-62. January 1999.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (1999). Walnut Blight Control Investigations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 327-337. January 1999.
  • Mills, N.; Bentley, W., et al. (1999). Walnut Susceptibility to Codling Moth Damage: Cultivars and Orchards. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 179-187. January 1999.
  • Buchner, Richard P.; Mudd, S., et al. (1998). 1996 French Prune Field Sizing. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 90-94. January 1998.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, M., et al. (1998). 1997 Fruit Drop Following Mechanical Thinning. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 8-11. January 1998.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, R., et al. (1998). California Pistachio Rootstock Trials: Final Report, 1989-1997. California Pistachio Industry Annual Report. 60-62.
  • Southwick, S.; Yeager, J., et al. (1998). Effects of Budding Height and Timing on Tree Growth and Incidence of Bacterial Canker in French Prune in 1997. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 45-55. January 1998.
  • Buchner, R. (1998). E-mail as a Tool to Extend Pest Management Information to Orchard Farmers. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 121-122. January 1998.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, B., et al. (1998). Late Fall Prune Aphid Sampling. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 117-118. January 1998.
  • Westerdahl, B.; Anderson, C., et al. (1998). Management of Nematodes on Prunes - 1997. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 78-89. January 1998.
  • Buchner, R. (1998). Practices That Aid in the Delivery of Large Size Prunes. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 121. January 1998.
  • Mills, N.; Etzel, L., et al. (1998). Production, Release and Evaluation of Parasitoids Attacking Prune Aphids. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 35-40. January 1998.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W. (1998). Walnut Blight: Commonly Asked Questions. Tehama County Publication. March 1998.
  • Buchner, R.; Teviotdale, B. (1997). Almond Spring Disease Control Strategies. 25th Almond Industry Conference. Almond Board of California. 76. December 1997.
  • Olson, B.; Pickel, C., et al. (1997). Alternatives to Dormant Treatments and Aphid Monitoring in Prune Orchards. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 82-89. January 1997.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, B., et al. (1997). "California Pistachio Rootstock Trials." Nut Grower: 20-25.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, R., et al. (1997). California Pistachio Rootstock Trials: 1996 Crop Year Report. California Pistachio Industry Annual Report. 60-62.
  • Southwick, S.; Rupert, M., et al. (1997). Confirmation of Fitch et al. data, 1975 and PBA data, 1991 on the relationship of % undersize to dry ct/lb. of French’ Prunes: 1996 Report. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 177-178. January 1997.
  • Buchner, R.; Gilles, M. (1997). Effect of Green Tip Boron Application on Fruit Set of French Prune. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 45-46. January 1997.
  • Southwick, S.; Yeager, J., et al. (1997). Effects of Budding Height and Timing on Tree Growth and Incidence of Bacterial Canker in French Prune in 1996. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 143-150. January 1997.
  • Pickel, C.; Zalom, F., et al. (1997). Efficacy and Residue Analysis of Pyrethroid Insecticides on Pest and Beneficial Species in Prunes. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 71-81. January 1997.
  • Lindow, S.; Teviotdale, B., et al. (1997). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 279-325.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Buchner, R., et al. (1997). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 337-348.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (1997). Evaluation of Rates of GX261Z for Walnut Blight Control. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 437-438.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (1997). Evaluation of Various Copper Materials + Manex. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 435-436.
  • Mills, N.; Bentley, W., et al. (1997). Integrating Parasitism into Codling Moth Control in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 203-215.
  • Westerdahl, B.; Anderson, C., et al. (1997). Management of Nematodes on Prunes - 1996. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 157-168. January 1997.
  • McGranahan, G.; McKenna, K., et al. (1997). Paradox Diversity Study. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 55-63.
  • Southwick, S.; Rupert, M., et al. (1997). Predicting Dry Prune Size and Dry Away from Fresh Prune Measurements Near Harvest. California Prune News Research Report. 3-4. May 1997.
  • Mills, N.; Etzel, L., et al. (1997). Production, Release and Evaluation of Parasitoids Attacking Prune Aphids. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 90-99. January 1997.
  • Mills, N.; Buchner, R., et al. (1997). Trichogramma Augmentation as a Component of the Management of Codling Moth in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 217-226.
  • Buchner, R.; Richardson, W., et al. (1997). University of California Cooperative Extension Tehama County Annual report 1996-1997. UCCE Tehama County Annual Report. 26. August 1997.
  • Southwick, S.; Rupert, M., et al. (1997). Validation of Claypool et al. data, “Predicting Dry Prune Size and Dry Away on a Fresh Basis. Prune Research Reports 1996. California Prune Board. 27-30. January 1997.
  • Olson, W; Buchner, R., et al. (1997). "Walnut Blight Control in California." Acta Horticulturae 442: 361-366.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (1997). Walnut Blight Control Investigations 1997. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 327-336.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (1997). Walnut Variety Trial and Selection Block at California State University Farm - Chico 1997. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 101-104.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, B., et al. (1996). Alternating Zinc Sprays with Traditional Copper Plus Manex Tank Mixes. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 237-239.
  • Buchner, R. (1996). "Alternative Production and Protection Practices for Tree Nut Crops." HortScience 31(4): 691.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, B., et al. (1996). California Pistachio Rootstock Trials: 1995 Crop Year Report. California Pistachio Industry Annual Report. 67-71.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, B. (1996). Effect of Streptomycin Application Timing on Walnut Drop. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 241-242.
  • Southwick, S.; Yeager, J., et al. (1996). Effects of Budding Height on Tree Growth and Incidence of Bacterial Canker in French Prune in 1995. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 71-76. January 1996.
  • Zalom, F.; Walsh, D., et al. (1996). Effects of Pyrethroid Insecticde Residues Present on Fruit Tree Bark in California Orchards. International Congress of Entomology. 719. August 1996.
  • Pickel, C.; Zalom, F., et al. (1996). Efficacy and Residue Analysis of Pyrethroid Insecticides on Pest and Beneficial Species. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 31-37. January 1996.
  • Pickel, C.; Olson, B., et al. (1996). Efficacy of Delayed Dormant Oil Treatments and Sampling Thresholds for Mealy Plum Aphids. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 47-51. January 1996.
  • Lindow, S.; Teviotdale, B., et al. (1996). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 193-226.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R. (1996). Evaluation of Rates of GX2612045 for Walnut Blight Control. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 367-368.
  • Mills, N.; Dixon, L., et al. (1996). Integrating Parasitism into Codling Moth Control in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 155-163.
  • Westerdahl, B.; Anderson, C., et al. (1996). Management of Nematodes on Prunes - 1995. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 101-108. January 1996.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (1996). Regional Walnut Variety and Selection Trial - CSUC (California State University and College). Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 105.
  • Mills, N.; Buchner, R., et al. (1996). Trichogramma Augmentation as a Component of the Management of Codling Moth in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 165-174.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R. (1996). Walnut Blight Control Investigations: 1996. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 227-236.
  • Micke, W.; Buchner, R., et al. (1996). Walnut Orchard Management: Pilot Projects, Field Testing, Adaptive Research and Problem Solving by C.E. Farm Advisors and Specialists. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 97-103.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, B., et al. (1995). California Pistachio Rootstock Trials: Fifth Year Report. California Pistachio Industry Annual Report. California Pistachio Commission. 62-66.
  • Opp, S.; Reynolds, K., et al. (1995). Development of New Lures for Walnut Husk Fly Based on Host Plant Volatiles. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 191-194.
  • Lindow, S.; Teviotdale, B., et al. (1995). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight Disease. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 201-236.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Kirkpatric, B., et al. (1995). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 237-256.
  • Southwick, S.; Yeager, J., et al. (1995). Evaluation of New Marianna Rootstocks for French Prune. California Prune News Research Report. 4-6. July 1995.
  • Mills, N.; Dixon, L., et al. (1995). Integrating Parasitism into Codling Moth Control in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 129-136.
  • Buchner, R.; Edstrom, J., et al. (1995). Sample Costs to Establish a Almond Orchard and Produce Almonds. Tehama County Publication. June 27, 1995.
  • Buchner, R.; Edstrom, J., et al. (1995). Sample Costs to Establish a Prune Orchard and Produce Prunes. Tehama County Publication. June 27, 1995.
  • Buchner, Richard P.; Edstrom, J., et al. (1995). Sample Costs to Establish a Walnut Orchard and Produce Prunes. Tehama County Publication. June 27, 1995.
  • Buchner, R.; Edstrom, J., et al. (1995). Sample Costs to Establish a Walnut Orchard and Produce Walnuts. Tehama County Publication. June 27, 1995.
  • Mills, N.; Buchner, R., et al. (1995). Trichogramma Augmentation as a Component of the Management of Codling Moth in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 137-149.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R. (1995). Walnut Blight Control Efficacy of the Fixed Copper/Manex Tank Mix. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 269-271.
  • Olson, W.; Buchner, R., et al. (1995). Walnut Blight Control in California. III International Walnut Congress. Sociedade Permutadora. S.A. June 13-16, 1995.
  • Olson, B.; Buchner, R. (1995). Walnut Blight Control Investigations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 263-268.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, B., et al. (1995). Walnut Blight Control Treatment Evaluations. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 257-261.
  • Ramos, D.; Buchner, R., et al. (1995). Walnut Orchard Management: Pilot Projects, Field Testing, Adaptive Research and Problem Solving by C.E. Farm Advisors and Specialists. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 89-95.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, B., et al. (1994). California Pistachio Rootstock Trials: 1993 Crop Year Report. California Pistachio Industry Annual Report. 60-63.
  • Olson, W.; Buchner, R. (1994). Efficacy of Manex and other EDBC Compounds combined with Fixed Copper Materials for Walnut Blight Control. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 257-260.
  • Lindow, S.; Schroth, M., et al. (1994). Epidemiological Approaches to the Control of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 197.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Ogawa, J., et al. (1994). Epidemiology and Control of Brown Rot Blossom Blight and Fruit Rot of Prune Caused by Monilinia Species. California Prune News Research Report. 91. April 1994.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Kirkpatric, B., et al. (1994). Epidemiology and Management of Walnut Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 225-249.
  • Michailides, T; Morgan, D., et al. (1994). Fruit Contact Surfaces as Infection Sites for Brown Rot Development in French Prune and Disease Control by Early Summer Fungicide Sprays. California Prune News Research Report. 91. April 1994.
  • Mills, N.; Dixon, L., et al. (1994). Integrating Parasitism into Codling Moth Control in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 125-133.
  • Westerdahl, B.; Anderson, C., et al. (1994). Management of Nematodes on Prunes. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. 108-117.
  • Michailides, T.; Morgan, D., et al. (1994). Population Dynamics of Brown Rot Fungi (Monilinia species) in Prune Orchards in California. California Prune News Research Report. 91. April 1994.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Ogawa, J., et al. (1994). Status on Control of News Blossom, Foliage and Fruit Diseases of French Prunes in California. Prune Research Reports. California Prune Board. November 1994.
  • Mills, N.J.; Dixon, L., et al. (1994). Trichogramma Augmentation as a component of the Management of Codling Moth in Walnuts. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 134-144.
  • Olson, W.; Buchner, R. (1994). "Walnut Blight Control: Past, Present and Future." Nut Grower: 9-11.
  • Adaskaveg, J.; Ogawa, J., et al. (1993). "Brown Rot of Prunes in California – Relation of Quiescent Infections to Fruit Rot at Harvest." California Prune News: 4-5.
  • Buchner, R.; Olson, W., et al. (1993). Full Coverage vs Half Coverage Walnut Blight Trial - 1993. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 161-162.
  • Schroth, M.; Yee, L., et al. (1993). Improving and Further Development of Iron-Copper Formations to Control Blight. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 150-155.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, B., et al. (1993). Pistachio Rootstock Trials: 1992. California Pistachio Industry Annual Report. 95-97.
  • Olson, W.; Buchner, R., et al. (1993). Walnut Blight Studies - 1993. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 156-160.
  • Ramos, D.; Buchner, R., et al. (1993). Walnut Orchard Management: Pilot Projects, Field Testing, Adaptive Research and Problem Solving by C.E. Farm Advisors and Specialists. Walnut Research Reports. Walnut Marketing Board. 78-82.
  • Buchner, R.; Micke, W., et al. (1992). Bitter Pit Control on Granny Smith and Mutsu Apples. University of California, Davis, Apple Production: A Pomology Short Course. November 1992.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, B., et al. (1992). California Pistachio Rootstock Trials: Second Year Progress Report. California Pistachio Industry Annual Report. 70-73.
  • Buchner, R.; Richardson, W. (1992). Improving Water Penetration Using Surface Tillage. Almond Board of California - Annual Report. Almond Board of California. December 1992.
  • Pickel, C.; Sandoval, L., et al. (1992). Meeting the Challenge of Pesticide Safety Training. Northern Region Cooperative Extension and UC Integrated Pest Management Pesticide Safety Training.
  • Buchner, Richard P. (1991). 158 Issues. Fruit and Nut Notes. Tehama County Newsletter. October 1, 1991 - September 30, 2013.
  • Ferguson, L.; Beede, B., et al. (1991). California Pistachio Rootstock Trials: First Year Progress Report. California Pistachio Industry Annual Report. 74-77.
  • Ferguson, L.; Maranto, J., et al. (1991). "Relative Freeze Damage of Pistachios by Rootstock." Purely Pistachio: 7.
  • Ferguson, L.; Epstine, L., et al. (1990). "California Pistachio Rootstock Trials; Preliminary Results." Purely Pistachio: 6.
  • Buchner, R. (1990). Directory of Water Conservation Resources in Shasta County. June 1990.
  • Buchner, R. (1986). Kiwifruit Irrigation Scheduling. Kiwifruit Vine Newsletter. May 1986.
  • Buchner, R.; Shaw, D., et al. (1985). "Kiwifruit Irrigation Scheduling." Soil and Water 62
  • Murray, M.; Schuldbach, H., et al. (1984). "Cucumber Seed Crop Irrigation." Colusa County Circular
  • Krueger, B.; Buchner, R., et al. (1984). "Overcoming Slow Infiltration Rates with Drip Irrigation." Soil and Water 61
  • Buchner, R.; Schuldbach, H., et al. (1984). "Techniques to Measure Water Outflow from Fields." Soil and Water 57
  • Weddle, P.; Hansen, R., et al. (1983). "The Foothill Wine Grape Pest Management Program. Mother Lode Area Publication. Mother Lode Area Publication. June 1983.
  • Bethell, R.; Fereres, E., et al. (1981). Irrigation Management for the Sierra Nevada Foothills of California. Special publication prepared for USBR (United States Bureau of Reclamation). 105. June 1981.
  • Krueger, W.; Buchner, R., et al. Sample Costs to Establish a Walnut Orchard and Produce Walnuts, 2012, Sacramento Valley.
  • Connell, J.H.; Krueger, W.H., et al. Sample Costs to Establish an Orchard and Produce Almonds, 2012 Sacramento Valley.
  • Buchner, R. "Tehama County Website." from

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