Continuing our commitment to deploying Cooperative Extension (CE) specialists and advisors to address critical issues, ANR is soliciting proposals for these CE positions. The new 2016 call aims to identify positions for strengthening and rebuilding the ANR network to address programmatic gaps and emerging needs. The call, including the updated position proposal template as well as the process flowchart timeline and criteria documents, is posted at
The online position-proposal submittal process will be open from January 12 to May 5 to allow as much time as possible for internal consultation and discussions with ANR...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
All new ANR academics, please mark your calendars now for the 2015 Programmatic Orientation, which will be held October 27, 28 and 29, 2015, at the Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center.
This orientation is open to all new UC Cooperative Extension advisors, UC Cooperative Extension specialists, academic coordinators, academic administrators and Agricultural Experiment Station faculty.
Join Associate Vice President Bill Frost and our new vice president to discuss the mission of UC ANR and our varied roles in California and the University, and see examples of successful research and outreach programs. The program will begin at noon on Tuesday, October 27, and end at...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
ANR is announcing a programmatic orientation for new academics who have joined ANR in the past five years – UCCE advisors, UCCE specialists and AES faculty. All new academics are strongly urged to participate.
Vice President Allen-Diaz and Associate Vice President Frost will participate in the entire orientation to get to know our new academics and offer their perspectives on the division and our work. To participate in this orientation, please sign up at 2014 UC ANR Programmatic Orientation for New Academics (
UC ANR is...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
UC ANR leaders welcome and encourage your review and comment on the five candidates invited to interview for the UC ANR Vice Provost position. You can review the public presentation portion of the interview process at the links below.
The vice provost candidates gave their presentations on April 30 and May 1. Audio volume can be adjusted at the bottom right corner of Adobe Connect with the slider next to the speaker icon. Candidate #1 – Chris Greer
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to inform you that at the direction of President Janet Napolitano, the University is making plans to implement a systemwide salary increase program for policy-covered (non-represented) career staff employees and faculty/academics for the 2014-15 fiscal year.
Non-represented staff employees
Effective July 2014, ANR non-represented career staff employees, excluding student employees, will receive a three (3) percent across the board salary increase, subject to the criteria set out in the implementation guidelines that will be communicated to you in the near future. Please review the guidelines for further information.
The effective date of the increase...