- Author: Michael L. Poe
ANR will be providing funds for staff development and the continuation of the popular web-based training system, Lynda.com. The staff development funds will be provided to ANR unit heads/managers to support staff participation in development opportunities such as seminars, workshops, webinars, etc. The unit head/manager may also choose to use the funds for group trainings. Funds will be provided in the amount of $300 per UC non-represented staff employee and UCCE county-paid employee. Funds are being provided to all non-represented career, limited term, and contracted employees regardless of their source of funding.
This funding does not apply to Program Representatives who received professional development funds in July...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
The Healthy Families and Communities Strategic Initiative draft plan was updated on Sept. 15. Please submit your comments on this updated plan by Sept. 23. Each of the subcommittees has worked to incorporate the many thoughtful comments made at the recent HFC conference.
The Healthy Families and Communities panel would like to receive all comments no later than Thursday, Sept. 23, to be incorporated in the final paper. Please send comments to the full committee or appropriate subcommittee members:
Issue 1 - Healthy Behaviors: Connie Schneider, Sheri...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Advisor and Specialist Position Solicitation
Dear Colleagues,
ANR is soliciting proposals for new advisor and specialist positions. These positions should address critical gaps in ANR’s programmatic and geographic coverage. Proposals must include: a general description of the position; a statement of the relevance to the ANR Strategic Vision; a description of the issues to be addressed (including key extension and research programs); identification of the current ANR continuum and the role this position will play in strengthening/building the continuum; and the support that will be provided. Specific guidelines are outlined in the New ANR Position Template...
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
As part of the ongoing effort to improve privacy and computer security, UCD is requiring all UC Davis computing accounts to be updated with a new Kerberos passphrase, which has different requirements from the old Kerberos password. New federal minimum passphrase strength requirements are the impetus for this change. Previous campus password standards, implemented more than 20 years ago, fail to meet these federal requirements. The recently updated UC Davis Security Standards can be reviewed at this link http://manuals.ucdavis.edu/PPM/310/310-22a.pdf.
- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
At last week's Healthy Families and Communities conference in Davis, participants brainstormed on communications and outreach methods. During that session, Communication Services staff noticed that participants were unfamiliar with many of the tools already at their disposal.
Here are some questions and answers about communication tools available right now to everyone in the Division.
What is Collaborative Tools (CT) and how can I use it?