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What's new with the Web Action Team
by Jeannette Warnert
on August 19, 2011 at 3:35 PM
These are really great enhancements. I will definitely be using still pictures with the video. I was sometimes ending up with a blurred (from motion) image with the automatic image grabber. I hope this option also works in the blog system!  
The new dressmaker notch on the current page is awesome. Here's an idea for another enhancement to the left nav that I think I already mentioned, but maybe some other SB3 users would like to second the motion.  
It would be nice if the SB3 left nav highlighted (with color, gray scale, or something) the parent page of the page you are on.  
Reply by Dave Krause
on August 22, 2011 at 8:53 AM
I played with different strategies for highlighting the current page before settling on the notch. Because many of our sites have fairly complicated left navigation structures, most of the color change methods looked confusing or messy in the current design.  
This is definitely something we'll put some time into when we come out with a new Site Builder design later this year (or early next year depending on when it's approved).
by Brenda Dawson
on August 19, 2011 at 4:50 PM
Love the notch!
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